Sure, a screenshot would be nice. I was thinking along the same direction with the system i was gonna make with 1 train, 1 mfe cart, 3 tank chart and 1 world loader and 3-4 unloader/loaders. But then again i could just make a dimensional transiever so im not sure i will. Will probably make a ender rail setup to get back and forth to the oil rig quickly and use 1 world ancor at the oil rig that i fill manually from time to time. But if you give me a nice description for how to set up the system i could give it a go.
Problem is its hard to set up early game (if you don't have prior knowledge) and it gets outperformed pretty badly in the later game. Althought by the sound if it you could probably make your setup around the LV to MV tier. Problem is information regarding this is pretty scarce and its quite difficult to know how to set things up if you havent done it before.
I would love to hear how early you can start using it and whats required to get it started. Especially with how to work with the trains since single carts seem to have rather limited use for transporting something other than yourself. Especially loading, unloading and turning the train around would be really handy to know good ways to do rather than the trial and error ive been doing so far.
Im pretty sure im gonna make some subway tunnel to get around in all the mining tunnels ive mad but those are very easy to make. just a cart, some tracks and boosting tracks and a locking track at each end.