[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
P2P has to be reprogrammed in world. Craft and place a ME tunnel and click them with an bucket. Then they turn into fluid tunnels. Same with EU, RF, light, items and some others.

Is Greg-EU supported by p2p-tunnels? or do I have to convert G-EU --> EU --> G-EU?

Mikhail Krutov

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For any thaumturge: I've discovered Inventarium through a trip to the outer lands & back (that little knowledge fragments..) not sure if its accessible via ordinary means. Its a must. :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For any thaumturge: I've discovered Inventarium through a trip to the outer lands & back (that little knowledge fragments..) not sure if its accessible via ordinary means. Its a must. :)

Is that the thaumcraft storage network? I recall trying it in infitech 2.x, and it causing server crashes. Hopefully it works well for you in infitech 3.x.

Jason McRay

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
@gatsu, yes it is.
Also, I've discovered a bug(?) today. Cinderpearls can't be crafted into blazing stuff. They are not used at all, in the fact..
That is because I was changing recipe for Blaze rod => blaze powder, and MT just removed all of the crafting. Maybe it will be fixed at aome point (if I will remember)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
@gatsu, yes it is.
Also, I've discovered a bug(?) today. Cinderpearls can't be crafted into blazing stuff. They are not used at all, in the fact..
I believe that Cinderpearls not crafting into blaze powder is intended for this modpack. The only use for cinderpearls is as thaumic flowers for certain magic bees.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh, speaking of Outerlands, does the mob spawn rate scale with number of users on the server? Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I was getting absolutely swarmed to the point where gravisuit armor wasn't even able to protect me. A new crab thing would spawn approximately every 10 seconds, meaning they were streaming at me faster than I could kill them in order to get to the spawner and disable it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh, speaking of Outerlands, does the mob spawn rate scale with number of users on the server? Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I was getting absolutely swarmed to the point where gravisuit armor wasn't even able to protect me. A new crab thing would spawn approximately every 10 seconds, meaning they were streaming at me faster than I could kill them in order to get to the spawner and disable it.

That's the same regardless of how many people are on the server. You'll need to come up with a strategy to survive. Thaumcraft (and other mods in the pack) offers a way to make it easier. I won't spoil it for you unless you want me to.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
BTW, when another person and I were going to the outer lands for the first time back in IT2.x, we died a LOT, initially. Those crabs are vicious and like to gnaw on your head.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Jason, whats the limiting factor for upgrading to GT 5.09? Still to many bugs? Im asking because it changes a lot of things, especialy regarding UUM, which would require a complete redesign of some parts of my base. Im not sure if i should wait a few weeks or build it now and replace it later...

Jason McRay

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Jason, whats the limiting factor for upgrading to GT 5.09? Still to many bugs? Im asking because it changes a lot of things, especialy regarding UUM, which would require a complete redesign of some parts of my base. Im not sure if i should wait a few weeks or build it now and replace it later...
Free time is the limiting factor. There are still plenty of stuff to do, not directly tied to GT5.09 but we want to have all things ready and make a big update. That is few new mods, some script changes, manual books for new multiblocks, balancing issues and some other "secret, exciting, but time consuming stuff". There is still quite a lot to do, and I dont want to rush it, and later regret it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sounds like it will take a while, so ill plan with the current machine stats and later rebuild the setup...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I find this rather strange. I get several players to my server, we\I play a month or 2 and soon we get like to the top, have almost everything we wanted or are at least in the range of it. Then game interest somehow drops severely. I notice this many times already. WTF is wrong with me, should I play vanilla maybe... Same with many other games, like project zomboid, etc. It feels like a stick in my ass. I want to play and at the same time I dont.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I find this rather strange. I get several players to my server, we\I play a month or 2 and soon we get like to the top, have almost everything we wanted or are at least in the range of it. Then game interest somehow drops severely. I notice this many times already. WTF is wrong with me, should I play vanilla maybe... Same with many other games, like project zomboid, etc. It feels like a stick in my ass. I want to play and at the same time I dont.
Same for me. When I first start out on a new server it's like a drug for me. I must play or I get withdrawal. Now that I'm 3-4 months in and have accomplished many goals I still enjoy playing, but I don't have the absolute drive to play like I do at the start. I just keep making new goals for myself. I write them down and cross them out as I achieve them. Luckily with IT2 if you have one project goal, it will likely take 3-12 sub-projects just to complete one goal, so there's always plenty to do.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Public server that is white-listed.

Seems legit.
In all my years of playing Minecraft in various forms I've never come across a server that was worth playing that wasn't white-listed.

It costs money to host a decent modded MC server, and a lot of time maintaining, updating, patching, and resolving issues for the players. It seems very reasonable to me that the person paying the bill for that hosting and doing all that work ought to be able to set some guidelines for the people that play on that server. If you don't like it, start your own server with hookers and blackjack, I guess.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
damn I blew up my base. Naqudahreactor mark3 is bomb if you setup a battery buffer next to it and input 3 stacked! batteries.

I could laugh and cry :mad::D:mad::confused:o_O:mad: ... because I've placed my storage drives next to it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
damn I blew up my base. Naqudahreactor mark3 is bomb if you setup a battery buffer next to it and input 3 stacked! batteries.

I could laugh and cry :mad::D:mad::confused:o_O:mad: ... because I've placed my storage drives next to it.
Oof. My first rule of AE2 is that all storage goes in a room by itself and that that room is warded/blastproof. I don't ward it to guard against theft. I ward it to guard against my own mistakes and the joy that is GregTech.

Also, pics of destruction for bonus points.
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