I said "new world" so I start on a fresh environment at the same time as everyone else![]()
Yep, I hear ya.

I said "new world" so I start on a fresh environment at the same time as everyone else![]()
Sounds plausible enough, have you tried it?Guys, regarding the pure nodes from silverwood trees ... is there something specific in this pack that disallows using a node in a jar on them?
I watched a vid last night where HaighYorkie (Blightfall series) did just that ... chopped the tree down leaving the log with the node in, surrounded the log with glass, capped it with planks and hit it with his wand. He got the node.
No I didn't try that, but that's why I was asking on the forums. I did some searching myself and did find an indication that it IS possible to jar a pure node. I figured leaving the block of wood and building the jar around it wouldn't work, but if it does work then that will be wonderful (except that I just destroyed a tree that had TWO nodes inside it, sigh). I also just unlocked the Advanced Node Jarring which I think is in Thaumic Tinkerer tab. I assume jarring a Pure Node will degrade it somehow so will prob have to use Advanced version, but luckily I just learned about it!
"Normal, pale" actually means that the entire node is pale. The "normal" at the front is actually not referring to the brightness of the node, but talking about its other status, whether it is Hungry, Pure, Tainted or sinister (or normal).
For wand recharging, nothing beats having energised nodes. You have have vis relays going all round your base, so everything is constantly recharging. Get a node that has 25 (or more) humanus (or an aspect that contains humanus) and transduce it immediately. This will give you 1 vis per second (or more) in all aspects continuously, forever. Once you have this baseline power provided you can think about feeding other nodes up to make a stronger one to transduce, but it isn't worth waiting a week to get one that is twice as good as one that is already pretty good.
Thanks SteelGiant. I just planted a Silverwood in the Eerie Biome next to my base and I'm literally watching it convert the chunk over one column at a time from Eerie to Magical Forest.Yay, no more ugly zombie noises on that side of my base anymore!
With absolute certainty, it is possible to jar a pure node that is still embedded in a block of silverwood. You can also scan through. Just get close and possibly hold shift when using the thaumometer.
Jarring nodes has a 75% chance to damage them. Damaging drops their "brightness" one level (ie bright -> normal, or normal to pale etc).
Also, when you jar a node, its CURRENT aspect values become its MAXIMUM aspect values. Don't jar anything you've drained recently.
Advanced node jarring has a 0% chance to damage the node.
a range (radius) of 8 blocks would still cover a chunk, so a node in the center of a chunk will cover the whole.
My experience is that it happens over time. If I wander around with F3, I'll notice the "biome" of the blocks I'm walking on gradually convert to magical forest.
Yeah as a developer I could definitely see how it would be tempting to tie biomes directly to chunks but it would make for some pretty ugly landscapesWell I've basically learned one thing so far - the idea that the biome conversion process adheres to chunk boundaries is incorrect. I guess I was under a mistaken impression that any particular chunk can only have one biome "attached" to it, but that is clearly not the case, as can also be seen by the way Taint infects lands, literally block-column by block-column... it doesn't happen chunk by chunk.
When I'm making magic biome with silverwoods I just plant them in a grid and chop down/replant those that don't have nodes. I really only do that so I can have pechs in a mob farm.
Well... quite honestly, I think it might be a bit confusing if you DID play on the official server. Players would constantly be wondering... is that the REAL Jason or just the fake Headcrumbs version?
It fooled me the first time. I'm minding my own business, when all the sudden something hits me and causes damage. I turn around, and... OMG! IT'S JASON McRAY!! I seriously thought it was you, dude. LOL You hit me a second time, and I thought you were just fooling around, but now I was starting to get pissed. "Was it something I said on the Official modpack Forum?" LMAO Somewhere around this point, I realized it was Headcrumbs (which I didn't even know was in the modpack). But it was quite funny.
I bolded the part you said, because I think this is what happened on the server I play on. You see, I don't work so I can play 18 hours every day (and usually do). I was progressing way faster than the other players and I do think they got kinda jealous or something. When I made the NanoSuit and began flying around, that was the last day I saw another player on the server, about 10 days ago. It really does appear as if they got fed up with my progress (and their lack of progress) and quit. sigh