[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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Oh, cool, I sure could use a Golden Bag of Holding. For me, the driving force for Enderium was so I could make the "9" Structural Upgrades for JABBA Barrels. Kinda silly to waste my first 18 Enderium ingots on something I could easily work around, but only having one inventory for all my charcoal and my logs in my CreoTek CreoStak 36 setup sure made me happy! Six plates makes two "9" upgrades and three 9's makes one "27" upgrade, allowing one Barrel to hold almost 1800 stacks. In less than a week I've half-filled both my charcoal and my wood barrels which each got a "27" upgrade thanks to those 18 Enderium plates.

Speaking of Ender Chests... do we still need a Silk Touch pickaxe to pick them up? This is the first pack I ever played where Silk Touch is unimportant... however perhaps it is still needed for the EnderChest. I was just looking at making two of them, but if I need a Silk Touch pick then its prob not worth it. Boy, if I miss one thing in this modpack, it's an EnderPouch - that thing has gotta be one of the handiest devices ever, and it's a real shame that the trend lately has been to leave it out of packs. Not even sure which mod its from actually...
The only EnderChest in the pack is vanilla one, and yes you need Silkl Touch to pick it up, otherwise it will break.
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Boy, if I miss one thing in this modpack, it's an EnderPouch - that thing has gotta be one of the handiest devices ever, and it's a real shame that the trend lately has been to leave it out of packs. Not even sure which mod its from actually...
Ender Rift wand focus works basically identical to the ender pouch. You need Thaumcraft for it though :)
Ender Rift wand focus works basically identical to the ender pouch. You need Thaumcraft for it though :)

It's okay, I hit the perfect spot this week to concentrate on TC - while my MV Centrifuge is processing lava for tiny Tungsten Dusts and while my EBF is cooking the ingots up, which takes quite a long period of time indeed. So in the past three days I've polished off all the basic tabs in the Thaumonomicon, except for Thaumic Tinkering, Automagy and Apimancy tabs. All the basic stuff is done, got 11 aura nodes back at my base to charge up the wand... things are suddenly looking good on the magical front!

Now I need to explore the mod tho - a lot to learn since I've really never gone past this point. I discovered the GT magic conversion devices, altho the recipes to actually make them are still a bit out of reach... but wow, talk about new possibilities. Much to learn, and absorb! Thanks for the tip on Ender Rift wand focus - if that's the case I'm gonna be real happy I spent the time on TC this week!

Looking thru TT stuff... the Transvector Interface, how does that work - good, or not so good? Could that be used for reducing cable power losses with a setup where I have multiple GT Steam Turbines into multiple GT Transformers? If it works, that sounds quite useful indeed. Looks like I'd better go unlock all the TT stuff ASAP and have a look-see.
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First the chicken and now this. I'm going to start charging admission.

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I love GT but it can be depressing. I joined a server 3 weeks ago with 5 players on it, but for the past 10 days nobody has logged on except me... and when I try to get an indication as to why (is it me? do I smell?), the only impression I get is that people just don't like how long it takes to "get going" in a GT modpack. I hear things like "I need gold and I can't find enough of it", etc. If I wanted a single-player experience, then I probably would have just created an SSP world. LOL sigh Oh well.
I love GT but it can be depressing. I joined a server 3 weeks ago with 5 players on it, but for the past 10 days nobody has logged on except me... and when I try to get an indication as to why (is it me? do I smell?), the only impression I get is that people just don't like how long it takes to "get going" in a GT modpack. I hear things like "I need gold and I can't find enough of it", etc. If I wanted a single-player experience, then I probably would have just created an SSP world. LOL sigh Oh well.
I find partnerships on GT servers work decently. People seem more likely to log on if they're sharing a project.
So I keep reading that you can convert Eerie biomes using Pure Nodes. But when I find a Pure Node inside a Silverwood Tree, what do I do next? If I chop down the tree, the node disappears. But if I don't chop down the tree, then the node is inside a Silverwood block and I can't capture it in a jar (or can I?). I'm at a location with 2 Silverwood Trees and 3 Pure Nodes inside them. What should I do? I can't even scan the nodes to find out what they are, the Thaumometer won't go inside the wood.

I'm almost thinking Pure Nodes cannot be captured and moved, but I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that you can. But how? Or are you just supposed to get a sapling and plant a new tree in the Eerie biome and hope it spawns a Pure Node?
Peeps typically create pure nodes rather than move them to the best of my knowledge.

You just plant a silverwood tree, and it has a random chance of producing a pure node when it grows.
I find partnerships on GT servers work decently. People seem more likely to log on if they're sharing a project.

I wish I had joined the "official" server because I know Jason wouldn't ever quit his own modpack. :) But there's no way I'm starting over from scratch again!

I offered to share all my machines and did suggest that we work together, but people just slowly drifted off one by one to other modpacks. GT wimps obv. :p

It's lonely but I'd def rather play by myself than play with people who don't like GT. I think people wanted to do other mods like Thaumcraft but they couldn't get enough gold because you need to do some GT processing to get gold. At least that was their excuse.
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Peeps typically create pure nodes rather than move them to the best of my knowledge.

You just plant a silverwood tree, and it has a random chance of producing a pure node when it grows.

Well what do I do with these nodes inside the tree? If I break the tree, the node disappears (which I didn't realize at first and lost one). But if I don't break the tree, I can't scan it or jar it. My wand is full at the moment so I'm not sure if I can right-click with my wand and recharge it thru the wood and leaves.
I wish I had joined the "official" server because I know Jason wouldn't ever quit his own modpack. :) But there's no way I'm starting over from scratch again!
Well I am not playing on the Official Server... I logged there just few times to help with solving few issues. But other than that i am not keen on playing on servers (or at least yet) because I just ont have that much time to play regulary... and I am getting disencouraged when I see people progressing way faster than me... Thats why i am sticking onmy own little server rig, hosted at home, playing with my friend from work (who knows totally nothing about GT and pretty much modded minecraft all together). I usually play MC 2 (max 3) times a week.
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Well what do I do with these nodes inside the tree? If I break the tree, the node disappears (which I didn't realize at first and lost one). But if I don't break the tree, I can't scan it or jar it. My wand is full at the moment so I'm not sure if I can right-click with my wand and recharge it thru the wood and leaves.
As for moving that node, i can't help you. But I can for sure say that you can drain the node with your wand through the single piece of wood. :)
Well what do I do with these nodes inside the tree? If I break the tree, the node disappears (which I didn't realize at first and lost one). But if I don't break the tree, I can't scan it or jar it. My wand is full at the moment so I'm not sure if I can right-click with my wand and recharge it thru the wood and leaves.
Ignore the nodes in the trees you find in the wilderness. You can still scan it btw I think, and you can probably still use it to recharge wands.

But to fix biomes, you just plant the tree wherever you want to "clean" an area. And then you don't move it :)
Well I am not playing on the Official Server... I logged there just few times to help with solving few issues. But other than that i am not keen on playing on servers (or at least yet) because I just ont have that much time to play regulary... and I am getting disencouraged when I see people progressing way faster than me... Thats why i am sticking onmy own little server rig, hosted at home, playing with my friend from work (who knows totally nothing about GT and pretty much modded minecraft all together). I usually play MC 2 (max 3) times a week.

Well... quite honestly, I think it might be a bit confusing if you DID play on the official server. Players would constantly be wondering... is that the REAL Jason or just the fake Headcrumbs version?

It fooled me the first time. I'm minding my own business, when all the sudden something hits me and causes damage. I turn around, and... OMG! IT'S JASON McRAY!! I seriously thought it was you, dude. LOL You hit me a second time, and I thought you were just fooling around, but now I was starting to get pissed. "Was it something I said on the Official modpack Forum?" LMAO Somewhere around this point, I realized it was Headcrumbs (which I didn't even know was in the modpack). But it was quite funny. :)

I bolded the part you said, because I think this is what happened on the server I play on. You see, I don't work so I can play 18 hours every day (and usually do). I was progressing way faster than the other players and I do think they got kinda jealous or something. When I made the NanoSuit and began flying around, that was the last day I saw another player on the server, about 10 days ago. It really does appear as if they got fed up with my progress (and their lack of progress) and quit. sigh
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When i started with GT5U, i allmost completely stopped playing. Most of my free time goes into modding... Or Anime/Manga/Novels...

My private server i'm playing on with friends is now up over a year and closing soon...

I wonder what to do about the next server? A server with fresh world and about as many active players as Kirara 2 had at its best time (up to 20 online the same time) would be nice.
Ignore the nodes in the trees you find in the wilderness. You can still scan it btw I think, and you can probably still use it to recharge wands.

But to fix biomes, you just plant the tree wherever you want to "clean" an area. And then you don't move it :)

Okay, thanks. I think you MIGHT be able to remove the tree and the biome change will "stick". The reason I say that, despite not being a TC expert, is because I've read that once you destroy the Sinister Node that causes these Eerie Biomes to form, the Eerie cannot come back. And the second reason I say that is because there is one lone chunk in the middle of our spawn/base on our server that was changed to Magical Forest biome. But there's no Silverwood Tree to be found. So what I think occurred is that someone planted a Silverwood Tree and created a Pure Node at some point before I joined the server... then they cut it down, but only after it converted the Biome over. That biome is still there, the green grass color is different in that one chunk and F3 shows it as Magical Forest.
When i started with GT5U, i allmost completely stopped playing. Most of my free time goes into modding... Or Anime/Manga/Novels...

My private server i'm playing on with friends is now up over a year and closing soon...

I wonder what to do about the next server? A server with fresh world and about as many active players as Kirara 2 had at its best time (up to 20 online the same time) would be nice.

Well if you do start one like that, please make an announcement here so I can see it and apply for a spot. I don't like the idea of starting over, but I LOVE the idea of 20 players at once. That would be heaven. SSP (and even SMP quite often) can be lonely.

Out of curiosity, how many are currently playing (and logging in consistently) on the "official" server right now?
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When i started with GT5U, i allmost completely stopped playing. Most of my free time goes into modding... Or Anime/Manga/Novels...

My private server i'm playing on with friends is now up over a year and closing soon...

I wonder what to do about the next server? A server with fresh world and about as many active players as Kirara 2 had at its best time (up to 20 online the same time) would be nice.
I'd probably join a new world server myself if I can get a half-decent ping.
I'd probably join a new world server myself if I can get a half-decent ping.

Well we've got a spot (or 20 lol) on our server. The reason I joined my current server is because there's zero latency, none of that "break each block twice before it drops" kinda crap. But... the tradeoff for low latency/block lag is apparently low player participation. lol