[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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For actually clearing out a vein, the advanced diamond drill is superior. It has a 3x3 mode similar to the tinkers construct hammer. The only downside is that occasionally you get some block desync where the client thinks a block is mined but the server disagrees (even in single player). Even with that thought its faster than the mining laser imo.

I've been looking for a better way of doing this. I built an Advanced IC2 miner, and that's good for clearing out one chunk thoroughly and since I'm running it off a magical energy converter it powers itself off the shards it mines. But it's sort of slow. I think I'll use this for ore veins that I want to make sure I get every last piece out of the chunk like redstone. I intend on building an Ender Quarry shortly as soon as I can figure out how to craft the BC quarry to build it. I'll use this for large swathes of land where I've found a high concentration of desirable ores in a broad area.

That still leaves situations where I find a decent vein while out looking for beehives and nodes. If I happen upon an iridium or diamond vein I want to grab it right then and there. Lately I've been using a void pickaxe enchanted with destruction enchantment. This just annihilates stuff as long as I don't run into too many chisel stones. Plus since it's voidmetal they regenerate without the repair enchantment needed so i can put unbreaking on it. If I use 2 of these and keep both in my hotbar I can use one while the 2nd regenerates back to full just switching between them. So far so good, but if I get on a roll with a vein i can sometimes forget to switch between the two and end up breaking one.

The only issue with an advanced diamond drill is power. Since I'm thaumcraft heavy I'm wearing void robes instead of nanosuit or quantum/gravi armor. This means I don't have a power source in my armor. Advanced lap packs I guess?

"We just upgraded to the modular CreoTek CreoStak 36 and our charcoal worries are over!"
<snipped photo>

Nice aesthetics. If you're into thaumcraft you could clean it up a bit more while keeping piping costs reasonable by using some Transvector Interfaces to the coke ovens and running your conduit through those. That way you could run one pipe stack down the very center and hide all of that infrastructure. Then it'd look more like a giant smoke stack. Honestly, at first glance i thought the tree on the top was smoke coming out :)

I'm up to 48 coke ovens now, but I burried mine underground in my factory cellars with 6 ovens per layer with 8 layers. I use the transvector interfaces with enderIO pressurized fluid pipes and item conduits. This way I only have a single conduit stack up the middle of the layer, significantly cutting down on my electrum usage :)
I've been looking for a better way of doing this. I built an Advanced IC2 miner, and that's good for clearing out one chunk thoroughly and since I'm running it off a magical energy converter it powers itself off the shards it mines.
This never even dawned on me. I love it.

The only issue with an advanced diamond drill is power. Since I'm thaumcraft heavy I'm wearing void robes instead of nanosuit or quantum/gravi armor. This means I don't have a power source in my armor. Advanced lap packs I guess?
Same problem I think? I'm pretty sure you have to wear the lappack in order for it to work.
And I don't think the new IC2 Charger items work for Gravisuite drills although I could be wrong.
This never even dawned on me. I love it.

Not my idea (magical energy converter for mining power). Credit to Aiwendil. I intend to use Magical Energy Absorbers with a bunch of energized nodes to power anything in my base < EV. It's just that I need to make an awful lot of small battery hulls for the electrum essentia :) Plus, in order to get the highest power tier you need a reactor to get Europium. Oh well, it's good to have goals :)
Nice aesthetics. If you're into thaumcraft you could clean it up a bit more while keeping piping costs reasonable by using some Transvector Interfaces to the coke ovens and running your conduit through those. That way you could run one pipe stack down the very center and hide all of that infrastructure. Then it'd look more like a giant smoke stack. Honestly, at first glance i thought the tree on the top was smoke coming out :)

I'm up to 48 coke ovens now, but I burried mine underground in my factory cellars with 6 ovens per layer with 8 layers. I use the transvector interfaces with enderIO pressurized fluid pipes and item conduits. This way I only have a single conduit stack up the middle of the layer, significantly cutting down on my electrum usage :)

I did the buildcraft stuff on the outside on purpose just so I could see it working. That was the first thing that really hooked me on modded minecraft years ago, seeing stuff moving through buildcraft pipe/rp tubes. When I started the project I couldn't make item conduit at all, but mid-way through started making that and have the lowest-tier fluid conduit draining the creosote and item conduit putting the charcoal in, both run down the center to use as little conduit as possible.

When I can make gates I'll probably replace all the redstone engines. Don't really like how the top looks either, will probably do some work so it doesn't just look like a box. Worried about the golems falling off trying to pick something up though.

Trying to avoid thaumcraft for the most part. Nothing else I can build at this point comes close to being competitive for a tree farm though. Already had to put an overflow void barrel at the end of the line for the wood after just a couple hours. That's with just one iron chopper with strength. The jungle trees seem to grow fast enough that I could put 2 or maybe even 3 choppers up there if I needed more wood.

Still have to decide what boiler(s) to burn all that creosote/charcoal in.
Not my idea (magical energy converter for mining power). Credit to Aiwendil. I intend to use Magical Energy Absorbers with a bunch of energized nodes to power anything in my base < EV. It's just that I need to make an awful lot of small battery hulls for the electrum essentia :) Plus, in order to get the highest power tier you need a reactor to get Europium. Oh well, it's good to have goals :)

I have noticed that the absorbers seem to require a fullly loaded aura node (10 in all 6 aspects after energizing it) to get full power from it. Feeding a node to get it that powerful takes forever. As a result, I just use converters powered by shards, that I create with bees. But, I'm still running 3.1.3, so perhaps that's the problem?
I have noticed that the absorbers seem to require a fullly loaded aura node (10 in all 6 aspects after energizing it) to get full power from it. Feeding a node to get it that powerful takes forever. As a result, I just use converters powered by shards, that I create with bees. But, I'm still running 3.1.3, so perhaps that's the problem?
Bee shards are certainly a viable way of doing it also in converters. I'm a long ways off on those as I just finally got stable noble bees last night (despite having had stable Imperials for a week somehow) and I'm struggling with Industrials also for some reason on the mutations. Never fear though, I'm at the HV era so now I can expend countless EUs and piles of Uranium 238, tin, and diamonds on Gendustry to get whatever bees I want :)

Bullying nodes is slow as heck, I agree. I've been bullying a node for over a month now to get all the primals above 100 (un-energized). And for some reason the darn thing won't seem to advance Aer as fast as everything else. I'm guessing with all the compounds I have in the node I'd probably be OK, but I hate math too much to find out for sure. I've got 3 hungry nodes located. Time to advanced node jar those suckers up and start feeding them crafting tables. I could use another outlet for my wood farm anyways :)

If you could automate a wither farm you could have some amazing power off of nether stars though.
Bee shards are certainly a viable way of doing it also in converters. I'm a long ways off on those as I just finally got stable noble bees last night (despite having had stable Imperials for a week somehow) and I'm struggling with Industrials also for some reason on the mutations. Never fear though, I'm at the HV era so now I can expend countless EUs and piles of Uranium 238, tin, and diamonds on Gendustry to get whatever bees I want :)

I've been hitting up bee breeding pretty hard over the last month. The gendustry stuff is invaluable to me--probably would have taken me 6x as long to do what I've done without it. I'm now up to 26 alvearies, and most of my bees have the "fastest" production trait. I've got an entire stack of LV centrifuges processing all their output and several rows of barrels for storage. I have a diamond farm using infused seeds that produces roughly 3 diamonds per hour--I may need to increase that since I've been cranking out bedrockium drums (each drum requires 63 diamonds!), and am running dangerously low for when I need more of those genetic thing-a-ma-jiggers (1 diamond, 4 glass panes each).

If you could automate a wither farm you could have some amazing power off of nether stars though.

Yeah, I've had a semi-automated wither skull farm, using necro tablets in the nether, with a nearby chunk loader. I would come in and give all the skeles a couple whacks with my magic sword (maxxed out on looting). Doing it that way seems to, on average, produce 1 wither skull for every 30 wither skeletons (basically, two trips to the nether in an hour). Then I take my skulls, and summon wither inside of a special "wither cage" I created from that wither-proof glass you get out of volcanoes. Smash wither, take his nether star, and repeat.

I've recently set up a tesla coil in my wither skeleton summoning area with pressure plates. Want to see if I can get skulls that way. No luck so far, and its worrying that so far I've gotten nothing but coal and bones (not even the bows and swords I usually get when I kill them manually). I'll give it a couple days and see if a skull appears. If not, I'll assume it's not possible to get skulls from skeles killed with tesla coils, and go back to my previous, faster, setup.

I wonder if I could automate the wither boss slaughter process with tesla coils and robots? A robot to place the soul sand, another robot to place the skulls, then they bugger out and a tesla coil destroys the wither.
Yeah, I've had a semi-automated wither skull farm, using necro tablets in the nether, with a nearby chunk loader. I would come in and give all the skeles a couple whacks with my magic sword (maxxed out on looting). Doing it that way seems to, on average, produce 1 wither skull for every 30 wither skeletons (basically, two trips to the nether in an hour). Then I take my skulls, and summon wither inside of a special "wither cage" I created from that wither-proof glass you get out of volcanoes. Smash wither, take his nether star, and repeat.

I've recently set up a tesla coil in my wither skeleton summoning area with pressure plates. Want to see if I can get skulls that way. No luck so far, and its worrying that so far I've gotten nothing but coal and bones (not even the bows and swords I usually get when I kill them manually). I'll give it a couple days and see if a skull appears. If not, I'll assume it's not possible to get skulls from skeles killed with tesla coils, and go back to my previous, faster, setup.

I wonder if I could automate the wither boss slaughter process with tesla coils and robots? A robot to place the soul sand, another robot to place the skulls, then they bugger out and a tesla coil destroys the wither.

I think the best way to do wither skulls is a eIO powered spawner running off magical energy converters (shards) and then using Extra Utilities conveyer belts to draw them into diamond spikes. Pick up the loot with a vacuum hopper or vacuum chest. You can enchant the diamond spikes using books and an anvil to get looting III and sharpness 5 on them. This doesn't even need to be in the nether to work, at least it didn't in IT2 2.x. You can put this in your basement and let it run.

As for spawning and killing the wither you could automate this in the nether at one of the bedrock locations where you push the wither's head through the bedrock with a piston. You could set up a dynamism tablet to place the blocks in the correct order on a redstone signal and then push the piston up X seconds after the 3rd skull is placed. Once the wither's head is stuck in the bedrock a pair of thaumium golems could kill him without too much effort. I also plan to test this with warded glass in SSP. I've heard of the wither unintentionally escaping from sapphire glass somehow. I would think that the wither couldn't break warded blocks.
Thanks for the eIO spawner and diamond spikes tip. I'll give that a go!

I haven't had any trouble with wither escaping the cage over the 20 times I've summoned him, but I was careful to make the cage tall enough that he has room to float up after his power-up process completes (this required looting two volcanoes to acquire enough wither-proof glass). I recall messing around in creative ages ago in vanilla, testing techniques for caging wither using obsidian (didn't work, by the way--he'd chew through the obsidian almost as fast as he chews through other blocks). I had found that if the cage wasn't tall enough, he'd float right up through the top after his initial post-power-up float. But perhaps I should move my wither cage a bit further away, just in case!
Chisel is a pretty awesome mod. It has turned the CreoStak 36 into the Shovel Tower. The downside is that sandy blocks are relatively expensive to use for an entire base. Considering how much sand and clay I dug to build this it really is the shovel tower, lol. The two damascus steel shovel heads I looted from an abandoned mineshaft were a godsend.


Wish I could do stuff like this as I'm building instead of on a 2nd pass that usually takes as long or longer than the first. Managed both passes without falling to my death. Been awhile since building like this without flight and a builder's wand. Think I'll try to dye/paint the tank light grey as a final touch, maybe some lighting at the bottom.
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I read about these huge farms and stuff and I feel like kinda noob..I progress pretty fast, as I got from zero to hv era in about a rl week without any help, but these numbers and huge structures..err.
I kinda have 4 coke ovens, they served me well and I forgot about them, lol.
Several people on this thread have been doing fluid reactors lately. By and large they're excellent especially in terms of efficiency-per-fuel.
I'm wanting to craft an ender quarry. Requires a BC Quarry. NEI says the BC quarry is one time use only for crafting ender quarry, but there's no recipe for the BC quarry. What gives?