[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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It would be nice to have something that consumes apatite or fertilizer as it is quite easy to come by, especially if i start making biogas. Iv'e tried all the systems you mentioned except the ic2/GT farm so maybe that should be fun to try out
It would be nice to have something that consumes apatite or fertilizer as it is quite easy to come by, especially if i start making biogas. Iv'e tried all the systems you mentioned except the ic2/GT farm so maybe that should be fun to try out
Forestry multifarms consume fertilizer made from apatite if memory serves.

IC2 "crop-matron" also uses fertilizer, although the IC2 crop system is a bit sketchy in this regard.
You mentioned golem tree farm, but golems can also harvest normal farms. Also, thaumcraft has a Lamp of Growth that speeds the growth of crops similar to bonemealing them, so long as its fed herba essentia.

IC2 (or GT?) has a farming machine for IC2 crops. I believe EnderIO has a farming machine, I haven't tried it yet.

Forestry obviously has the big multifarm block, although forestry in general is a bit nerfed atm.

I currently use exclusively TC golem farms for everything I do. They harvest fir and rubber trees for my charcoal/creosote and rubber production. And then from 9x9 plots of land they harvest candleberries (ordo/herba), netherwart (praecantatio essentia), sugarcane (aer, aqua, cognitio essentia), soybeans (permutatio essentia). The candleberries feed my steel transmutation's ordo requirements and I also centrifuge out herba from them to feed multiple lamps of growth. I have all these farms stacked on top of each other so that the essentia piping is easy to the lamps. All of these farms produce product faster than I can use it. I'll likely set up a carrot and potato farm with TC golems soon also as a carrot has sensus essentia, and potatoes can be used for biomass when I get to HV era.

The eIO farming machine is nice as you can grow 4 separate crops with one machine. But bear in mind that it requires tools to operate, so you need to autocraft hoes and axes and such. Plus it consumes power.

It would be nice to have something that consumes apatite or fertilizer as it is quite easy to come by, especially if i start making biogas. Iv'e tried all the systems you mentioned except the ic2/GT farm so maybe that should be fun to try out

Forestry MFR uses apatite. You can also set up a pair of LP macerators feeding off some of the apples coming out of the farm (if you're min/maxing the MFR tree farm you'll have apples and also highest sap content) to get dirt to replenish the farm automatically. That way all you need to input to the farm is apetite fertilizer every now and then and water. Oh, and power... I think TC golems are still a better option and scale up better as long as you're tossing in Lamps of Growth.
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Sounds like gollems is the way to go, and the candleberries sounds like a really solid choice for herba and ordo. What golems and upgrades do people use for their different farms?
Then i could also make a fishing golem and turn the fish into methane :D
Honestly the golem-type doesn't matter much. I've used flesh, thaumium, wooden, etc. Wooden get the job done just as well.

for upgrades, I tend to just do speed and/or strength upgrades.
I've been using tallow golems. They seem quite easy to make, and quite effective on the whole. If you have your golems based in the centre of the plot, an unupgraded harvest/gather pair of golems can cover an entire 9x9 with no problem. The one critical thing is just to make sure the harvest golem has the order upgrade so he replants the seed after harvesting.

I think that the tree chopping golem in your treefarm is the only one that makes a real difference, as it does take quite a while for him to down a single tree, and you want plenty of wood. On the other hand you can easily get vastly more wood than you know what to do with, so perhaps it isn't so much of a priority.
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I've been using tallow golems. They seem quite easy to make, and quite effective on the whole. If you have your golems based in the centre of the plot, an unupgraded harvest/gather pair of golems can cover an entire 9x9 with no problem. The one critical thing is just to make sure the harvest golem has the order upgrade so he replants the seed after harvesting.
If you plan on planting different things anywhere close to each other, I prefer the "use" golems strategy: assign a golem to a barrel of, say, candleberries, and instruct him on which plots to plant on. Assign another golem to a barrel of potatoes, and instruct him on which plots to plant on. That way your farms don't get messed up.

And for various magical reasons, farms have to be pretty far apart to not somehow cross-pollinate using the order upgrade.
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I use tallow golems for harvest and gather on regular crops in a 9x9 plot. You'll want an ordo upgrade on all harvest golems except for on wheat because they have a hard time replanting wheat. For wheat you need a separate harvest golem and a use golem to replant in my experience. For use golems I use straw golems to replant trees. For wheat I'd use another tallow golem. For chop golems I use thaumium golems because strength matters when chopping down a 40 block tall 2x2 fir tree :)

I also have a thaumium fishing golem with a tallow gather golem. It produces a lot of stuff, but you'd need multiple golems in order to be able to turn fish into methane. I use the fishing golem for victus essentia mostly, but also for the random enchanted books.
There is always the golem tree farm but what ways are there to produce large quantaties of aggricultural stuff such as potatoes and the like? And what do we have to increase the growth rate of the crops?

There's always vanilla! Check out a Dataless822 mega-build... simple, yeah - but if you want potatoes in mass quantity... doesn't always have to be complicated. A big tower and one lever.

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Isn't it really weird that everyone uses a magical mod for their power production in a tech mod pack? this feels REALLY backwards considering producing power is the backbone of most tech based modpacks.

It's like "fuck this tech thing, lets make magical farms and produce endless amounts of fuel from that before bronze age"

Really isn't much progression from the golem farms either, you can make as many as you want for almost nothing and they produce more than you can ever use and will basically keep you set untill 2048 voltage or so. Not sure how i feel about it
So I got to the Stainless Steel stage finally, after 4 or 5 long days of play... I always thought Chrome was one of the rare dusts, however I've got plenty of that thanks to processing all my Ruby Ore... what's holding me back from progressing is Manganese. NEI lists six ores containing it, none of which I've found, and the only one I think I've ever found in past play-thrus is Scheelite Ore. How do you find or make Manganese Dust while progressing thru early-game? Is it basically "go mine until you find some Scheelite", or is there another way?
Isn't it really weird that everyone uses a magical mod for their power production in a tech mod pack? this feels REALLY backwards considering producing power is the backbone of most tech based modpacks.

I totally agree since I'm the rare type of player who basically avoids all magic mods. My server-mate is slowly going insane due to TC warp effect... why would I want to do that to myself? LOL

I also find it odd that in a tech mod, we basically use steam to power everything. Steam seems so simplistic. But I do think it works in terms of pure gameplay. Steam power is labor intensive, gotta maintain it and babysit it and go mine fuels for it. If it was just a "plug the machine in and forget it" type of thing, the gameplay might suffer for it.
Go mine untill you find sheelite is the answer, sorry :p

Okay, that's fine, just needed to check and make sure before I begin a mega-expedition. This is always the sticking point for me in GT5, I've never gotten past the "Stainless stage" because of this Scheelite issue. I know that ore is rare as heck, so if I don't return to post on this forum in the next few weeks, someone please organize a search party for me. LOL

I'm giving up on long horizontal mining and gonna try vertical exploration instead, see if it works for me or not.
I'd like to test the distillation tower and the large gas turbine in a creative world, but there is weird thing. Wrenching machines into the right direction isn't working because the grid is not showing up?!
Isn't it really weird that everyone uses a magical mod for their power production in a tech mod pack? this feels REALLY backwards considering producing power is the backbone of most tech based modpacks.
Yes this has always bothered me. I feel like TC makes the tech a bit too easy (or pointless) but I don't have a really great solution to that problem. Almost all Infitech2 users I'm aware of love TC. Removing it isn't a great option.

So I got to the Stainless Steel stage finally, after 4 or 5 long days of play... I always thought Chrome was one of the rare dusts, however I've got plenty of that thanks to processing all my Ruby Ore... what's holding me back from progressing is Manganese. NEI lists six ores containing it, none of which I've found, and the only one I think I've ever found in past play-thrus is Scheelite Ore. How do you find or make Manganese Dust while progressing thru early-game? Is it basically "go mine until you find some Scheelite", or is there another way?
Its quasi-rare to mine it. Once you find some, you're set for life. Its also pretty common to find manganese in chests.

I also find it odd that in a tech mod, we basically use steam to power everything. Steam seems so simplistic.
Its also just pretty realistic. Even in the 21st, our nuclear power stations only produce power via steam.

There are alternatives though. Methane, Ethanol, Diesel are all excellent producers.

I'd like to test the distillation tower and the large gas turbine in a creative world, but there is weird thing. Wrenching machines into the right direction isn't working because the grid is not showing up?!
Try restarting your game? Every once in a blue moon I'll have weird problems with creative mode, and it always magically fixes itself with a restart.
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As i mentioned before i would love a powdered fuel based combined cycle gas power system as a endgame system for burning solid fuels. For instance first pulverize the solid fuel into a powder then gasify it in an entrained flow powder gasifier, run the syngas through a gas turbine and then run a steam cycle of the hot flue gases from the turbine. Would be awesome to build a power plant like this from several multiblocks using several generator types.

Greg, Plz
Its quasi-rare to mine it. Once you find some, you're set for life. Its also pretty common to find manganese in chests.

Correct, I found 4 ingots which gave me my first 36 stainless ingots, but now that I've used them up I need to find Scheelite to progress further in the game. Once I get Stainless Steel I can build a BigReactor and it will finally feel like everything is right with the world again. :) My major goal at this stage is to get a Big Reactor running to power a quarry and at that point I hope to be swimming in ores. This mining-by-hand stuff is for the birds. It's just like pecking away at bird seed. I need a freakin vacuum instead!
Correct, I found 4 ingots which gave me my first 36 stainless ingots, but now that I've used them up I need to find Scheelite to progress further in the game. Once I get Stainless Steel I can build a BigReactor and it will finally feel like everything is right with the world again. :) My major goal at this stage is to get a Big Reactor running to power a quarry and at that point I hope to be swimming in ores.
How are you going to get power from your big reactor to your quarry, outta curiosity?
How are you going to get power from your big reactor to your quarry, outta curiosity?

If dimensional transceivers are still out of reach, then I'll just go old school and build the reactor right on site of the quarry, and break it down and move it when done. LOL