Thunderstorm? Do you know GT machines explode in rain?
I forgot. LOL
(edit to remove useless stuff)
Okay, so today I became a pro with manipulating GT covers using the crowbar... but I'm still a dunce when it comes to pulling steam out of my Railcraft tank and into GT fluid pipes using a GT Pump as a cover. What's the secret? I have a valve on the bottom of the RC tank but it's already being used. I need to run 5 LV Steam Turbines and by my calculations I need to use 3 RC tank valves so I can't pull all my steam from just the bottom tank valve, I need to use some side valves too...
These are LV pumps being used as covers... do I need to power them somehow?
Well, I'd still like an answer on the covers but I've decided to just use EnderIO conduit instead, there's really no reason to fart around anymore, as they say. I've got a solution that works so I'll take it, altho I'd rather stick to all-GT if I could...
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