[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
I'm getting appallingly slow worldgen and its also taking a while to call generated chunks out, no fps loss though (for once).
I actually noticed this happening as soon as I switched to GT5u. Is this the same "lag" everyone's talking about?

A simple test here is to backup your world, switch out blood asp's version for regular GT, and see if it still happens.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I wonder actually, because i dont get this lag in Beyond Reality and that does use Blood Asps GT5, i get problems on my laptop because java insists on using the discrete gpu there, but not on my desktop - i dont think this is a gt issue, infact BR uses about 150ish mods ...

Imma go out on a whim, and disable XBL ...see where that takes me on a new world.


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
I wonder actually, because i dont get this lag in Beyond Reality and that does use Blood Asps GT5, i get problems on my laptop because java insists on using the discrete gpu there, but not on my desktop - i dont think this is a gt issue, infact BR uses about 150ish mods ...
Ok good feedback thx.


Popular Member
Apr 25, 2014
I do not get any lag, but I have a rather powerful machine, and I do get a tick rate of 31ms, which is alarmingly high considering how little stuff I have running.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Didnt throw up any warnings in console, but i had to pause the game to make the chunks appear when i retested with xbl enabled.
To the best of my knowledge opis was recording ticks under 4m/s at best and it dosnt give up rendering the chunks on a new world without xbl, worst it was 8m/s.
If i run XBL the client generates chunks but does not render them all the time and the tick time is triple.

The funny part is, it all settled down after a few mins and now im flying through a dense megaforest in creative mode getting the highest framerate ive gotten all 1.7 ...
Edit: even the tick times have settled down, this dosnt make sense...


Popular Member
Apr 25, 2014
Uh...we have battery buffers with 16 slots? Were they always there and I overlooked them, or are they new in V3? That means, a HV battery buffer with 16 slots can store 25 million EU? I guess we don't need the likes of the MFSU any more...


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
Uh...we have battery buffers with 16 slots? Were they always there and I overlooked them, or are they new in V3? That means, a HV battery buffer with 16 slots can store 25 million EU? I guess we don't need the likes of the MFSU any more...

Have fun making all those batteries though :p Now the trick will just be to pick an appropriate cable to handle the amperage.

PS: I think people usually make Sodium batteries because the stuff is so prevalent. Sure you know that already.
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Popular Member
Apr 25, 2014

Have fun making all those batteries though :p Now the trick will just be to pick an appropriate cable to handle the amperage.

PS: I think people usually make Sodium batteries because the stuff is so prevalent. Sure you know that already.
So... a 16-slot battery outputs 16 amps? Hmm...what about putting a 16-slot battery behind a 4-slot one? So that you take four amps out of the 4-slot one and it's refilled by the 16-slot one? Also, I think this is nice to supply a blast furnace - as I understand that, it takes all the amps it can get.

As for sodium batteries - I think I made....four of them. After that I processed Spodumene ore until I had enough byproduct Lithium for a replacement, and now that I can electrolyze the main part of the ore it's even easier. In any case, this beats making a MSFU. That was a PITA the last time I did it.

Yay, my first stack of aluminium ingots! You know, I don't think I ever needed this long to ascend a tech tier. Feels like quite the achievement.
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Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
So... a 16-slot battery outputs 16 amps? Hmm...what about putting a 16-slot battery behind a 4-slot one? So that you take four amps out of the 4-slot one and it's refilled by the 16-slot one? Also, I think this is nice to supply a blast furnace - as I understand that, it takes all the amps it can get.

As for sodium batteries - I think I made....four of them. After that I processed Spodumene ore until I had enough byproduct Lithium for a replacement, and now that I can electrolyze the main part of the ore it's even easier. In any case, this beats making a MSFU. That was a PITA the last time I did it.

Yay, my first stack of aluminium ingots! You know, I don't think I ever needed this long to ascend a tech tier. Feels like quite the achievement.
The 4 slot one will still only draw 4A from the 16A one. That's not really a big deal of course because it can only output 4A, so the 16x would be a reservoir/buffer. Just an FYI.

Oddly I still make MFSUs, I find them simpler, but I can see how it can be aggravating, especially the non-stackables.


Popular Member
Apr 25, 2014
The 4 slot one will still only draw 4A from the 16A one. That's not really a big deal of course because it can only output 4A, so the 16x would be a reservoir/buffer. Just an FYI.
Exactly that was the idea :)

Blood Asp

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Uh...we have battery buffers with 16 slots? Were they always there and I overlooked them, or are they new in V3? That means, a HV battery buffer with 16 slots can store 25 million EU? I guess we don't need the likes of the MFSU any more...
25mio EU? Cute... before the IV 16x buffer was the max with 1,600 mio EU. Now One tier higher is at 16,000 mio EU.
And should you build a mark 3 fusion reactor, you can build an ultimate battery with a capacity of 9.223.372.036.854.775.807EU. Charging it as fast as possible takes still 27907 Years to completely fill it. But building a mark 3 fusion in survival likely means you have nothing left to do in that world.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A question to Infitech players, out of curiosity:

If you ascend a GT tech tier, do you build a full complement of machines of the new tier, or do you retain some older ones? I mean, obviously it's nice to have a faster macerator, ore washing plant and centrifuge, but no one needs a faster forge hammer. Still, I get the impression that even it's expensive, making a full complement of new machines gives you more freedom to place your machines, and it's safer than to have a mixed-voltage power network.

Also, do I understand things correctly that you don't waste power by using higher-tier cables than you need?I find silver cable is more conveniently crafted than annealed copper, and silver ores are rather abundant around my new base.

I'll check that out. May not be today though.

I'll tell you one thing for free: I had a nearly full suite of HV machines, and I still used my bronze alloy furnace.


Popular Member
Apr 25, 2014
Love this question.

1) Never. I always have at least two tiers of machines, and frequently three or more. Some basic machines I never retire at all, particularly ANYTHING involved in energy production.
2) If you do want to retire machines, there's ways to recoup the majority of your resources. The arc furnace in particular is a genius bit of coding that lets you get most of the metals and such back.
3) Never use higher-tier cables than you use, ever. Those cables act as (crappy) fuses preventing high voltage from getting into your machines. If you need to send more power, increase their amperage (8x vs 1x, etc) because a machine will never request more amps than it needs.
Yep, I already noticed the arc furnace recipes. I really like how GT becomes more resource-efficient as you improve your tech. As for retaining old machines, of course energy producers are primary candidates for retainment but "retain some machines" wasn't quite what I aimed at with my question. The thing is, I see a strong incentive to use machines of the same tier for your processing and production chains because of practical reasons. For instance, I need the MV fluid extractor for one task. Now my existing fluid extractor is placed so it can conveniently auto-output directly into two or three other machines, depending on where I point my wrench, so there's an incentive to upgrade those other machines as well even if it's not strictly needed because it's more of a hassle to power a mix of different-tier machines adjacent to each other. The same with the processing chain: I'll want the MV ore-washing plant and centrifuge, so there's an incentive to upgrade the forge hammer as well because it sits between those in my standard processing chain and the different machines auto-output into the next ones in the chain with the byproducts pulled out of the top by conduits or pipes, and getting an LV cable in-between two MV machines is inconvenient. The alternatives appear to be either use mostly machines of the same tier or space the machines further apart from each other, which of course costs resources for the pipes or conduits between them.


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
I don't personally mind mixing some things. Like you mentioned earlier, an early-tier forge hammer is always pretty good, so my ore processing chains may have a top-tier macerator, mid tier orewashing/centrifuging, and a bottom tier hammer.

Of course none of this is packed with everything directly adjacent, so its not as space-efficient as some setups, but tbh, space is an infinite resource and large factory setups are cool.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
God I wish there was some really good information out there on Gregtech. So I am having a problem and I have no clue what I am doing wrong, so hopefully someone can point it out for me. I am trying to make tin electron tubes for some Forestry stuff. I built the assembling machine, a fluid extractor and for now I am powering both with a basic steam turbine. Now my issue is I can not seem to actually get the fluid extractor to melt the glass down. Using the debugging tool I can see that it has power in the buffer but when I put glass in, it just laughs at me and does nothing. I tried setting the fluid output to feed directly into the assembling machine but not chance. I even tried using ender io fluid conduits to pipe out the output but still it won't make molten glass. And god help you if you try to find some information out there...

So any ideas what the hell I am doing wrong?


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
God I wish there was some really good information out there on Gregtech. So I am having a problem and I have no clue what I am doing wrong, so hopefully someone can point it out for me. I am trying to make tin electron tubes for some Forestry stuff. I built the assembling machine, a fluid extractor and for now I am powering both with a basic steam turbine. Now my issue is I can not seem to actually get the fluid extractor to melt the glass down. Using the debugging tool I can see that it has power in the buffer but when I put glass in, it just laughs at me and does nothing. I tried setting the fluid output to feed directly into the assembling machine but not chance. I even tried using ender io fluid conduits to pipe out the output but still it won't make molten glass. And god help you if you try to find some information out there...

So any ideas what the hell I am doing wrong?
Hi Bril, can you please confirm what the eu/t requirement is in NEI for glass? I thought it was an LV recipe but I want to make sure.

You say you're using pipes to try to get molten glass out, does that mean you've managed to successfully melt the glass?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Haven't got far enough to have researched properly, but can't electron tubes be made in forestry's thermionic fabricator?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi Bril, can you please confirm what the eu/t requirement is in NEI for glass? I thought it was an LV recipe but I want to make sure.

You say you're using pipes to try to get molten glass out, does that mean you've managed to successfully melt the glass?

According to NEI it requires 40 EU/T, with a voltage of 40 EU and 1 amp. So does this mean I can't use a basic fluid extractor as they are LV and only 32 EU/T? God I hope not, having to build an advanced one just to melt glass is a bit much (pretty sure we had glass workers long before electricity was discovered). And no, when I tried using Ender IO conduits nothing changed. I was thinking maybe it wouldn't turn on if it didn't have a valid output to pump the fluid but nothing changed when attached the conduits.

I wish it was as easy as using a Thermoinic Fabricator. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind GT being the focal point of the pack and using it to to build things instead. It is just here is so little good information out there to help debug problems.

Another odd thing I noticed - I can't actually even find the recipe to create molten glass in NEI unless I tunnel down to it thru the tin electron tube recipe. If you type molten glass into NEI it doesn't actually come up as a fluid at all.

Ok, loaded a test world and the 40EU/T was the issue. I built an advanced fluid extractor and powered it with 128 EU power source and it would melt glass all day. Damn, that is a freaking lot of work to melt down some glass...
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