[1.7.10]Hubris V1.6.1- HQM - 270+ Quests [Magic][Dungeons][Dimensions][Exploration] Ex-Listed!

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Thaumcraft native clusters (obtained by using alchemy on ores, or a pickaxe of the core), infernal furnace on the thaumcraft artifice tab, or infernal blast furnace from witching gadgets (requires infernal furnace).

And infernal blast furnace triple the native cluster (works with gold, iron and cinnabar).
best way to double ores?
Right now I use a Calefactor fed with the three different power types from AM2. Before I had a Pickaxe of the Core, and just kept mining my ore blocks until they dropped clusters, which can be smelted into two ingots.
is it just me or does the ars magica life guardian not want to spawn... i think the gravestones might be messing with the summoning.
is it just me or does the ars magica life guardian not want to spawn... i think the gravestones might be messing with the summoning.
WARNING ! AM Guardian are notorious bugged, only the water guardian is safe (maybie).

Spawning one or interact with could lead to a world corruption.
I made a castle just off the coast with a little nature room for witchery and so... many... dryads. There are at least a hundred of them (no, I am not exaggerating, I wish I was) filling every nook and cranny, even gaps between walls and ceilings which cannot be reached. I'm assuming it's because as no peaceful animals spawn on taint or ocean biomes they just keep spawning and spawning. It wouldn't be a problem if they were any other mobs, I could just kill them, even be grateful for the xp. But, since they are dryads, I can't even kill five of them without a nature guardian spawning and I am not at a point to kill any guardians above air, and regardless, the dead dryads would quickly respawn so I'd endlessly be fighting guardians. Is there any way I can kill them without a nature guardian being summoned or even better a way to stop them spawning?

Also, on an Ars Magica related note, some spells I craft do not work when cast and simply fizzle out. Even more interestingly, when I deconstruct these spells they give ingredients they should simply not have in them. Does anyone know why this happens?
I made a castle just off the coast with a little nature room for witchery and so... many... dryads. There are at least a hundred of them (no, I am not exaggerating, I wish I was) filling every nook and cranny, even gaps between walls and ceilings which cannot be reached. I'm assuming it's because as no peaceful animals spawn on taint or ocean biomes they just keep spawning and spawning. It wouldn't be a problem if they were any other mobs, I could just kill them, even be grateful for the xp. But, since they are dryads, I can't even kill five of them without a nature guardian spawning and I am not at a point to kill any guardians above air, and regardless, the dead dryads would quickly respawn so I'd endlessly be fighting guardians. Is there any way I can kill them without a nature guardian being summoned or even better a way to stop them spawning?

Also, on an Ars Magica related note, some spells I craft do not work when cast and simply fizzle out. Even more interestingly, when I deconstruct these spells they give ingredients they should simply not have in them. Does anyone know why this happens?

You can target dryads, or all mobs/blocks with /cofh killall * or /cofh killall dryad

Spells not working is probably due to how you set up your spell. Some combinations do not work or need to have an extra shape/modifier to have the effect you want.
You can target dryads, or all mobs/blocks with /cofh killall * or /cofh killall dryad

Spells not working is probably due to how you set up your spell. Some combinations do not work or need to have an extra shape/modifier to have the effect you want.

Thanks! That'll help a lot, even though I guess they'll just keep respawning. Although I told myself I wouldn't cheat on this world they are starting to drive me crazy...

Also it's not to do with the recipe, I found that if I recraft the spell it'll work just fine. I think it might be to do with teleporting far away to get ingredients while halfway through making a spell. If anyone else is having this problem, just make sure you have all your ingredients ready before you starts and you should be fine.

EDIT: If anyone's interested;

WARNING ! AM Guardian are notorious bugged, only the water guardian is safe (maybie).

Spawning one or interact with could lead to a world corruption.
so far ive killed all of them up to the life guardian and i have had no problems, im just trying to complete the quest but it wont spawn so im thinking the grave stones spawning in the summoning area are messing with it. any way i can turn off gravestones?
Nope! They will be new quests in the Ars Magica quest line :)

I do hope one of the spells is a touch-Dig spells :p I find the absolute fastest way to level up in AM is to make a spell that is touch + dig, and you can get "Feather" pretty early on, for use with the Calefactor break-down. Using Light Etherium, you can smelt everything, have a chance to double what you're smelting, AND you get a chance at some Vinteum Dust, which, considering how hard it is to actually get in this particular pack over any other that's had Ars, I abuse the HELL out of >.<
For dryad infestations there's always the Black Hole mana altar and a projectile TP spell.

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Nice... died left the world because I had stuff to do.
Went back in and all my AM2 progress is gone.

Seems like its a bug when you click the "Exit World" button on the death screen you lose your progress amazing!
(Didnt test it though)

Edit: Also what is with these cloaked/dust Infernal mobs?
They are invincible and invisible all the time and just follow me around hitting me every so often really annoying.
How do I fight them?
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Ello all. Just popped in to report a couple issues that don't seem to come up in the search.
1. The armor imbuement table from AM2 has no UI, it's just a line of my equipped armor at the bottom and a giant gray box. This persists after restarts of everything including the computer itself.
2. OMG THE DRYADZ. There are so many of them spawning on the tainted coast near my base that I'm pretty sure they're taking half the CPU Minecraft is using, just to record taint poison damage and positions.
3. The AM2 mana battery and arcane reconstructor quests refused to manual detect the blocks despite crafting them and then trying spawned ones, so I ended up having to /hqm edit the quests.
4. The sojourner's staff from Reliquary is supposed to be part of the recipe for the lantern from the same mod, however if you interact with the staff in the slightest it refuses to use it. I also noticed that, when trying to take torches out of the staff, if emptied after having had torches fed to it the staff will suddenly change it's name to "unnamed" and lose all it's normal mouse-over stats till you add torches to it again.

Fun pack though, I finally have a reason to try out fighting taint. :)
WARNING ! AM Guardian are notorious bugged, only the water guardian is safe (maybie).

Spawning one or interact with could lead to a world corruption.

The only problem that I've ever had with the guadians was an interaction between the fire guardian and thaumcraft's runic armor, which caused a crash when hit. Switching to peaceful mode before loading the world back up fixed it. This was a few versions back so it might no longer be an issue.

I made a castle just off the coast with a little nature room for witchery and so... many... dryads. There are at least a hundred of them (no, I am not exaggerating, I wish I was) filling every nook and cranny, even gaps between walls and ceilings which cannot be reached. I'm assuming it's because as no peaceful animals spawn on taint or ocean biomes they just keep spawning and spawning. It wouldn't be a problem if they were any other mobs, I could just kill them, even be grateful for the xp. But, since they are dryads, I can't even kill five of them without a nature guardian spawning and I am not at a point to kill any guardians above air, and regardless, the dead dryads would quickly respawn so I'd endlessly be fighting guardians. Is there any way I can kill them without a nature guardian being summoned or even better a way to stop them spawning?

Also, on an Ars Magica related note, some spells I craft do not work when cast and simply fizzle out. Even more interestingly, when I deconstruct these spells they give ingredients they should simply not have in them. Does anyone know why this happens?

Same here. I struck camp a while back (and by struck camp, I mean that I stuffed my entire base into the spectre dimension) and looked for a new place to build a base. I found one of those ocean loot barges near a fair sized island that was half corrupted. After fighting off the horde of thaumic slimes and cleaning up the crusted taint, I noticed the horde of dryads, and started thinking of my new home as Harem Island.

Do dryads clean up taint goo? I noticed that the remaining taint goo on that side of the island all evaporated eventually without any manual cleaning or more thaumic slimes spawning.

Also: a couple of compatibility notes: I decided to give cursed spirit blade a try, and found that special mobs interferes with it, due to replacing all of the vanilla hostile mobs. For now I've just turned off special mobs.
And I'm surprised that there is a quest to make talisman of nourishment. I thought it was well known that hunger overhaul keeps it from working, due to the talisman only working with normal non-buffing/debuffing foods and the overhaul adding the well-fed buff.
Botania and Chisel both have a version of Andesite, but you can't turn Chisels' version into basalt through the Alchemy catalyst like you can the Botania version. However, the Chisel version appears to be the one spawning underground.
I noticed that Thaumic Tinkerers' version of smokey quartz has overridden Botanias'; I suggest that the two Andesites be combined in a similar fashion.
Unbreaking and Repair enchantments, then find a bauble that limits the amount of wear'n'tear I inflict on my tools. if it is only one-use, upon testing it this way, then I'll concede and use my Cursed Spirit's Blade.

If I recall correctly, Unbreaking and Repair are mutually exclusive enchantments... like Smite/Sharpness, you can only have one or the other.

Completely unrelated story: Wandering the Twilight Forest, carelessly got sucked into a Hungry node. Trying to smack it to death as I'm flung about, and suddenly, a Sticky Zombie Wolf gets sucked in with me. Final result: Enchanted sword, spell book, quest book, all my armor, my backpack, and my ender pouch, all stolen and tossed into the hungry node. SO. SALTY.
Do dryads clean up taint goo? I noticed that the remaining taint goo on that side of the island all evaporated eventually without any manual cleaning or more thaumic slimes spawning.

Also: a couple of compatibility notes: I decided to give cursed spirit blade a try, and found that special mobs interferes with it, due to replacing all of the vanilla hostile mobs. For now I've just turned off special mobs.
And I'm surprised that there is a quest to make talisman of nourishment. I thought it was well known that hunger overhaul keeps it from working, due to the talisman only working with normal non-buffing/debuffing foods and the overhaul adding the well-fed buff.

Taint goo will just evaporate on its own, and it requires a certain depth to spawn slimes so it may have just been shallow.

The specialmobs config can be changed to leave the non-special mobs in their vanilla forms instead of changing them to specialmobs types so that their height will vary a little. AFAIK that's the only thing specialmobs does to the non-special mobs that spawn.

If I recall correctly, Unbreaking and Repair are mutually exclusive enchantments... like Smite/Sharpness, you can only have one or the other.

Completely unrelated story: Wandering the Twilight Forest, carelessly got sucked into a Hungry node. Trying to smack it to death as I'm flung about, and suddenly, a Sticky Zombie Wolf gets sucked in with me. Final result: Enchanted sword, spell book, quest book, all my armor, my backpack, and my ender pouch, all stolen and tossed into the hungry node. SO. SALTY.

Unbreaking and Repair can be put together. Put Repair on first, then unbreaking. You can't put repair on an unbreaking item, but unbreaking is not restricted. Or was that fixed?

As for the hungry node... yeah, those will just break your gravestone and eat everything in it. I try not to go exploring unless I have goggles, or I put everything important back at home.
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As for the hungry node... yeah, those will just break your gravestone and eat everything in it. I try not to go exploring unless I have goggles, or I put everything important back at home.

The thing was, I didn't actually die. The sticky wolf kept getting slammed into me by the node, and every time he hit me, he stole whatever I had equipped/in my hands, dropped it... and the node then sucked it up and ate it. Took my sword, I grabbed my backpack to get another weapon, he took THAT, tried spelling him, *yoink*.... T_T (NOTE: I'm not suggesting this should be changed, just sharing my nerd rage with y'all)
Not sure but wouldn't soul bound enchant on the book work to help with theif infernals? or is that only when you die with it in your hand?
Not sure but wouldn't soul bound enchant on the book work to help with theif infernals? or is that only when you die with it in your hand?
Soulbound only lets you keep items when dying, you can still drop soulbound items to the ground intentionally or have them stolen from you by mobs.