[1.7.10]Hubris V1.6.1- HQM - 270+ Quests [Magic][Dungeons][Dimensions][Exploration] Ex-Listed!

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I've been finding that the spells are still not nearly as useful as my enchanted diamond sword, and it really makes me sad. I was so excited for ars magica, and this is my first experience with it. But it seems the only things I've really used it for include my dig spell, which does a 3x3x7 tunnel for like 30 mana...hnnggg<3 and then my zone, grow spell so I can grow trees and food instantlyyy <3 But as far as combat goes, I'm rather sadend. I feel like, any of the higher damage spells I can create cost like 1000 mana per cast, and the projectile+force dmg spell that's super cheap does 4 hearts or so... I just... I want moreeee. :c /endrant

diamond sword forr life. <3

the spell utilities such as zone and root etc are good, but the damage itself is lacking for bosses and infernal mobs etc.
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is it theoretically possible to remove all taint? such as mass silverwood tree nodes? or is it designed in a way that taint will always be generating
well i don't think you can free all the land unless you like mass a crap ton of blooms and use them along with silverwood tree node to in large mass area. I would settle for maybe a 500-2000 blocks in all directions centered around your base as a solution.
well i don't think you can free all the land unless you like mass a crap ton of blooms and use them along with silverwood tree node to in large mass area. I would settle for maybe a 500-2000 blocks in all directions centered around your base as a solution.

does this get rid of the taint in the air also? (the gas stuff that floats up)
I also read that you deal more damage when your magic level increases but im still doing 9 damage on armorless mobs no matter my level.

As I said earlier, your magic damage doesn't increase with level. My full response:

I see lots of Ars Magica discussion now so I'll throw in my two cents.

Make a projectile: magic damage spell. In my experience the other damage spells give about 6 experience per hit, but magic damage gives 12. It's a good idea to have a second damage type anyway, since some enemies resist one element or another (magic doesn't work on witches, ice doesn't work on blazes). Magic damage does not appear to increase with mage levels, but I believe it does increase slightly with affinity gains. Another thing which slightly increases damage is the augmented casting talent. It's what I prefer to spend my first red skill point on. Later on you will get damage modifiers that you can add to your spell crafting.

Make the armor imbuement table asap. The tier 2-4 augments take forever to get, but tier 1 can be gotten fairly quickly if you're leveling up by killing stuff. Get the burnout reduction bonuses, they make a HUGE difference. I think it adds +150% to your burnout reduction per augment. Later on you can get truly OP stuff like hunger regeneration.

Magic exp gets nerfed as you spam spells. For optimum exp gain you'll want to cast once every 4 or 5 seconds. However the nerf wears off quickly, so don't worry about it too much. Once you get sufficient burnout and mana regeneration you'll be able to kill stuff quickly with spells and level up steadily, regardless of the nerf.

Make a projectile: light spell as well. It's a good alternative to sojourner's staff, both of which are great ways to disable spawners from a distance. You'll need a light spell anyway to make the celestial prism.

In addition to leveling up and fighting bosses, you can find skill orbs in chests. The runic dungeon is a phenomenal source of these. Also the ocean barges that come loaded with treasure chests.

I agree though that the damage spells are pretty underwhelming. They are more about the convenience of having a "free" very long range attack. I'm starting to get up into the levels where I can work towards getting the +damage modifier and possibly have the mana pool to make use of it, so we'll see how that works out.

Edit: I just made my backup and downloaded yesterdays' update. I'm pleased to see that my quest progress wasn't reset. And it looks like beam spells are drastically cheaper than they used to be. It also appears that putting a soulbound spell into my book made the book itself soulbound. It would certainly be nice if soulbound protected from thief/sticky/hungry mobs. I already had to replace my entire spellbook once when I fell through the world when changing dimensions.
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As I said earlier, your magic damage doesn't increase with level. My full response:

I agree though that the damage spells are pretty underwhelming. They are more about the convenience of having a "free" very long range attack. I'm starting to get up into the levels where I can work towards getting the +damage modifier and possibly have the mana pool to make use of it, so we'll see how that works out.

Edit: I just made my backup and downloaded yesterdays' update. I'm pleased to see that my quest progress wasn't reset. And it looks like beam spells are drastically cheaper than they used to be. It also appears that putting a soulbound spell into my book made the book itself soulbound. It would certainly be nice if soulbound protected from thief/sticky/hungry mobs. I already had to replace my entire spellbook once when I fell through the world when changing dimensions.

sorry when i meant magic spell I don't mean magic type i just mean spell. all my spells, lightning, force etc.
I've seen on different topics that Aether is the main source of milk.. but iirc the mod list doesn't contain milk. Anyone knows the secret way to acquire some precious milk?
I've seen on different topics that Aether is the main source of milk.. but iirc the mod list doesn't contain milk. Anyone knows the secret way to acquire some precious milk?

I managed to find a cow near a pure node as it creates a magical forest biome around it instead of a taint biomes, where animals can spawn. I led it back to my base with a lead and splash potions of regeneration to stop it dying from taint. I then tied it up and it's now my milk slave. You could probably also find some transformation powder (I can't remember if that's its name, it's something like that) in the twilight forest and lead a twilight deer to your portal. The powder should turn the deer into a cow. I used this method to get pigs and chickens to feast on.
sorry when i meant magic spell I don't mean magic type i just mean spell. all my spells, lightning, force etc.

Oh, right. If there is a damage increase from affinity gains, it's pretty small. It's hard to say conclusively, but it'll be a lot easier to test now that we've got that test dummy.

I just did the arcane guardian quest. He's actually one of the easier ones, if you can maneuver well enough to hit behind his shield.
When you get that far, be sure to farm him until he drops his spellbook. It appears to have gotten a huge buff since the last time I played. It appears to give -25% mana cost, +10% damage, and a whopping -60% burnout. Also of slightly cheatery note, if you find him too hard: wand focus: shock appears to bypass his shield.

With the red orb that I got from his quest I was able to finally get some of the spell modifiers that I wanted. I just built the spell:
Shape 1: projectile
Shape 2: projectile, damage
Effect: magic damage, lightning damage, speed

Shape 1 costs ~300 mana and shape 2 is ~410. Shape 2 does about 23 damage. Those numbers are without the bonuses from the thing that is in the spoiler tag above. So it looks like ars magica does scale up nicely, but it takes a while to get there.

And shortly after posting this, my spellbook vanished. Then shortly after that, I had another worldgen crash :/ Loaded up the backup and my spellbook is safe and sound.

So it seems that soulbound is bugged. I suspected that gravestone was a culprit, but I did some testing and that doesn't seem to be the case. It looks like whenever you die in the end (and maybe other dimensions?) any soulbound items you have vanish. Turning gravestones off doesn't seem to change the behavior, and neither does turning on gamerule keepInventory. The Ars Magica config doesnt seem to have any way to disable it, so for now the work around would be using NEI's enchant menu to remove the soulbound effect and just turn gamerule keepInventory on instead.
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Having alot of trouble getting anything AM2 to work.
At my base, opening up an obelisk to put in a bucket of essence gets me a CTD.
Create a test world and cheat in an obelisk and I can drop in buckets all day long.
Crash report PasteBin
I would like to note that if I pull out Optifine, I get a CTD on load. even if I have pulled out all my other added mods as well, which doesn't make sense to me as it should be the default Hubris pack at that point. Here is that Pastebin, Though I am less worried about it.
Mostly I want to get started on AM2. I enjoyed AM1, but haven't really been able to get AM2 to work, ever.
I've seen on different topics that Aether is the main source of milk.. but iirc the mod list doesn't contain milk. Anyone knows the secret way to acquire some precious milk?

Pam's Harvest-craft has a block called the market it costs 4 wool 4 wood and an emerald, it will sell every seed and fruit tree as well as spawn eggs for all farm mobs for emeralds. With hunger overhaul cows have a milk timer so you might want a few of them. Artifacts add in some artifacts that convert to emeralds when dropped so just raid a few towers.
Pam's Harvest-craft has a block called the market it costs 4 wool 4 wood and an emerald, it will sell every seed and fruit tree as well as spawn eggs for all farm mobs for emeralds. With hunger overhaul cows have a milk timer so you might want a few of them. Artifacts add in some artifacts that convert to emeralds when dropped so just raid a few towers.
The artifacts that convert into Emeralds might be disabled, they are in my version of the pack, which is 1.1.6, I think. Also, villagers shed emeralds once in a while, so just keep some in your base for free emeralds.
One thing I've also noticed is that using the backpacks you can drain milk from cows with a hose directly, bypassing the hunger overhaul nerf.
Thanks for the spawn egg tip, that is awesome. Since I started keeping a sheep farm, no other passive mobs have spawned, so pigs and cows have been hard to come by.
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You have to be creative with your spells, raw damage doesn't go very far. Beam spells are handy and Zone spells are often fairly cheap depending what you put on them, Zone with an attract and ignition modifier is interesting. Simple damage projectile spells aren't very useful due to their mana cost.

If you haven't already, there are enchantments you can put on your mage armor that decrease burnout and increase mana regen as well.
Pam's Harvest-craft has a block called the market it costs 4 wool 4 wood and an emerald, it will sell every seed and fruit tree as well as spawn eggs for all farm mobs for emeralds. With hunger overhaul cows have a milk timer so you might want a few of them. Artifacts add in some artifacts that convert to emeralds when dropped so just raid a few towers.
OMG!! No way! Making right now! Lol
You have to be creative with your spells, raw damage doesn't go very far. Beam spells are handy and Zone spells are often fairly cheap depending what you put on them, Zone with an attract and ignition modifier is interesting. Simple damage projectile spells aren't very useful due to their mana cost.

If you haven't already, there are enchantments you can put on your mage armor that decrease burnout and increase mana regen as well.

I have to disagree about projectile-damage spells not going very far. The mana cost is really prohibitive at low levels, and when you don't yet have those armor augments. But I just hit the point where they really start to shine, and I have a spell that can 1-hit KO typical vanilla skeletons/zombies and such for only about 3% of my mana. There's certainly a lot of room for creativity in spell crafting, but a single target range attack is useful all of the time and will level you up a lot.

And I was wrong earlier about the damage scaling. After testing a bit with the practice dummy, I saw that affinity gains were not increasing damage, but levels were. The levels were only increasing damage by a very tiny amount, but the good news is that it scales with added damage types and damage modifiers.

The mana battery quest still seems to be broken. I crafted my third one and it still didn't trigger (possibly due to crafted ones having data for the stored amount?) but when I cheated one in with NEI it worked.

On the Thaumcraft side of things, I got around to trying out some of the new wand foci from various add-ons. Animation is a really fun novelty. Blink is incredible, the range on it is amazing: at least 80 blocks. And as aways, one of the first tools that I make in a mod pack that includes thaumcraft is wand focus: equal trade. It makes collecting certain things like obsidian or ores that spawn in lava much easier. And it's great for redecorating your base.
Noticed by accident yesterday that the AOE+Dig spell (and presumably the Dig in general) will break the unbreakable blocks in Runic Dungeons in v1.1.4. Might want to add them to the AM2 Dig blacklist in the config. It's supposed to automatically ID and respect unbreakability, but it doesn't seem to be in this case.
also if you already have one bucket of milk, the cow backpack automatically fills the 2nd tank with milk if you have wheat stored in it.

as for ars magic damage discussion, i agree it scales amazingly once you get green and red orbs but until then there is nothing for you besides the 3 main spells. and the grind to the green / red spells might put people off of it.

Pam's Harvest-craft has a block called the market it costs 4 wool 4 wood and an emerald, it will sell every seed and fruit tree as well as spawn eggs for all farm mobs for emeralds. With hunger overhaul cows have a milk timer so you might want a few of them. Artifacts add in some artifacts that convert to emeralds when dropped so just raid a few towers.

Any idea if this market requires a special place or something to use? i have the 6 emeralds for a sheep but it wont let me buy a spawn egg for it and really would love to have some wool on hand and not using all my string.