[1.7.10]Hubris V1.6.1- HQM - 270+ Quests [Magic][Dungeons][Dimensions][Exploration] Ex-Listed!

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey guys. Is anyone else experiencing large performance decrease when playing Hubris? I can run a busy Infinity client at a cool 40 fps but Hubris seems to really tax my CPU. I think my problem could be the constant taint spread into the ocean causing a million block updates but I'm not completely sure it couldn't be something else. Has anyone found a workaround for this or strategy? Should I move to the middle of an ocean till I don't see any taint?

Really enjoying the mood of this pack btw. GJ : P

The flux will eventually disappear. Check your entity count and make sure there aren't a million dryads spawning around, and if there are, kill them in creative and /cofh killlall the nature guardian.

ETA for the newest update is sometime this week. :p
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
which mod adds the extra buff symbols right next to the crosshair and in the upper left corner ? i just crafted the dragon backpack and its kinda annoying :(


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
which mod adds the extra buff symbols right next to the crosshair and in the upper left corner ? i just crafted the dragon backpack and its kinda annoying :(
Pretty sure one of them is from Ars Magica 2. Type /AMUICFG and it should give you options to move/remove one.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey DrasticDyansty. Been loving the pack, but have run into a few problems.

  1. The Botania quest for adding the Elven Knowledge to my Lexicon would not complete. Not sure why that is, I tried the manual detect button, but that didn't work either.
  2. My Soujourner's Sash does not have the auto-step ability. I tested it with the Globetrotter's Sash as well and that didn't have the ability either.
  3. This one isn't really a bug or something that's wrong with the pack, but I really can't seem to find any chickens. I have put down 6 Ethereal Blooms on a floating island and afk'd near there for 30 minutes and had no chickens spawn. It really seems overly difficult to get a chicken, and I would love to start on the Thaumic Horizons quest line but I'm blocked by the first quest. Maybe consider adding an egg as a quest reward?
Again, love the pack. It's really making me play Minecraft in an entirely different way than I normally do. One question though, did you intend for the Aether to be a safehaven? I just rushed the glowstone blocks from the nether and set up a portal where I can live with very little disturbance. Is this intended? Almost feels cheaty. Anyways, thanks for making this pack.

EDIT: Just remembered another thing. I am still finding absurd amounts of food in chests. Found a stack of pizza earlier today.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey DrasticDyansty. Been loving the pack, but have run into a few problems.

  1. The Botania quest for adding the Elven Knowledge to my Lexicon would not complete. Not sure why that is, I tried the manual detect button, but that didn't work either.
  2. My Soujourner's Sash does not have the auto-step ability. I tested it with the Globetrotter's Sash as well and that didn't have the ability either.
  3. This one isn't really a bug or something that's wrong with the pack, but I really can't seem to find any chickens. I have put down 6 Ethereal Blooms on a floating island and afk'd near there for 30 minutes and had no chickens spawn. It really seems overly difficult to get a chicken, and I would love to start on the Thaumic Horizons quest line but I'm blocked by the first quest. Maybe consider adding an egg as a quest reward?
Again, love the pack. It's really making me play Minecraft in an entirely different way than I normally do. One question though, did you intend for the Aether to be a safehaven? I just rushed the glowstone blocks from the nether and set up a portal where I can live with very little disturbance. Is this intended? Almost feels cheaty. Anyways, thanks for making this pack.

EDIT: Just remembered another thing. I am still finding absurd amounts of food in chests. Found a stack of pizza earlier today.
Hey man I am glad you are enjoying your time.

1. I am attempting to resolve that issue by moving all quests to fuzzy detection, meaning it will take the item ID with any modify such as mana etc. This should be fixed next update.
2. Sojourner's sash is a known issue. Problem lies with Botania as far as I know.
3. I can't force people to play a specific way, though I have tried to limit it such as moving the twilight portal to ruins and non craftable, but if people want to play outside the theme, more power to them. It is about enjoying your time :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey man I am glad you are enjoying your time.

1. I am attempting to resolve that issue by moving all quests to fuzzy detection, meaning it will take the item ID with any modify such as mana etc. This should be fixed next update.
2. Sojourner's sash is a known issue. Problem lies with Botania as far as I know.
3. I can't force people to play a specific way, though I have tried to limit it such as moving the twilight portal to ruins and non craftable, but if people want to play outside the theme, more power to them. It is about enjoying your time :)

About the Soujourner's Sash, it's really an odd issue because it works in the Infinity pack. Good to know that you're aware of it at least. I appreciate all the work you've put into this pack.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
About the Soujourner's Sash, it's really an odd issue because it works in the Infinity pack. Good to know that you're aware of it at least. I appreciate all the work you've put into this pack.
It is a problem with the latest versions if I recall correctly. I haven't checked the configuration but I highly doubt it is disabled by default.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It is a problem with the latest versions if I recall correctly. I haven't checked the configuration but I highly doubt it is disabled by default.

I checked the configs, it's not disabled and there's not even an option too. I guess we just wait for a new Botania then.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There is an aether companion that provides step assist but it really is a shame. You are the fifth person to report the bug


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There is an aether companion that provides step assist but it really is a shame. You are the fifth person to report the bug

Thanks for letting me know about the companion. Oops! Sorry I had no idea it had been reported so many times. My bad.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It was supposedly fixed on the version 183, the one in the pack. Infinity has 174, before Vazkii broke it :p
I manually updated it to 184 in the hopes of something getting fixed but it still does not work.

The bug report was closed 5 days ago when Vazkii fixed it, no one complained about it anymore. Maybe its some cross-mod problem specific on the pack?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey DrasticDyansty. Been loving the pack, but have run into a few problems.

  1. The Botania quest for adding the Elven Knowledge to my Lexicon would not complete. Not sure why that is, I tried the manual detect button, but that didn't work either.
  2. My Soujourner's Sash does not have the auto-step ability. I tested it with the Globetrotter's Sash as well and that didn't have the ability either.
  3. This one isn't really a bug or something that's wrong with the pack, but I really can't seem to find any chickens. I have put down 6 Ethereal Blooms on a floating island and afk'd near there for 30 minutes and had no chickens spawn. It really seems overly difficult to get a chicken, and I would love to start on the Thaumic Horizons quest line but I'm blocked by the first quest. Maybe consider adding an egg as a quest reward?
Again, love the pack. It's really making me play Minecraft in an entirely different way than I normally do. One question though, did you intend for the Aether to be a safehaven? I just rushed the glowstone blocks from the nether and set up a portal where I can live with very little disturbance. Is this intended? Almost feels cheaty. Anyways, thanks for making this pack.

EDIT: Just remembered another thing. I am still finding absurd amounts of food in chests. Found a stack of pizza earlier today.

Are any other passive mobs spawning? If not then you're too close, in my world I had 5 chickens spawn a pure node over from where I had set up base.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
About the Soujourner's Sash, it's really an odd issue because it works in the Infinity pack. Good to know that you're aware of it at least. I appreciate all the work you've put into this pack.

Yeah I can +1 this. Step up works in Regrowth as well. . .

That being said. . .

(The following seems to be a Botania issue:) My son and I play on Lan and, regardless of the pack, the Sash works for me (the one who has the Lan server) and not my son.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah I can +1 this. Step up works in Regrowth as well. . .

That being said. . .

(The following seems to be a Botania issue:) My son and I play on Lan and, regardless of the pack, the Sash works for me (the one who has the Lan server) and not my son.
Regrowth is also Botania version 174. Issue was introduced only at version 181 and supposedly fixed at 183....