1.2.1 was corrupted, 1.2.2. Fixes it.
I think candleberries give ordo. Just make a huge farm of them![]()
back in 1.2.0 I was having HORRIBLE frame rate. Now it's quite playable. I don't know what you did but it helped!
Can you check the gold gen rates? it seems to be too common right now, I am getting more gold then iron, and at diamond level it is about 3-4x more gold then iron, have read other people having lots of gold so don't think I'm just lucky, the reduced spawn might be broken.
what is odd is my game runs fine at render distance 12 on the surface watching all the taint spread, but when I am strip mining for diamonds down underground when i can only see 3-4 blocks at a time I start to lag the more i dig.
I'm starting with agricraft now, does this pack have any sort of watering can to help grow for the initial stages of the mod? cant find one in nei
I don't think the visibility of the blocks matters.
The problem is when you strip mine you move into 1 direction more or less quickly so new chunks get generated.
This leads into new blocks to spread on by the taint.
Your CPU won't be happy about that.
But I have the same experience with the overall framrate increase.
And for some reason the loading time of the modpack itself went down alot.
Use agricraft irrigation system it speed the growth and the sprinkler as an area of 9x9 or 7x7 (depend of difficulty settings I think).I'm starting with agricraft now, does this pack have any sort of watering can to help grow for the initial stages of the mod? cant find one in nei
If you have thaumcraft infusion altar research axe of the stream, can cut big tree easyly and increase saplings drop.is it possible to guarantee a silverwood sapling drop? last 2 trees haven't dropped one
I placed some lava recently and my screen started to darken and Flash around the edges as a you could hear a heartbeat. It really freaked me out. Does anyone know what this is from? Does it even have to do with the lava or was that coincidence?
A buddy and I wanted to try this out tonight but we're getting swarmed by hundreds of taint slimes before we can leave spawn. Tried 1.2.0 and 1.2.2 and three different worlds. Every 2-3 minutes there are another 300+ slimes spawned lagging out both our systems and the server. Is this intended or is it something we're doing wrong with the server setup?
So, I figured out what was causing me to drop to 3-4 FPS. Adventure Backpackswhich sucks, because they're useful as hell >.< while wearing one, my frames tank, and if I open it while wearing it, it drops even more. if I'm carrying it, I don't get the frame hit, and opening causes much less lag, and I get no lag from opening it on the floor :s