So I finally made it through the 117 pages of posts ... and I noticed one thing is rarely mentioned: Every time people talk about preparing nodes for energizing they seemt odefault to looking for a hungry node, feed, taint it, bottle it, etc ... but I don't think I ever saw anybody here mentioning Thaumic Horizon's research about creating your own nodes. Just takes a warded jar, 4 greatwood logs and 4 salis mundis for an unattuned node matrix, which can then be attuned to all kinds of single aspects, or made into an alrounder with 15 of every primal. Personally I went for a 120 fabrico node, which sadly turned pale upon creation, so I only get 9 centiVis out of it. still, I could slap 1-3 (depending on how insane I feel) transduction amplifiers on it for some more cV. Come to think of it, adding 3 and some taint thistles for mana production might be a neat experiment to do.
TL;DR: 6 metallum in HarvestCraft dough
Hi all! I'm playing on Hubris 1.4.2, and I've found that some of Pam's Harvestcraft foods/ingredients contain Metallum

I reckon that the aspect algorithm reads the Iron Bucket in the dough recipe and adds some Metallum in.
Currently dough and beef wellingtons (and several others, don't have my list on hand) contain
6 metallum each, meaning that with just a bucket of water and some wheat, you can make infinite iron from an automated dough farm and automated Thaumatorium.
I don't know if anyone's aware of this? Google doesn't bring up anything about it. It feels like an unintended feature, and I don't want to entirely exploit it and break the natural progression.
I noticed some odd essentia aspects in food too, but I don't find it very enticing, since I am already drowning in metallum without even trying. I think I have about 120 metallum in my reservoirs, 3 stacks of nuggets, 2 stacks of iron ingots ... maybe half a stack or a full one of unprocessed iron ore ... and then there are the 4 or 5 chests full of iron armor and tools/weapons I sporadically melt down for more metallum.
Compared to that harvestcraft dough doesn't sound too impressive. Sure, infinite metallum is easy to setup with that ... but what would the use for that be? Megaprojects with the chisel 2 tyrion block is the only thing that springs to mind. ... or is there some aspect in some of the mods in this pack that are particularily iron hungry?
Oh and before I forget it, I remember people regularily mentioning the belt from Thaumic Exploration for knockback resistance, but hardly anybody mentioned the pauldrons added by Witching Gadgets which can be upgraded to do the same, thus opening up the belt slot for other things. In Regrowth I ended up with Primordial full armor and a globetrotter's sash. Or boots of the meteor instead of the primordial boots if I really want to be able to jump 3 chunks at once. (I wonder how that stacks with ascent boost from Thaumic Tinkerer)
Last but not least: I did read how Dryad's got booted down to a zero spawnrate due to lag issues, but are there any ways to get more of them with other means? Killed one with a diabolist's fork before checking if an imprint crystal of the dryad kind exists ... then did the same to the second with the crystal soul vials from Ars Magica to see how far it fills after one kill. Somewhere around 0.3% of a soul from one dryad. So ... at the end of the day I probably need to change the configs if I want to see dryads and the nature guardian? Or am I missing some other option to get more dryads? (Gravestone corpse reanimation only seems to be a thing for villagers from what I saw, so that's no option either)
Edit: Another thing that confounds me is the poisoned potato. It seems as if it is impossible to get via farming. I think it already has been established that crop sticks yield no poisoned potatoes (which seems odd, since I think I remember Regrowth doing otherwise and in that pack there is no vanilla farming at all, only agricraft) and I just accumulated 4 stacks of potatos from planting them without crop sticks and using the RMB for harvesting. I even went so far as to actually destroy and replant enough potatoes for a fifth stack without a single poisoned one. Also, before anybody asks, NEI only shows one recipe involving poisoned potatoes, which is a duplication recipe which calls for a poisoned potato in the first place. (spider eye, poisoned and regular potato)
Edit #2: Woah, I just discovered a part of Thaumic Horizon that sounds quite amazing ... has anybody here ever made one of these ethereal shards? I just fed a stack of each primal ethereal essence into one of those and now I have an artifical node with 256 of every primal aspect. Though it does need an energized node to feed it, but I have a fabrico node for that.
Edit #3: I recently ran into a rather odd problem. I have a fully upgraded essentia locus with one crystalline eye watching a ring of 16 advanced essentia reservoirs connected to my advanced alchemical furnace. 3 essentia mirrors above the locus pointing to various locations. One of them feeds an essentia pump&crystallizer which I use to store excess essentia. The second set of mirrors feeds my thaumic horizon lab with victus ... but the third set of mirrors, which is used to feed my infusion altar started to act wonky. The altar refuses to pull essentia through it all of a sudden. I had to go back to my regular alchemical furnace and liquify some crystallized essentia into regular warded jars for the altar to accept said essence.
Rather frustrating since up to this point I was able to make a full set of void fortress armor just fine, among a lot of other things. Restarting doesn't seem to help either. Anybody got an idea what's happening here?