Have you updated to the latest version via github or the MyM launcher? It fixes most of those issues and adds more. FTB update is going to take a while. They keep adding and fixing things, which is nice but it should be done after the update that was supposed to be released a couple weeks ago.So many of my quests will not finish, I have the items in my inventory and yet its still 0/1, manual detect does nothing. I even tried remaking the item on several of them with no luck. Lots of Mekanism machines, the final digital blood item etc etc.
Is there something simple I am missing?
i tried to do a slimefarm for mobessence, though big slimes dont split into smaller ones for essence-profit.
are slimes nerfed in some way ? i dont really see any other method of generating a steady amount of essence (yes, blaze spawners with portaspawners, but thats kidna meh).
The update will be on FTB and curse when the update is fully out.When will it go up on FTB?
Update to the latest version using github or MyM launcherHere's hoping y'all can help. I'm currently trying to do some Thaumcraft stuff, but the quest that demands an Iron Capped Wooden Wand won't accept my wand.
You probably have the wrong website for MYMI'm unsure how to update via github, and MYM's website has been in maintenance mode for over a week.
Should I make a new world for this update, or can I import my old one?
Side question: Can I just rip the updated folder out and put it where my FTB one is?