Ok. I'll try to forget about mining, but when I tried doing the 64 cobble quest I hit a medium-sized vein of tin sand. So now I have 2 stacks of Tin.
Ok. I'll try to forget about mining, but when I tried doing the 64 cobble quest I hit a medium-sized vein of tin sand. So now I have 2 stacks of Tin.
You can make a flint knife with a flint and a stick not need a hammer. Some times nei not shows the easiest/best recipe on page one.Currently working on Coke Oven. Was looking at how to make a Knife and thought, "seriously, need a file and hammer?" Scrolls to back of recipes, sees 1 flint 1 stick.
EDIT: Currently on Clay Bucket crafting stage. After that I can start making paper for basic TiC later on and Brick Form now.
You can make a flint knife with a flint and a stick not need a hammer. Some times nei not shows the easiest/best recipe on page one.
If it use 40 Eu/t it is a mv recipe. You need to make some alu in the ebf and get the machine for it. It is not possible with a lv machine.If assembling machine recipe require 40 EU to make an item, is it mean it can be done only in MV (128V) assembler? Or there is any work around to make this item in LV?
If it use 40 Eu/t it is a mv recipe. You need to make some alu in the ebf and get the machine for it. It is not possible with a lv machine.
Currently waiting for cotton to grow so I can make TiC workplaces... Hooray!
I was lucky with my spawn point. Just next to fully walled Witchery village. After I ve got enough torches I light up all the internal area andturn this up into my Kingdom. It was best decision everOh, I just so happen to live in the worst place ever to find animals. I live in a red-themed shrubland next to a river, some sort of plains with trees (don't remember what it's called), and a Coniferous Forest. After finding my first two pigs, had to travel a good 500 blocks away to discover some more. So that's why I have to stick to cotton atm, until i have some wheat to lure mobs into pens.
Oh, and also, I need string. Not wool, lol
Yes the bat backpack is op. Will see if there is a config option to disable backpack loot. Need to make the crafting recipe of this bag more expensive too maybe with potions.Oh ok, thanks. I ve got already ebf and large bronze boiler to power it but still lack of fuel to feed lbb, because all available charcoal I am compressing for Charcoal Quest. Those 20 lootbags are so tempt I cant resist. I hoped, there is any trick to make this in LV machine, but of course not. Hardship first
I found yesterday in the chest under greatwood tree Adventure backpack -bat.
I think this item too OP and should not be available as loot. One of my goals was getting up and runninig brewing stand to defeat darkness with potions, but now... having that backpack I dont see a reason.
One of the aspects I really like here, is requirement of making various potions to survive in the battle or other vanilla minecraft stuff (horses).
There are no needs for potions in most modpacks or having a horse because you ll getting to quick to point when you dont need to bother about them.
aYes the bat backpack is op. Will see if there is a config option to disable backpack loot. Need to make the crafting recipe of this bag more expensive too maybe with potions.
Never see tin tool. Tico have only copper an bronze Tools. Tin level is only a mining level to mine tin so far I know.Was looking in NEI for once I got a smeltery to see if I could use my tin sand to make tin tools. I don't see recipes for ANY smeltery tool parts, is this a bug, and can you make TiC metal tools?