[1.7.10] Flux Galaxy - A Space-Based MagiTech Modpack

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Kicked Gaia's ass with a Fallen Kanade in enchanted terrasteel armor, although I had 24 health it didn't bother me in the slightest, I can't figure out why it was so hard and now it's not. Maybe it takes offence to having more than 1 person try and kill it.
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Thats good to hear @b0bst3r. Luckily someone on my server hooked me up with gaia spirits for my globetrotter sash, so I haven't even fought it yet lol.

Also if you already didn't know, 0.7.13 has been released as a recommended version. It's available on both FTB and Technic.

0.7.13 Changelog
I know Steve's Factory Manager can cause issues. On my server one day the tps was just really low and I couldn't find the source of the tps drop through OPIS. Then I noticed a harvestcraft presser that had an unusually high update time. Turns out it was a Steve's factory manager setup that was causing the tps drop because it was on a chunk boundary. I think as long as your setup is within the same chunk and isn't performing tasks super fast, it should be fine. I know quite a few people who have been using Steve's Factory Manager and our TPS has been stable at 20 for a while.

Also regarding The Spice of Life if you eat certain fruits (from Natura), then you can easily bypass The Spice of Life diminishing returns because they still give a half point of hunger even if you've eaten them 6 out of 6 times ;). I usually eat those fruits 6 times and then eat something out of my lunchbox to fill my hunger back up really fast.

I was just wanting to use SFM to set up auto crafting for the Perfect Crystals for AE.

I do want to get into Harvestcraft. Set up a kitchen area with farms and AE to autocraft any food I might want. It's the setting up of farms that causes me trouble. Im indecisive when it comes to building, and since I've never seen a harvestcraft set up im unsure where to start.
Yeah we moved up to .13 unfortunately the osmotic(sp) enchanter or whatever it's called is broke and constantly crashing the server. I believe a fix has already been pushed by the mod author though.
I have not read over every post in this thread so sorry if someone already mentioned this.
Do Oceans/Deserts/Jungles generate at all? I have been mapping for hours on multiple seeds and have yet to find any.
Is it some world gen mod that I missed in the mods list? All I want is a desert.
I have not read over every post in this thread so sorry if someone already mentioned this.
Do Oceans/Deserts/Jungles generate at all? I have been mapping for hours on multiple seeds and have yet to find any.
Is it some world gen mod that I missed in the mods list? All I want is a desert.
They should be generating as far as I know. You can use AMIDST to map out your seed and see where the closest biomes are.
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ok huge bug in 0.7.8 idk if its still there for the newest version. Using autosmelt pick/hammer on desh turns it into copper bars. I just lost a lot of desh before realizing it.
Well they do produce 250 RF/t throughout the day with no upkeep required, so I'd definitely suggest using them.
currently i have my boiler hooked up with fully augmented dynamos for power and fuel efficiency. idk if that does anything cause ive never used the augments before.
currently i have my boiler hooked up with fully augmented dynamos for power and fuel efficiency. idk if that does anything cause ive never used the augments before.
The augments only affect fuel usage for solid fuels consumed inside of the dynamo. Steam pumped in from an external source isn't affected.

Also 0.7.14 is live on Technic as a recommended version. I also submitted it to the FTB 3rd Party Pack Team, so it should be live on FTB within 24 hours.
Hey there. Wonderful pack, really. When the version 0.7.14a will be available on FTB Launcher? Thanks for this pack, I am really enjoying your work. Are you planning another modpack? Maybe HQM? I've got some scenerios tho. Thanks.
Hey there. Wonderful pack, really. When the version 0.7.14a will be available on FTB Launcher? Thanks for this pack, I am really enjoying your work. Are you planning another modpack? Maybe HQM? I've got some scenerios tho. Thanks.
Not sure it depends on the availability of the 3rd Party Pack Team. Usually they update within 72 hours of submission though.

By the way 0.7.14a will be listed as 0.7.14 on the FTB Launcher (whenever it does go live).
Thanks. I'm waiting for it. Love the pack. By the way which mod makes the leaves fall fastly or is it vanilla from 1.7.10?