What do you mean? 10/10/10 works. I spent a whole day to make everything I could find 10/10/10.
Pretty much what I said. . . Wheat seeds. . . planted one and allowed them to spread to a block of 10x10. still only had 1/1/1 after they all grew in. That's what I mean when I said it didn't work. Glad it is working for you. Not for me.
After planting planting an eggplant then allowing it to grow in a 5x5 block I ended up with one 2/2/1. So. . . apparently, the chance is really low.
In three separate modpacks I always got my plants to 10/10/10 with no problem. The process usually took me 30 minutes per seed using a watering can. I am not new to the process and have done this many times before. For some reason, this pack is excruciating. And it still doesn't work for plain wheat seeds for some reason. Others. . . takes a very very long time. . . and that is using the watering can.