[1.7.10] Automata — RPG, HQM, Reputation Systems, Custom Ore Gen, Mystcraft Ages

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Should I add a magic mod?

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The Death "quest" doesn't register your deaths. I've died 10 or 11 times now and it still says 0 of 1 deaths. But it did allow me to claim the reward, finally. (I think the 10th death finally let me claim it.)
Well, That's it for me!! My Laptop just Died!! It was literately the ONLY form of entertainment I had left. I have no Idea when/or if I will get it fixed, or replaced. I was really doing good on this pack, just finished almost 95% of the Thaumcraft research, and was starting to move into the factory. Well, Happy Gaming every one.
Still not working, even after the 1.0 update-it won't download the files for me. Opens up as vanilla minecraft.

Please quote me if you reply
Did it take a while and download a ~200MB file and then launch Vanilla? If so that is an issue with the launcher.

The Death "quest" doesn't register your deaths. I've died 10 or 11 times now and it still says 0 of 1 deaths. But it did allow me to claim the reward, finally. (I think the 10th death finally let me claim it.)
It is an instantly repeatable quest so it will never say 1 of 1 but it should be claimable after every death as long as you have been to the Nether.
Rivers of Blood.
I've melted 30 stacks of rotten flesh. The quest remains at 0
30x64=1920 rotten flesh at .5mB = 960mb

I also tried filling a bucket and sending that to the QDS (bucket and all through hopper) nothing.
Well, That's it for me!! My Laptop just Died!! It was literately the ONLY form of entertainment I had left. I have no Idea when/or if I will get it fixed, or replaced. I was really doing good on this pack, just finished almost 95% of the Thaumcraft research, and was starting to move into the factory. Well, Happy Gaming every one.

Dude so sorry to hear about your laptop hope u can get it up soon figures crossed and hopping for a quick recovery
No, I tried both 1.0 and 1.0.1 and also 0.9.6 and it didn't work.

I had an issues like this once in a mod pack best I did was pull my saved world out of the mod pack file and delete the entire thing download every single version and then create a new world quit the game put my old world back and it worked for me if you have not tried that give it a world. Got a new ep of my lets play up check it out if you like
I had an issues like this once in a mod pack best I did was pull my saved world out of the mod pack file and delete the entire thing download every single version and then create a new world quit the game put my old world back and it worked for me if you have not tried that give it a world. Got a new ep of my lets play up check it out if you like
I never had a world, it didn't work since the first time I tried downloading the modpack
Map looks promising at the start, but a couple things:
  • You spawn at the village with 2 HQM books, in creative mode. Obviously not intentional, and cheats are on so getting out is no problem, but still.
  • It's possible to break the HQM barriers in the throne room-ish area. I broke them with a stone pick and actually picked them up. The arcane barriers preventing you from breaking any of the gold/diamond blocks were clever, though (I hope a high reputation will allow me to get them :D) If you're going to use HQM barriers, a) use them to block things that are actually important, not an office with BiblioCraft crap in it, and b) set them to unbreakable by survival mode players.
Other than that, there doesn't seem to be much wrong with the map, though I guess I'll have to see for myself later on.
Hey, This map seems nice.

I seem to have few errors with it. First time I downloaded it, it was really hard. Well, downloaded 1.0.1 template and ovrwrote it and started again. First time I went to the factory, it only had Larry and that other named mob, no more mobs... Which is really strange.

Since now all the mob's I've met are from the spawners

Anyways, yea first time I started it, I got some error about INpureProjects, opened the log:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: bound must be positive
at java.util.Random.nextInt(Unknown Source)
at info.inpureprojects.core.NEI.gtfoMicroblocks.ScriptObjects.JavaObject.random(JavaObject.java:22)
at jdk.nashorn.internal.scripts.Script$\^eval\_.runScript(<eval>:3)
at jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ScriptFunctionData.invoke(ScriptFunctionData.java:535)
at jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ScriptFunction.invoke(ScriptFunction.java:209)
at jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ScriptRuntime.apply(ScriptRuntime.java:378)
at jdk.nashorn.api.scripting.NashornScriptEngine.evalImpl(NashornScriptEngine.java:568)
at jdk.nashorn.api.scripting.NashornScriptEngine.evalImpl(NashornScriptEngine.java:525)
at jdk.nashorn.api.scripting.NashornScriptEngine.evalImpl(NashornScriptEngine.java:521)
at jdk.nashorn.api.scripting.NashornScriptEngine.eval(NashornScriptEngine.java:192)
at javax.script.AbstractScriptEngine.eval(Unknown Source)
at info.inpureprojects.core.Scripting.ScriptingCore.loadStream(ScriptingCore.java:130)
at info.inpureprojects.core.Scripting.ScriptingCore.loadFile(ScriptingCore.java:119)
at info.inpureprojects.core.Scripting.ScriptingCore.loadPackagesFromDir(ScriptingCore.java:177)
at info.inpureprojects.core.NEI.gtfoMicroblocks.NEIINpureConfig.loadConfig(NEIINpureConfig.java:135)
at codechicken.nei.NEIClientConfig.bootNEI(NEIClientConfig.java:278)
at codechicken.nei.NEIClientConfig.loadWorld(NEIClientConfig.java:208)
at codechicken.nei.NEICPH.handleSMPCheck(NEICPH.java:109)
at codechicken.nei.NEICPH.handlePacket(NEICPH.java:23)
at codechicken.lib.packet.PacketCustom$ClientInboundHandler.handle(PacketCustom.java:98)
at codechicken.lib.packet.PacketCustom$CustomInboundHandler.channelRead0(PacketCustom.java:75)
at codechicken.lib.packet.PacketCustom$CustomInboundHandler.channelRead0(PacketCustom.java:62)
at io.netty.channel.SimpleChannelInboundHandler.channelRead(SimpleChannelInboundHandler.java:98)
at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.invokeChannelRead(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:337)
at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.fireChannelRead(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:323)
at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelPipeline.fireChannelRead(DefaultChannelPipeline.java:785)
at io.netty.channel.embedded.EmbeddedChannel.writeInbound(EmbeddedChannel.java:169)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.network.internal.FMLProxyPacket.func_148833_a(FMLProxyPacket.java:77)
at net.minecraft.network.NetworkManager.func_74428_b(NetworkManager.java:212)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71407_l(Minecraft.java:2050)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71411_J(Minecraft.java:962)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d(Minecraft.java:887)
at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:148)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch(Launch.java:135)
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(Launch.java:28)
Ok, updated the INpureCore and got it fixed.
That error might have been because of using Java 1.8

The creative mode at start and 2 books is a bit annoying yea.

Well I installed some more things like Somnia, fastcraft and optifine. They might conflict something too.

This thing is more Thinker's construct problem, but unfortunately adding diamond to slime tool won't make it able to mine iron :( or it is just some bug on my side and after first level gain it will start showing I should put it in crafting table to fix, and it fixes nothing :(.

I will try something in a bit, and will get the response.

Edit: Well I tested it out, it seems it was issue with somnia that caused mobs not to summon. Maybe you can add disclaimer that it should not be added and causes problems. Also that brought me to another improvement that could be done. Add some mod into modpak that avoids creeper damage on terrain. I mean creepers exploding and damaging is ok, but blowing whole base up so easily is a lot worse, or at least not destroy items, it may blow up and "destroy" the terrain, but all the items should drop so you won't lose them so easily, would be good inclusion imho. One way would be to include that "against creeper explosion" mod as disabled, so who wants, can easily enable for "easier" gameplay.
Found way to disable creeper explosion griefing :)
/gamerule mobGriefing false
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Hello everyone, I'm playing this mod pack currently with my friend and a few questions arose.

After finding Larry and Edmund in the enchantement table room, we killed larry and got a wand from him amongst other items, but edmund teleported and suffocated in a wall. Did he drop anything of importance, maybe to advance the quest ?
After that we completed the larry quest and we were given a hint to search around the book we've found earlier. We assumed its Larry's journal that is implied and went back to the huge room and then found an elevator downwards in a corner and an infusion room, but we did not get any quest updates at all. Is that intentional, or is it something we were supposed to find later, and the previous quest is somewhere else ?

Thanks for the answer beforehand!
  • You spawn at the village with 2 HQM books, in creative mode. Obviously not intentional, and cheats are on so getting out is no problem, but still.
  • It's possible to break the HQM barriers in the throne room-ish area. I broke them with a stone pick and actually picked them up. The arcane barriers preventing you from breaking any of the gold/diamond blocks were clever, though (I hope a high reputation will allow me to get them :D) If you're going to use HQM barriers, a) use them to block things that are actually important, not an office with BiblioCraft crap in it,
I'll fix the creative mode issue for next version of the pack.
Breaking the QGS with anything sounds like a bug, I'll report it to the HQM devs.
I was going to add more to that floor of the castle but never got around to it.

Anyways, yea first time I started it, I got some error about INpureProjects, opened the log:

Ok, updated the INpureCore and got it fixed.

This thing is more Thinker's construct problem, but unfortunately adding diamond to slime tool won't make it able to mine iron :( or it is just some bug on my side and after first level gain it will start showing I should put it in crafting table to fix, and it fixes nothing :(.

I will try something in a bit, and will get the response.

Edit: Well I tested it out, it seems it was issue with somnia that caused mobs not to summon. Maybe you can add disclaimer that it should not be added and causes problems. Also that brought me to another improvement that could be done. Add some mod into modpak that avoids creeper damage on terrain.
INPureCore will be updated next modpack version.
Harvest level tweaks are not supposed to be enabled. What version did you start playing? To disable them change "B:HarvestLevelTweaks=true" to false in \config\IguanaTinkerTweaks\Modules.cfg
Adding or removing mods can break things for modpacks like this. But it's your choice on how you want to play. I didn't disable creeper damage because part of the pack is reclaiming the factory which is already deteriorating, so a few more holes wouldn't hurt that much.

Hello everyone, I'm playing this mod pack currently with my friend and a few questions arose.
After finding Larry and Edmund in the enchantement table room, we killed larry and got a wand from him amongst other items, but edmund teleported and suffocated in a wall. Did he drop anything of importance, maybe to advance the quest ?
After that we completed the larry quest and we were given a hint to search around the book we've found earlier. We assumed its Larry's journal that is implied and went back to the huge room and then found an elevator downwards in a corner and an infusion room, but we did not get any quest updates at all. Is that intentional, or is it something we were supposed to find later, and the previous quest is somewhere else ?
The two named mobs are a side-story, but the quests that unlock by standing near them are required to view the endings. Anything you find in the factory while completing these quests are just ways you can get magical items without crafting them. Once you complete them you will need to get your Company Rank up.
Edmund is only holding a stone block that dropped while I was building the factory.
Larry is holding an Iron Capped Wooden Wand.
Huh, I found Edmund, but not Larry. The quest for Larry still unlocked though because I found his secret magic room. Not getting a free iron capped wooden wand isn't much of a deal though, considering the massive amounts of iron you start out with :P

Oh, and the game is much too easy with the Butterfly Killer, new TiC data gives it +30 attack damage which is enough to 1HK any normal mob and 2HK any non-boss mob. Not to mention that all you need is a cactus farm and repairing it is no problem. Might want to consider nerfing that, unless later parts of the game get hard enough that +30 damage is normal, like in ME^4 where you get as high as +50 (or higher); though it seems the main challenge here is in automating the production of stuff and the gathering of resources, so perhaps it's a non-issue.
The two named mobs are a side-story, but the quests that unlock by standing near them are required to view the endings. Anything you find in the factory while completing these quests are just ways you can get magical items without crafting them. Once you complete them you will need to get your Company Rank up.

So if I understand this correctly, the three power struggle quests i've unlocked is everything I'll get for now till I increase my company rank? And it does not matter if I find more magical rooms / items in the factory ?
Wait, if there's THREE quests, and I only have TWO... Hmm. I tried using the cheat HQM book to unlock the quest for me since Larry despawned, but the quest is apparently hidden from there too. Then I ran into a strange issue where the different kinds of vanilla spawn eggs weren't turning up in NEI (likely due to Special Mobs), so I couldn't test to see if spawning in a zombie named Larry would work to unlock it.
If the named mobs died/despawned and the quests arn't unlocked, all you need to do is go to the location they were at.
Edmund is in a hole in a doorway to the coke ovens
Larry is in a room under one of the triangle shaped rooms on top of the factory. You can break into it by digging through the wall in the room with all the desks on the right side as you come up the stairs.