[1.7.10]Atonement: Sins of the Past Hardcore Survival Thaumcraft Focused

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Wow someone actuality looked at the books i put a lot of time and effort into them to help ppl with the pack so its nice to know that they are getting used some

They're really useful, thanks for that. As I said in a previous post, this pack demands I use things that were fairly superfluous in most packs. Having some guides to help direct me towards these esoteric features has really helped a lot.

Now to start generating LOTS of mana so I can build a flower mob trap and start getting some bone meal... Damn you Zombies for ruining my simple plans!
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Sorry, didn't mean to come down on you like a ton of brick but this is a problem I've been fighting forever, first with Crash Landing and now, apparently, with Atonement. I go through GREAT lengths (well, with Atonement it is more like @Shane2482 going through great lengths, but still) to include answers to common problems and as much info as I can in game via HQM for Crash Landing and now custom guide books for Atonement...and NOBODY bothers to actually read anything, even when the info is staring them right in the face. I got hundreds and hundreds of damn fool questions just like that from Crash Landing and I had hoped that having an in game guide book would forestall the same problem for Atonement. Apparently not. It's just, I don't know, it feels vaguely insulting when people ignore the care and craft you put into making sure that they have all the info so they don't get stuck and ask a question that they could easily have solved themselves if they'd bothered to pay attention to information that is, quite literally, in their inventory and staring them in the face.
This is just me and barely relevant to the pack at all, but personally, I find books are now horribly overused. I don't even read them anymore due to a case of severe information overload. God help a pack that starts me off with three or more books to read. That's an instant red flag. I don't want to read, I wanna build stuff. I'll drop that pack immediately.

This is why I like HQM; instead of saying: "Here's a bunch of books, memorize shit and you better remember everything for when you need it", I'm babied and hand-walked through how to do stuff. More my pace :)
Its the stereotypical problem of people with instruction booklets. Many will ignore the booklet because they assume what they are doing. And when they fail to do things properly they may blame the product or its producer. I in all honesty skipped the introduction books out of pure habit. A number of mods dump their respective guides into your inventory and after reading them once or twice I just end up dumping any books on the beginning of a world. Having a blaring FAQ at the beginning of the book and or forum post will reduce the number of stupid questions, but there will always be people who don't want to look for the info themselves.

Just remember that many of us in the community hugely appreciate all the time and effort that goes into making modpacks. It may be difficult to remember this with all the whining and ignorance, but that appreciation is still there.

All huggy and feelly aside, what kind of difficulty curve are you looking for in this pack? I know it would help me give better feedback on things regarding 'balance'. I know the start of this modpack is supposed to be brutal, but what kind of mid/endgame are you going for?
This is just me and barely relevant to the pack at all, but personally, I find books are now horribly overused. I don't even read them anymore due to a case of severe information overload. God help a pack that starts me off with three or more books to read. That's an instant red flag. I don't want to read, I wanna build stuff. I'll drop that pack immediately.

This is why I like HQM; instead of saying: "Here's a bunch of books, memorize shit and you better remember everything for when you need it", I'm babied and hand-walked through how to do stuff. More my pace :)
Your choice and your loss. What I've aimed for, and mostly succeeded, was 100% in game documentation. Ever played a pack and had a mod you didn't recognize or the pack dev changed a mechanic and NEI didn't cover it? Now, instead of having to exit the game and look up a wiki or watch a video spotlight (almost) all the information has been given to you in game so you don't have to break the flow of what you're doing.

Admittedly, it isn't exactly a perfect system, there are holes in the information provided, notably Witchery can be a bit hard to get into despite having more game guides than everything else put together. But, for what I think is the first time, pretty much everything else can be referenced in game. You get stuck on something, you can go look it up from within your inventory.

Personally, I find that kind of exciting. While you can't have 0 clue how to play modded Minecraft, you don't have to have in-depth knowledge to tackle my pack. You don't need out of game reference materials, everything is right there. And if you'd rather ignore that, shrug, but any problems you run into because you chose to ignore the info I have provided will garner you very little sympathy.
It would be pretty nice if the custom books were in the enchiridion library. It's kinda silly that they aren't automatically added to the library list.

And I found the clockwork phase guide to be especially useful. I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing in that mod.
Your choice and your loss. What I've aimed for, and mostly succeeded, was 100% in game documentation. Ever played a pack and had a mod you didn't recognize or the pack dev changed a mechanic and NEI didn't cover it? Now, instead of having to exit the game and look up a wiki or watch a video spotlight (almost) all the information has been given to you in game so you don't have to break the flow of what you're doing.

Admittedly, it isn't exactly a perfect system, there are holes in the information provided, notably Witchery can be a bit hard to get into despite having more game guides than everything else put together. But, for what I think is the first time, pretty much everything else can be referenced in game. You get stuck on something, you can go look it up from within your inventory.

Personally, I find that kind of exciting. While you can't have 0 clue how to play modded Minecraft, you don't have to have in-depth knowledge to tackle my pack. You don't need out of game reference materials, everything is right there. And if you'd rather ignore that, shrug, but any problems you run into because you chose to ignore the info I have provided will garner you very little sympathy.
Amend your attitude. I can easily say that the use of books is your your choice, your loss. And I don't. I don't like too many in the packs I personally play, but that's my pace.

I expect you did excellent with your in-game docs, but that said, I have zero patience or tolerance for casual "your loss" comments thrown about as if someone had attacked you.
Ill agree that book can be a bit much heck im even one of those ppl that get a book at the start and just through into a chest thats why i did the books the way i did to keep the reading to a minimum the intro book isnt a book to tell you how to use mods its a book to inform you of useful items in the pack that way you dont need to reed through 20 books just to see if theirs something to help you out and if theirs something that you want more info on i point you to where to find it. Also the book is there to help with stupid questions so iv provided all the changes we have made to recipes or game mechanics that way if something doesnt work the way you expect you dont have to come here and wait for an answer that has already been given.
As to the Clockwork Phase Book well thats a different story theirs no in game info on the mod and the dev hasnt updated the op post so the info can be hard to come by so i decided to update the info and do a complete book on the mod.
Now with that said i know iv missed some info somewhere so if theirs anything that i didnt cover and you think it needs to be in the book then let me know ether on the forum or you can send me PM

And thanks to everybody that has played and enjoyed this pack
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I made a new world, dig a hole and hide myself.

Mine to found gold and at level 32 I found a vein of silverfish ... and I died ... damn silverfish those little things are un-fun :mad:
Anybody can tell me why hte clockwork phase pickaxe breaks like 7 blocks, and den is depleted? 700/700 quality and speed and 2000 tension. Dont know if the mod just nerfed them into the ground
Ghasts are BRUTAL in this pack. Christ.

On another note, does anyone have a low tier (pre-netherwart/blazerod) way of harnessing a Zombie Spawner? The problem with Zombies is they'll hack through the walls of conventional mob-farms over time.

I came up with 2 solutions, 1 of which is going to be annoying, if not simple: Obsidian room.

The other option, because of how low the spawner is (I need more diamonds to make a dolly and move the spawner for a drop trap of sufficient height to actually kill everything), was to drop them through a floor of suspended lava and probably hopperhock the items or try the Steam fan/vacuum to gather the items.

Ultimately I wanted to go for the flower trap (Tangleberry), but lack the resources I need. I may try heading towards Thaumcraft Warded Path/Stone to keep the buggers away from the walls instead... Then I could do a proper dark room and solve my string/arrows/bone problem... The crusted taint prevents monsters from spawning and I've been careful to not clear too much land at the moment, but consequently I'm lacking in mob drop resources (string, bone, gunpowder).

Oh, and it looks like the Exosuit/Jetpack is the preferred way of navigating the Nether early on... once you have a way of killing ghasts of course. For anyone playing with Boilers, I recommend setting up near a lava lake and feeding buckets of lava into your boilers for the Exosuit (needs a LOT of steam). Once you can do the warded wand thing you can set this all up in the Nether fairly safely, but I've yet to find a sufficient way of pumping lava directly.
I think your best bet for harnessing a zombie spawner is to move it with a diamond dolly, at least early game. Check out this relevant reddit thread.

My plan is to see if I can set up some sort of natural monster grinder/dark room in a nearby eerie biome. I don't have any useful monster spawners and it feels like this plan would be safer than spelunking in search of one..
With those damn silverfish it's a pain in the backside to mine especially in early game with a poor leather armor and a stone sworld ?

It's very difficult to start this pack (it's my point of view) because we need some ore to begin all magic mods.
With those damn silverfish it's a pain in the backside to mine especially in early game with a poor leather armor and a stone sworld ?

It's very difficult to start this pack (it's my point of view) because we need some ore to begin all magic mods.
If you're having trouble with silverfish try approaching the problem in a different way. Silverfish have fairly dumb ai and will gladly fall into pits which you can then fill with lava/gravel. And if you are strip mining when you are encountering them you can easily run away and block them from reaching you, move 16 blocks away and they should go back into the stone.

Once you can do the warded wand thing you can set this all up in the Nether fairly safely, but I've yet to find a sufficient way of pumping lava directly.
As a PSA putting any fluid around your nether base will prevent ghast explosions from doing any damage, just be careful if you use lava. For those that don't know ghasts can shoot some bunker busters that appear to break at least netherbrick, so I'm guessing cobble will also be effected. For pumping lava, thirsty tanks from automagy auto absorb fluids and then you can use a decanting golem or tubes to move around the fluids.
As a PSA putting any fluid around your nether base will prevent ghast explosions from doing any damage, just be careful if you use lava. For those that don't know ghasts can shoot some bunker busters that appear to break at least netherbrick, so I'm guessing cobble will also be effected. For pumping lava, thirsty tanks from automagy auto absorb fluids and then you can use a decanting golem or tubes to move around the fluids.

Thirsty Tanks! Cool! I've never used Automagy yet and I'm far from it in my world. Thanks.

And yeah, Cobble isn't Bunker suitable anymore :(
Hej Does anybody know of the plates from the exouit (Flaxbeard steam) stack their effect? Do i get incrased fire resist with each copper plate or is it better to mix them?
Hej Does anybody know of the plates from the exouit (Flaxbeard steam) stack their effect? Do i get incrased fire resist with each copper plate or is it better to mix them?

I've asked the Flaxbeard team this question as I also had an issue with the Floral Laurel upgrade (can't seem to get it to work) and I wondered about this as well. I'll update here when I get an answer.

On the subject of Flaxbeard, it seems they're working on a Block Placer for their next patch release (according the github). That should add some interesting options for early game automation in this pack in the future. It's really meant to just allow for easy automation of Ore Crushing so it may be fairly limited in it's abilities though.
Hej Does anybody know of the plates from the exouit (Flaxbeard steam) stack their effect? Do i get incrased fire resist with each copper plate or is it better to mix them?

Update: So I went ahead and scoured the code to figure this out. Keep in mind I'm not familiar with the actual damage code of Minecraft so I may be a little off here.

It looks like the way the plates work is that the plate inserted in the armor piece that's taking damage pulls the property of that specific plate and then, based on the damage source, applies Diamond Armor level damage reduction for that damage.

So in the case of Brass plates, the armor acts like Diamond armor for fire damage and otherwise acts like Iron armor. Also, fire/lava damage is only reduced during contact, but the ongoing "on fire" damage isn't reduced by armor at all.

Conclusion, if Diamond armor stacks in it's reduction of Fire contact damage then Brass Plates in the Exosuit also stack. Again, I'm not familiar with vanilla Minecraft damage code so I can't answer that part of the question.

Lastly, Damage is applied to the "Steam" in your chest piece rather then durability like normal armor. With the way Atonement handles Armor and Hearts I'm not entirely sure how this affects things. It'll require testing on a back-up world which I may go ahead and do later.
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