So far I'm enjoying this pack. Already on World 5 though with the last death me accidently hitting a pigmen in the nether with my wand and my clockwork armor running out of charge at the same moment. The mobs fucking hurt without the damage resistance.
As for surviving the first nights, try to gather some dirt, at least 1 seed, 1 sappling and 1 Greatwood sappling aswell as a couple floral fertilizers. Then just look for a lake. There are plenty, just find one that has around 3 chunks in diameter and set up a base in the center. Don't forget to clean the crusted taint directly at your base which is not beneath the water surface to avoid spawning of swarms and you are set.
Get a cobblestone house or dig down and set up underground and you should be fine. (Stone and dirt aren't affected by the tornados as far as i noticed)
your Bloom should be a couple blocks underneath the surface or it wont survive the tornadoes until you have a weather deflector.
Currently i just set up a skeleton spawner with a couple flowers. No lootbags though.

Additionally i also have a spawner that swithces betweens spider, skeletons and zombies, but the zombies wrecked my farm. I may try it with the warded stone, but need to think of a setup first.
The hardest thing to come by seem to be enderpearls until now.
Oh, and it is by far not as hard as BnB, in my opinion.