[1.7.10]Atonement: Sins of the Past Hardcore Survival Thaumcraft Focused

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Lost my laurel to something invisible. I was on the surface farming trees, wearing iron armor. There were some wisps occasionally hitting me, but nothing major. Suddenly I was taking heavy hits from something. I ran into my base and walled off the entrance, but I was still taking hits. Went deep down into my base, still taking damage. Boom.
Lost my laurel to something invisible. I was on the surface farming trees, wearing iron armor. There were some wisps occasionally hitting me, but nothing major. Suddenly I was taking heavy hits from something. I ran into my base and walled off the entrance, but I was still taking hits. Went deep down into my base, still taking damage. Boom.
Odd. I have no clue what could have done that.

I need to release the next version. will probably do so today. Ish.
It's either caused by the wisps, or some kind of lag bug (maybe caused by wisps or physics) that applies damage with some delay. I had it happen a few more times, where right after or during combat the game caught up with something and applied several hits in a quick succession, like it recovered from a lag spike.


Long live 1.1 then. I think it's technically playable, although it is affected by RNG way too much. My current playthrough is the furthest I got in this version, built an exosuit and started botania/exploration. I got a bit lucky with mob spawns, and I managed to run far enough to despawn occasional ghasts. I knew what to expect and built better defenses, so they didn't completely rekt my base, but mostly it was luck. I suppose with the ghast stone breaking fix it's going to improve significantly.

I noticed that blazes no longer drop rods, haha. Good luck finding gold to make golden apples for pre-nether healing. Meteors are fixed, too. I can't find any :'D Definitely don't miss the noise pollution.

I managed to avoid the mutant mobs, so can't give much feedback. I did see some pretty weird stuff...

I think the physics need to be tweaked a bit. They cause some weird collapses in 1.1, the land seems very unstable. Such as this one, as soon as I broke some Fibrous Taint here on top, the below section dropped down. It affects gameplay a lot, a random explosion can collapse your base from below, or the islands get eroded like that causing unpredictable things (this one actually made a gap in the walls of my mining tunnels). That lava phenomenon is probably caused by that as well, my map is full of those.

Yeah, I'm thinking physics is going to be a non-starter. Tch. Which is why this was only ever a beta. I may simply have to be happy with 1.0 as it is. It isn't perfect, but it is good enough and the amount of tinkering I'd have to do to improve things risks running hard into the diminishing returns point.
Been a while till i played in FTB due to university, played Crash landing for days, weeks even, now that i see you got another pack, time to try it out. Also if you get to work on another project sign me up for tester!
1.3 is now live on Curse.

Bug fixes, mod updates. Sky Islands are now bigger and slightly taller. Grass drops are tweaked. Caves now generate. Light Level Overlay is now available to take the place of F7.
These pigs keep spawning in my house... Any clue how to stop it?



They are passive, at least at that light level. Which is a good thing, because they are tough and hit hard, through walls.
There's an interesting stacking synergy between Essential Craft 3 and Looting enchants.

Using a Looting III pickaxe, with ο Amulet (blocks yeild more drops, but it costs UBMRU to break blocks). One diamond cluster gave me 42 diamonds, and one garnet cluster gave 36 gems.

I'm also wearing the ρ Ring (gain no exp from breaking blocks, but gain UBMRU instead), and I believe I gained 60000 UBMRU from just those two clusters.
Woops. oh well, I don't think I mind too much. Without tech, overwhelming resources aren't too unbalancing.
Woops. oh well, I don't think I mind too much. Without tech, overwhelming resources aren't too unbalancing.
This is why I like magic better. You don't have to worry nearly as much about having a lot of resources as magic rewards crafting and building work over mining work. Magic uses other resources like mana or vis and gating mechanics like the alfheim portal rather than making things cost 50 diamonds to craft.
I noticed that blazes no longer drop rods, haha. Good luck finding gold to make golden apples for pre-nether healing.

Yeah, gold and healing are my two issues right now. Most things require at least a little bit of gold to get started on, and without being able to heal myself right now, it's very risky to go looking for gold, lol.
This was... easy to find... hehe.


I was scanning nodes and ran into it.
Any tips for ransacking the nether fortresses? I got backstabbed in two worlds by a warding skeleton. Insta dead LOL
Make sure your armor is working. When you enter the Nether, it sometimes has no hearts, and you need to re-equip it.

I don't explore it until I can fly properly, and with night vision.
Make sure your armor is working. When you enter the Nether, it sometimes has no hearts, and you need to re-equip it.

I don't explore it until I can fly properly, and with night vision.

Well i had decent armor + flight. But i got cheesed twice by a op skeleton haha.

By the way is there any better way to use the stupid flax crucible? SOOOO BORING to spam right click at it ._.
I make several crucibles, and sweep the mouse over them for several ingots at once. 4-5 is the sweetspot for me.


(don't make five rock crushers, that was stupid)
So I had a great start, found a good little peninsula that I purified and had an underground base going. The top was lit up, walled it off so mobs couldn't wander on, and was doing really good. Then there was a shambling husk banking on my gate, before I could get to him he broke the gate, but whatever, no big deal. I killed him easily enough, but this time an armored crab appeared. I thought I was doing ok fighting it (but I couldn't get a look at it long enough to see how much health it actually had), then it jumped and landed on my head. I couldn't figure out how to get it off of me (not that I had much time), so game over... Any tips on how to deal with them or get them off my head?