[1.7.10]Atonement: Sins of the Past Hardcore Survival Thaumcraft Focused

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Popular Member
Feb 17, 2013
Hello, I was playing this modpack before it was updated and I loved it!

However, when I downloaded the current version from the curse launcher, the game crashes.
So, how do I post the crash log, exactly? I really don't know much about this sort of stuff.
Sorry if the answer is obvious and I missed it. :(
Pastebin is the preferred method, and copy the link here.


Popular Member
Feb 17, 2013
Are old worlds compatible, or is it best to start anew? I mean it would seem if nothing else you likely don't get the crown, you don't have the tweaked ore/silverfish gen, but would there be anything else?
post 0.3 worlds should be compatible. Ish. You won't have the new Simple Achievements or the new guidebook. The first is fixed by /flushAchievements, you just need to be able to run commands (opening your world to LAN will give you the option), the second can be fixed via NEI and giving yourself a new book (and golden crown is you haven't, it isn't cheating if it is to fix a bug).

Lachim Heigrim

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
@Desman thanks for the tip. How close do I have to stay for the new portal to "link" back to my Overworld one? Definitely something to consider although explosive shots from ghast will make the jobmore difficult. Looks like I have much to learn from the BnB veterans ;)

With my current attempt I've decided to try out all Overworld possibilities first before entering nether. After writing that post I realized there's much more that I could have done instead of rushing into all-powerful Botania. That's why I'm not updating to the newest version. I want to check out Clockwork Phase and Flaxbeard's more.

@Iskandar: Thanks for the awesome work and keeping the pack updated. I think I lost about 20 worlds by now, first 10 due to performance issues (typically killed by taint swarm while lagging on surface) but I finally got the performance sorted out (particles none, 8 chunks render distance, weather2 effects to minimum). I'm still still playing 0.3.0. The other 10 attempts, just dying randomly to silverfish, Thaumcraft champion zomber digging out of the wall 2 blocks behind me and finishing me off with his pick, falling of ladders while chased by silverfish swarm... all the evil creations you brought onto us.

My only complaint about the pack is the Werkbench. The missing shift+click support made me throw the damn thing into lava few times already. I could add something myself, but I can't be the only one shift+clicking for multi-crafting (flax's rock smasher anyone?) and collecting ingredients back. The other two complaints were Weather2 constant storming and Witchery flaming dogs - but it sounds like they are both sorted out now.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm not sure what you mean by the missing shift+click support. Do you mean that you are unable to hold shift to place a block instead of interacting with something? Because I'm able to do that just fine. Granted, I started on 0.6.0, and now I'm on 0.7.0.

If you specifically want to play with the mods in 0.3.0 then I guess I can understand still playing that version, but it's not like getting used to Clockwork Phase will help you with the newer version or anything, lol. And Flaxbeard's is still around. That's one of the ones that I want to learn a bit more. I built the crusher, and the chest armor, and was gonna build a steam jet pack... but then I ran out of metals. And to get the leather to make books for an enchantment table and stuff, I needed to get farther into either Botanica or Thaumcraft. Thaumcraft didn't require hunting down blazes, so I went with it. Now I'm about to make a thaumostatic harness. Which I am a huge fan of due to the creative style flight it gives, very useful in general, but will be even more so for harvesting the sides of islands.


Popular Member
Feb 17, 2013
Yean, I did like Clockwork Phase myself, but the mod dev quit updating it and called it a dead project. Silent's Gems is a more than adequate replacement, and has much more utility.

And @DigitalWino I'm glad you're having success. Hopefully harnessing nodes wasn't too much of a pain. I didn't realize Thaumcraft dropped nodes into the void like that on sky island maps. I'd like to fix that, but I'm not sure I can


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Lol, yeah, the nodes mostly being in the void was another reason why I feel that the harness will help a lot. When I had just the thaumometer, I would look around and thought it odd how few nodes there were. Then I got the goggles and started seeing them all over the play... down below. Being able to fly will help me get to them, and eventually bring them up. Now that I have the ability to infuse items, I can make the hoe of growth and get my silverwood trees going.

Silent's gems has been interesting so far, though I havn't played much with it. The puffy puffs have been SUPER useful for getting feathers and string, both of which I've been melting down a lot of for the essentia. Thankfully I have a skeleton spawner set up with two tiny kill box rooms. I kill them manually so I can get the xp and vis for my wand. then I have hoppers in the floor picking up the items for me. I just make a sword of the zypher to enchant so I will hopfully get some luck on it and get bones even quicker.

There is one thing about the gems that seems broken though. I thought I read that they would work as their thaumcraft counter parts. And for the ore dictionary listing, it shows both earth shards and earth drops as "shardEarth", but the earth drops do not seem to work for thaumcraft at all. So my big hindrance right now is lack of shards.

Edit: Did you upgrade silent's gems when you went to 0.6.0? Because I didn't think I could right click harvest the puffy puffs before, but now I can. Which is really nice.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Here is my setup for the skeletons. I use stairs to create a window that I can attack through, but they can't get out or shoot out of. I had a zombie one too, until the douchbags dropped tnt and blew the spawner up :-(



Popular Member
Feb 17, 2013
Lol, yeah, the nodes mostly being in the void was another reason why I feel that the harness will help a lot. When I had just the thaumometer, I would look around and thought it odd how few nodes there were. Then I got the goggles and started seeing them all over the play... down below. Being able to fly will help me get to them, and eventually bring them up. Now that I have the ability to infuse items, I can make the hoe of growth and get my silverwood trees going.

Silent's gems has been interesting so far, though I havn't played much with it. The puffy puffs have been SUPER useful for getting feathers and string, both of which I've been melting down a lot of for the essentia. Thankfully I have a skeleton spawner set up with two tiny kill box rooms. I kill them manually so I can get the xp and vis for my wand. then I have hoppers in the floor picking up the items for me. I just make a sword of the zypher to enchant so I will hopfully get some luck on it and get bones even quicker.

There is one thing about the gems that seems broken though. I thought I read that they would work as their thaumcraft counter parts. And for the ore dictionary listing, it shows both earth shards and earth drops as "shardEarth", but the earth drops do not seem to work for thaumcraft at all. So my big hindrance right now is lack of shards.

Edit: Did you upgrade silent's gems when you went to 0.6.0? Because I didn't think I could right click harvest the puffy puffs before, but now I can. Which is really nice.
Him, the Essentia Craft gems should work, I think. Or maybe it was the other way around. I do know that you can use Essentia Craft's Chaos Gems in place of the one's in Silent's Gems, but not vice versa. And go hunting for meteors. They should have a good mix of ores and gems plus glowstone and gunpowder.

Oh, and if you get far enough into Botanai you can duplicate TC shards via conjuration. Read the guidebook, it has lots of tips like that.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, I did see the shard duplication. I'm not that far along in that though. It's the blaze rods holding me back there.

Meteors are my friend. I have quite a few waypointed. Once I can fly and get to/from them quicker and easier I'm gonna work on mining them up. Might also get an enchanted pick first too.

Lachim Heigrim

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm not sure what you mean by the missing shift+click support. Do you mean that you are unable to hold shift to place a block instead of interacting with something? Because I'm able to do that just fine. Granted, I started on 0.6.0, and now I'm on 0.7.0.

If you specifically want to play with the mods in 0.3.0 then I guess I can understand still playing that version, but it's not like getting used to Clockwork Phase will help you with the newer version or anything, lol. And Flaxbeard's is still around. That's one of the ones that I want to learn a bit more. I built the crusher, and the chest armor, and was gonna build a steam jet pack... but then I ran out of metals. And to get the leather to make books for an enchantment table and stuff, I needed to get farther into either Botanica or Thaumcraft. Thaumcraft didn't require hunting down blazes, so I went with it. Now I'm about to make a thaumostatic harness. Which I am a huge fan of due to the creative style flight it gives, very useful in general, but will be even more so for harvesting the sides of islands.

What I meant by shift+clicking is interacting with UI of the crafting bench from the Werkbench mod either to craft multiple items or to collect leftover ingredients from crafting grid back to player's inventory. The issue has been reported ages ago. No fix in sight tho.

Also does anyone else have problem with freezing NEI when checking recipes for items that spawn or drop (e.g. iron ore, coal ore, strings). Some mod is adding graphs with spawn/drop rates and I am not able to close the NEI when the graph is being displayed. Looks like UI loses keyboard input , mouse is working fine. NEI buttons (options, next, previous) become unresponsive as well. Must kill and restart minecraft.


Popular Member
Feb 17, 2013
BTW, did you get the Simple Achievements book straight? It has been updated between last update and this one and you'll be missing a lot of the goals without it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, I did /flushachievements and when I looked in the book again, I believe it was different. That being said... I don't know that I've managed to complete any of them yet, lol. Granted I havn't gone through the entire book yet though. Those are some pretty lofty goals... 64 chunks of purified land...

While I had cheats enabled I also went into creative mode to give myself a crown (which is nice, now that there are WAY more monsters about, wisps in particular) and a new guide book.


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2014
@Desman thanks for the tip. How close do I have to stay for the new portal to "link" back to my Overworld one? Definitely something to consider although explosive shots from ghast will make the jobmore difficult. Looks like I have much to learn from the BnB veterans ;)

I think it's 16 blocks (128/8). If the situation is medium difficulty, I usually dig a staircase down a couple blocks from the portal to get out of sight. If it's raining ghast balls, better run far away and just open a new overworld portal.

Holy hell, I did not expect the new version to be this difficult... Now it's ten times harder than before.

I spawned on a small sky platform with nothing on it, had to jump down to another platform and lose 4 health. On the bright side, there were three exposed dungeon chests, and a named zombie that dropped a nice enchanted breastplate.

There are hostile wisps everywhere, and I'm gonna need to encase my base in at least cobblestone, or the zombies will dig into it. The nearest lava block seems to be 200 blocks deep into the taint, full of sheep and pigs, so starting Flaxbeard won't be easy.
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Popular Member
Feb 17, 2013
Yeah, I did /flushachievements and when I looked in the book again, I believe it was different. That being said... I don't know that I've managed to complete any of them yet, lol. Granted I havn't gone through the entire book yet though. Those are some pretty lofty goals... 64 chunks of purified land...

While I had cheats enabled I also went into creative mode to give myself a crown (which is nice, now that there are WAY more monsters about, wisps in particular) and a new guide book.
If there any mentions of Witchery then you didn't get the new stuff.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The guide book doesn't have any mention of it anymore, I know that. I'll have to actually go through the achievements book when I get home.

BTW, why did you remove witchery? I have explored it a but in BnB, and I thought it was a very well done mod. I guess I can see a few issues though. With everything being plains, you'd need to make sure that whispy cotton spawns in that biome. And more so on the island you're on, because getting from one to another would be very hard in the beginning. I suppose without rivers or large bodies of water getting lily pads might be an issue too... Never mind, I think I just answered my own question, lol.


Popular Member
Feb 17, 2013
That and it was last updated in April of last year. Plus the flaming dogs issue, as well.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Heh, well I'm completely opposite opinion, the new update made this pack waaaaaay easier.
1) No weather craft - This was the only thing which kept me burrowed underground. And no, I'm not scared of meteor craft. :p
2) No witchery - The hell doggies were fine. Their fire DMG can be easily countered, without it they can't hurt you. The only bad thing about them was, that they weren't dropping vis orbs. It's quite shame that you had to remove it, but well dead mods are dead mods...
3) Silent's Gems - These things are OP! xD Together with bibliocraft, steam hammah, weapon with XP boost (or education enchant) and full gold steam suit, you can get exp very quickly and make reeeeeeally powerful items.
4) I personaly don't know Essentia Craft, but when I looked in NEI and found armour with 70% vis cost reduction +40 hearts and more armour than Space marine I was like: O________o
5) Blazes spawning in overworld = free blaze rods = useless nether (try to make them drop blaze powder instead or use Botania ones) I'm serious with this one.
6) S**t tons of whisps everywhere = free auram

How does everyone survive the nether visit? Is it just a lucky draw for an underground spawn or is it quite late game?

I came in an while the world was generating and the flaming dogs attacked me. I quickly built a pillar of cobble under me and slashed them. While on the pillar a ghast shot me and everything went into flames. LAG. I ate a golden apple and started running random direction. I somehow survived it but few second later I went into flames repeatedly until I realized I am being attacked by the dogs again. LAG+darkness. I killed the dogs and tried to approach the portal so the ghast started shooting at me again. I returned one shot but two more exploded around me and I was dead.

I was wearing full set of manasteel armor, no enchantments. I can do few more things: bring more golden apples to keep tanking, maybe fit the flaxbeard's armor with fire protection on. What do you guys do? I feel I need to get more creative in overworld before hitting Nether. My motivation for the visit were basic Botania runes.

If you want some tips here:
1) Going into nether with full manasteel armour? = Suicide
You need full brass (fire protection) steam suit, with best tank, jet pack, thrusters and modular accelerator. Yes the steam jetpack is hell annoying to operate, but it's cheap flight you need to survive on nether surface. Also if you leave nether, remove jet pack from your suit it drains steam every time you are in air (Jumping, falling). But be careful if you miss click and take off the tank you will lose all the steam it contained.
But be prepared! It's still coal super hungry... You will need decent tree farm.
I also strongly recommend you extendo fist, you have extended range in which you can operate things, break blocks and hit enemies. And Pulse Nozzle. It gives double jump.
For weapons against ghasts, you should get at least livingwood bow with infinite enchant or wand with shock foci (That's how I did it. Bow might be better if you know how to use it. Sadly they seems to never work against ghasts in my case... xD)
Later on use musket with bolt action upgrade. :)
2) Use the multi block boiler, the small one.. well.. ehm.. sux...
3) If you have enough mana to use manasteel equipment use ring of correction, it drastically reduces time you spend mining (you just hold mouse button and go forward) and it detects silverfish nests (you will start hitting it with manasteel sword). Steam tools are fine, but you can recharge them only in base, and they wont last long even if you try to save the steam (not holding down RMB but clicking), also the need of using RMB can be anoying at first, but I easily got acquired to it. Then I had habit clicking RMB even when I switched to void tools... xD
4) Thaumcraft Horizons is awesome mod!
1. Use Liquefaction and Disintegration focus. They will make your struggling easier. Disintegration focus breaks items into crystallized essentia = no more taint from crucible and cleaner and faster way how to get essentia from alchemical furnace. Liquefaction focus cooks or melts items instantly. (it also melts stone to lava! After a while...)
2. Use Vat or Seroconverter for early->mid regen. You can get victius from leaves, if you break herba essentia in centrifuge or make Tainted blood pendant with regen effect.
3. You can use victius to clone meat (If you have at least one)! Food from leaves for days! How cool that sounds?
5) After you research Alchemical Transmorgrification (Witching Gadgets), use entropy crystallized essentia instead of cobble if you want to mass produce Alumentum in crucible.
6) Be careful, hungry nodes hurts... really... realy... hurts... T.T If you are sucked in, even jet pack won't help you... Learned that the hard way...
7) If you don't need leaves, use horn of the canopy, to get rid of them.
8) Personally I prefer Tectonic Girdle over Soujourner's Sash.
9) Low on vis? Put the wand in hotbar and go to kill mobs. They drops vis orbs. I never used normal nodes for recharging wand... :D

If there is anything else you would like to ask me, I'm all ears.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think it really depends on how you're set up.

I agree with the blaze thing to a degree. I haven't been finding a ton of them yet, so I haven't gotten any rods, but the potential is there. So I'm hoping to get some rods w/o going to the nether.

For me the wisps have been a pain in the ass so far. As there were so few of them before, I wasn't set up to go after them at all. So suddenly having them hanging around my little whole in the ground has been a pain in the ass.

Meteor craft isn't really dangerous at all. From what I can tell, they will NEVER land where you are. They always seem to land just outside of loaded areas. I'm guessing it's partially so that they don't cause major lag spikes as the loaded chunks are trying to suddenly change on you.

I think the armor you're talking about is actually unattainable, but I could be wrong. At least some of the items required for it don't have a recipe in NEI.