[1.7.10][205 Quests][Listed] BeeHappy - A quest based map about Bees

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I have a serious question... When and how do I get the centrifuge for once? I have been doing a good deal of quests, but none of them give me a centrifuge. And the quest that gives a bunch of ingots doesn't give enough copper to make it
Well, unless there is a cheeky little quest hidden away that drops one, you're going to need some bees. Specifically, bees that make copper nuggets (cuprum), tin nuggets (stannum), and probably bronze nuggets if you fell like skipping a few steps in the crafting process. A bit of a faff when you're getting started, but by god you'll need plenty of them if you want to build anything substantial in the future.
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Thanks. After literally over 1 hour of just sitting idle (I was watching youtube as I waited), I only barely got enough for 3 ingots, and I was able to make a centrifuge
I you're using the industrial apiaries, I highly recommend the coloured honey quests. They can give you enough production upgrades to max out one apiary, and that would normally cost you, among other resources, a complete stack of bronze.

Of course, my ambition always outstrips my resources. I used to be excited to get 4 bronze together for an automation upgrade, now I get annoyed that I don't have enough gold to finish making my floor out of solid gold blocks.
I'm not doing so bad now. Although I do have a serious question. 1 of the 2 first resource quests give you a spider bee, but you need to give 64 spider eyes. And I checked NEI and the only way to craft them is with the spider bee, it's a catch 22.

As for getting spider eyes the hard way... My classic mob farm has netted me over 6 stacks of rotten flesh, 3 stacks of gunpowder, 4 stacks of bones, and 4 stacks of string. But only 4 spider eyes.. So at this rate, it would LITERALLY take over 24 hours of constant mob death to get them all.
I'm not doing so bad now. Although I do have a serious question. 1 of the 2 first resource quests give you a spider bee, but you need to give 64 spider eyes. And I checked NEI and the only way to craft them is with the spider bee, it's a catch 22.

As for getting spider eyes the hard way... My classic mob farm has netted me over 6 stacks of rotten flesh, 3 stacks of gunpowder, 4 stacks of bones, and 4 stacks of string. But only 4 spider eyes.. So at this rate, it would LITERALLY take over 24 hours of constant mob death to get them all.
You can breed spidery bees on your own fairly early on.
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I'm not doing so bad now. Although I do have a serious question. 1 of the 2 first resource quests give you a spider bee, but you need to give 64 spider eyes. And I checked NEI and the only way to craft them is with the spider bee, it's a catch 22.

As for getting spider eyes the hard way... My classic mob farm has netted me over 6 stacks of rotten flesh, 3 stacks of gunpowder, 4 stacks of bones, and 4 stacks of string. But only 4 spider eyes.. So at this rate, it would LITERALLY take over 24 hours of constant mob death to get them all.
Your supposed to USE the spider bee to get the resources. Your supposed to work your way through the quests till you get a the machine that you can forcfully mutate your bees and use that to get the spider bee, etc.

The one you get from the class is so you have two sets afterward, sometimes you need to mutate one of them for the next quest and sometimes it's just an extra so you can get that resource faster in the future.
I decided to give the pack another shot going the grains route over nuggets and was confused on something. Why halve the ingots from an early quest from 16 to 8? The same is true for the redstone and glowstone dusts. You may as well use them as nuggets as you really cant do much with such a small amount. With access to the nether, the glowstone bee is essentially unnecessary. Again this is just confusion on my part about a few things.
So I got something from the magic questline called a Beegonia. I googled how it generates mana but nothing came up. I tried throwing a drone on it but nothing happened

What do I do with it?
So I got something from the magic questline called a Beegonia. I googled how it generates mana but nothing came up. I tried throwing a drone on it but nothing happened

What do I do with it?
I don't know if you're familiar with botania, but the beegonia is another form of mana generation for botania that eats bees dropped near it - they may need to be on the same level as the flower to get absorbed. To extract the mana, make sure the plants are close to a mana spreader and the spreader is pointed at a man pool.
I am fairly good with Botania, I have had modpacks with it before. And I guess my error was either: Not waiting long enough for it to eat the bee, or because I threw the bees on top of the flower
I am fairly good with Botania, I have had modpacks with it before. And I guess my error was either: Not waiting long enough for it to eat the bee, or because I threw the bees on top of the flower
It was the former, they work fine on top of the Beegonias. There's a Lexica Botania entry about them.. "better" bees are worth more mana.

I decided to give the pack another shot going the grains route over nuggets and was confused on something. Why halve the ingots from an early quest from 16 to 8? The same is true for the redstone and glowstone dusts. You may as well use them as nuggets as you really cant do much with such a small amount. With access to the nether, the glowstone bee is essentially unnecessary. Again this is just confusion on my part about a few things.
Same can be said for many of the bees.. why spider bees when you can make a mob farm or grow cotton? I hate building mob farms. Why slime bees when you can craft it from pollen & propolis? (I'd rather use my pollen at the store ot for alvearies.) Why glowstone bees when you can mine it? (Mining glowstone is boooooring, I can't tend my other bees while I do it.) Or.. cuz bees man, cuz bees can. And you don't have to do anything once you got them in place and automated.
I highly recommend getting a fast/faster/fastest Speed gene as quickly as you can and apply it to all your bees (sterilize the Bovine template reward if you don't have the materials to craft a new template). Cultivated is a good one to start sampling - you get lots of the bees early and it has a shortest lifespan (another good gene to have). Once I started prioritizing this, most of the grind and waiting went away.
Is there any way to get unstable ingots on this pack? The only to craft one is via division sigil, and there doesn't seem to be any way to get those sigils.

I just really want to craft the angel wings
Is there any way to get unstable ingots on this pack? The only to craft one is via division sigil, and there doesn't seem to be any way to get those sigils.

I just really want to craft the angel wings
You have to kill the wither! These next 2 weeks I'm out of my country and I don't have a way to update the pack... I'll probably update it in the second or third week of September!
I encountered a major game breaking bug. In the magic questline, you have to throw a rooted drone into a mana pool and it gives you a botanic drone. But I've thrown over 16 rooted drones into the mana pool, but every single time the rooted drone disappears, I lose mana, and I get no botanic drone. I tried to find a way to cheat my botanic drone in via NEI but it only does recipes. I went to NEI configs, and no matter what changes I did, it was still only recipe mode. I have no way to progress through the magic questline at all
I encountered a major game breaking bug. In the magic questline, you have to throw a rooted drone into a mana pool and it gives you a botanic drone. But I've thrown over 16 rooted drones into the mana pool, but every single time the rooted drone disappears, I lose mana, and I get no botanic drone. I tried to find a way to cheat my botanic drone in via NEI but it only does recipes. I went to NEI configs, and no matter what changes I did, it was still only recipe mode. I have no way to progress through the magic questline at all
Are you tossing it in a mana pool within range of your beegonias? I did that a few times. :)
re: NEI, make sure you are in WORLD mode (top right), not global.
So regarding the Wither.. What do you guys think is the best way to tackle it? Obviously spawning it near my home will result in complete devastation and probably damage so great the whole world is ruined for good. Is there any dimension I can fight the wither in instead, like the nether? Or maybe there is a way to contain it in a block that is CHEAP and unbreakable by the Wither?
So regarding the Wither.. What do you guys think is the best way to tackle it? Obviously spawning it near my home will result in complete devastation and probably damage so great the whole world is ruined for good. Is there any dimension I can fight the wither in instead, like the nether? Or maybe there is a way to contain it in a block that is CHEAP and unbreakable by the Wither?
I was going to suggest warded glass.. but I was going through to make sure that still worked, only to discover there's no way to get greatwood, and thus you can't craft it. Using a warding focus might still be an option, though. But then, that falls outside the realm of cheap.. :)
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That's really the cheapest you can get, I think... EnderIO has a block that can help too, but I don't remember the name, but I think is harder to get, compared with the glass...