Look up the recipe for Invar in NEI, and I believe there is a Blood Altar recipe for the Dream WeaverThere must be something I'm missing, but I'm working on the Demolition Lovers questline, and I'm compretely stuck on Zero Percent and Life is a Dream For the Dead. How am I supposed to get invar and disturbed cotton?
Try pulverizing your iron oreberries. They might surprise you with what they have an additional chance to pulverize.I found the Dream Weaver recipe. It turns out that my texture pack bugged out for some reason, and the buttons in NEI disappeared, so I couldn't see the alternate recipies. I'm still not sure about invar, though. I don't have access to nickel or ferrous, so I can't craft it, and I don't see any Blood Magic-related recipes in NEI.
Who is the most relevant anyway ? That guy who yell REKT maybe ? The amount of dumb is off the chart in your post btw Bernardo12345. If you don't have anything constructive to say you shouldn't post.
I'm about to let it go, and you do not want to see an angry HoloI'll try that, when i'll figure out how a vampire can't regen himself and how he can stand in the sunlight.