Anyone have a clue why I can't hand in Curative Mead for the Brewing Antidotes (not Atidotes) quest in the Genetics Labe section?
Is it bugged or something?
Is it bugged or something?
Here's a dumb question, and I'm hoping to avoid too many spoilers:
I loaded the Biosphere area, tried to light it up a bit before really exploring it. Did a quest or three tied to the area, then came across a quest that said I needed to kill pigs.
I don't see any pigs any more. I remember seeing them near the lava, a while back, but they're not there now. They possibly licked the lava. Am I screwed?
They just spawned on grass over the time....Excellent. Hopefully this quest won't prevent me from getting those other areas. I'll need at least two to breed... and to find carrots somehow. I doubt there are enough left for me to just kill them off.
EDIT: Duh. Yeah, easy to find more. Easy to have lost the ones I found, too, but I got lucky and saved them before they died.
Have just gone to the 2nd floor and the "quest gate" bedrock has returned. Any Ideas?Have also locked a carpenter's safe with the quest book. (all my cash is in it).
Question about the "Oceans of Water" quest: The quest book mentions using a stack upgrade to move a stack of water at a time. I've got the node sitting on an infinite water source, with 2 Stack upgrades and 10 speed upgrades and the thing is only transferring about 1 bucket per second. Am I doing it wrong? Is there a faster way to complete this quest?
Adding more speed upgrades doesn't seem to do anything other than decrease the time between transfers, resulting in many more transfers but each transfer is a much smaller amount of water. I've tried using the various transfer pipes (rationing, filtering, sorting) but no luck.
Any hints/thoughts/ideas? I'm at 3% complete for this quest and at this rate it will take me 10s of hours of gametime to complete. (which is fine, I suppose, except that I have lots of other QDS quests lined up waiting on the QDS to be available)
More stack upgrades move more water and you can make more QdS's for other quests while that one is processing
Hmmm. I just cheated in 4 stacks of Stack and Speed upgrades, made no appreciable difference... I think it's the way I've configured it, not the upgrades... Would like to see/hear how others finished that one.
But you're right about the QDS -- I thought from my CL and AS playing days that you couldn't have more than one QDS active at the same time. Well, at least now I can just let the water run in the background. Nearing 4%!![]()
Yep, just walk away a few blocks and it unlocks againI've accidentally locked a carpenter's safe that way too, and it unlocked after a few seconds while I was walking away. Had it happen twice, actually.
This!You accually need mining upgrades in it
Well, you could delete and regenerate the End dimension...Hey, I was playing through and killed the enderdragon before I turned in the debugger, so now I am stuck unable to complete the enderdragon test... Can I get some help please?
Mining upgrades increase the amount extracted every tick.
Speed upgrades increase the speed to find the delivery destination. If it finds it faster but you don't increase the amount to transfer, it transfers less but more often.
Stack upgrades move whole stacks but only work with items. Water is not stackable....
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Remove all RF-using items from your inventory, shift-rightclick it to activate it, turn it back off, and submit it to the quest.