It says i need to run 1.6.2![]()
Any other thoughts on my problem anyone ? Cant get .2 and the forge wants it .
Yeah sorry dident see that before that worked but i got another problem game freezes on load dang it ....
uhm i kinda lost my house for some reason?
Alright thanks JarradI will take a look and see if I can restore it for you.
- Name thepakman47
- Age(if you dont mind saying) 20
- Experience with the mods/vanilla MC Ive played around with many different mods and played countless hours of vanilla
- What do you bring to the table? I like to build functional things, especially out of redstone
- Anything else that may make us like you. Im a Civil Engineer major
- Have you ever been banned and why? no
- Proof that you read the rules and this post
Hey guys, I'd like to get the private pack password but I'm not asking for a whitelist on your server. I am trying to get my own server up to date on 1.6.2 but I CANT FIND AN FTB 1.6.2 JAR! Your guy's pack is one of the few updated to 1.6 and I cant figure out how you got the ftb jar. I only need your pack so I can use the 1.6.2 jar on my private server with my friends, once I have that I'm basically set. If anyone has a link for a 1.6.2 ftbserver and ftb client jar that would be even better! Meanwhile, I'll keep searching the web...