I think we need a world reset, there are a lot of blocks missing in the current world, however if GT is getting added anytime soon it would be better to wait for that.
What?!?! Where did the blocks go .... da endermen!
- Name: Flame_Knight101
- Age(if you dont mind saying) : 15
- Experience with the mods/vanilla MC : I have played modded minecraft in a long time I think it was before the ftb map come out for like a mouth or two I'm not really sure but I know it before the ftb map come out. The mod I like to play with most back than are IC2, EE 2, BC 2 and TMI(I use tmi back than cause there was no nei). I still I continue to play with mod in minecraft until it got so popular.
- What do you bring to the table? Well with my build it alway function than the looking. When I mean but function is that every automatic machine I build there will alway be a switch off button and I like to help people with their build if I'm free from my project in game.
- Anything else that may make us like you. I hate people who like to steal and grief people because everytime when that happen everyone who on the sametime as them become suspect and I know it not cool because that happen to me before.
- Have you ever been banned and why? No.
- Proof that you read the rules and this post
Well I can have 5 spot loader and 1 chunk loader and my machine must have a manual shut down system. I must act mature and dont be a a little kid.
I added you in, welcome to the insanity.