Whitelist Server [1.6.4] JCraft Dedicated Server 100+ Tech mods and more!

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erm sure but what about the metric crap ton of stuff i had in my inventory i was moving my AE stuff at the time so my discs
You do know that Kassen 'me' And Greenaardvark53 "also me' are the same person xD

Green, I know this will edge you on even more but you have a mental screw loose somewhere .. to get a second account and try to get around from that.
Just go, leave this forum thread and never return... please...
Crashing at my base. the cause is an assemblyline crate

at universalelectricity.core.vector.Vector3.distanceTo(Vector3.java:201)
at assemblyline.client.render.RenderCrate.func_76894_a(RenderCrate.java:31)

-- Tile Entity Details --
Name: ALCrate // assemblyline.common.block.TileEntityCrate
Block type: ID #3033 (tile.crate // assemblyline.common.block.BlockCrate)
Block data value: 1 / 0x1 / 0b0001
Block location: World: (-2976,65,-2894), Chunk: (at 0,4,2 in -186,-181; contains blocks -2976,0,-2896 to -2961,255,-2881), Region: (-6,-6; contains chunks -192,-192 to -161,-161, blocks -3072,0,-3072 to -2561,255,-2561)
Actual block type: ID #3033 (tile.crate // assemblyline.common.block.BlockCrate)
Actual block data value: 1 / 0x1 / 0b0001
Stacktrace:[DOUBLEPOST=1373228645][/DOUBLEPOST]If an admin can destroy it would be awesome. the crate is empty.
  • Name: The666
  • Age(if you dont mind saying): 17
  • Experience with the mods/vanilla MC: I am quite new to ftb but i have played vanilla for 2 years
  • What do you bring to the table? I am active player and i have building skills.
  • Anything else that may make us like you.: I am polite and nice person :)
  • Have you ever been banned and why?: Never have been banned.
  • Proof that you read the rules and this post :): I did read the rules
You do know that Kassen 'me' And Greenaardvark53 "also me' are the same person xD

I actually had a feeling. Your playstyles, the way you talk, the fact that you steal... I was gonna say it earlier, but i forgot what i was going to say while typing, so i made up some baloney about >400 emeralds.
I don't like where this pack and server are going. So regretfully I will be leaving. Good luck guys.
Isn't the server still using the modpack that you helped create? Atleast I cant find a single mod that would've changed since then.

I am not going into details so as not to offend anyone and belittle the server in anyway. The server is no longer for me, that is all. I will not criticise, I am just moving on, that is all I will say on the matter.
Hey guys, I added a new extratrees config so we can make use of all the mod:
ExtraTrees config. This goes in JCraft/config/forestry/extratrees : config