Hmm I wouldn't know about that. I only started playing in 1.1.1 when he had updated the ship and the only way to get it was through the beta/forums. Also "W" is the bloody key that moves stuff up tabs?! I looked everywhere for a damn shortcut key to move stuff to that area. The closest thing I found was hovering over it and hitting a 1-9 to move the item in your toolbar to that slot! Cheers for the info, I will be sure to abuse the hell out of it from now on! No more frantic clicking and dragging like the noob I am...was, the noob I WAS!oh that changes everything. But get this... I think I only tried leaves when he first introduced this as a concept and you could only use saplings, so I never tried again. dur dur dur dur. Ok, yeah. I take back my comments then. That makes alot more sense now. I know if I start over again, I'll do it that way. Thanks for that info.
As for the sapling yield PODonnel I agree with you. I notice I don't always get 1/10 either. But I am transposing so many leaves and saplings so fast that I'm generally not bothered.
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