urgh that moment when you realise that you could have made a system a whole lot less complicated...
http://i.imgur.com/aJGyCNe.png basically what is going on in this rats nest of a system is that it it takes gravel ore and makes it into gravel ore blocks hammers it, then makes it sand ore/blocks and hammers it into dust which is smelted into a induction smelter. I used this system on my AS play through as eventually you can have a system that enchants the hammers to have fortune to which you can get more resources.
I recently installed Ender Io with the help of the config files that were posted a couple of pages back, really neat mod. Atm with this system I'm is using a sag mill to make sand to which is fed into the induction, it was only after I realised that sag mills can grind up gravel into the sand ore variety, and sand ore into the dust ore... So basically now I have 4 extra Autonmous activators and a rats nest to clean up.
Also I know sand ore can be pulverized its just at full steam they can bottle neck the whole system/item duct stuffing. Which I guess I would have the same bottle necking issue with the mills but 3 or 4 should be fine and a lot less lag producing then the current system.