[1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am having a problem where the longer I play in a world the hotter it gets. I can't even get to pneumatic craft before the temperature is in the red during the day. The camel pack can't keep up with the extreme heat. Is there something I am missing or is this a bug? The day is equivalent to standing next to lava...


Popular Member
Feb 17, 2013
Right now my stumbling block is getting this to work on superflat. It is arguing with me. That said, if I do get this working, it will either need a map reset or a bit of NBT magic. working on it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am having a problem where the longer I play in a world the hotter it gets. I can't even get to pneumatic craft before the temperature is in the red during the day. The camel pack can't keep up with the extreme heat. Is there something I am missing or is this a bug? The day is equivalent to standing next to lava...
What is in your inventory? I don't suppose you are carrying a bucket of lava are you?

What armor are you wearing?


Popular Member
Feb 17, 2013
Argh. Ok, giving up for now, because I don't have a solution that doesn't break something.

The plan is to add 3 end game buildings (wells, sort of) that you have to go fetch stuff from to complete the map. This is well and good, but those buildings need to be placed a fair way from the starting base otherwise it would be a bit silly. And it then struck me that walking a kilometer or two across a flat, featureless, dusty terrain would be... boring. The idea was to find a good random building type thing to add random ruins for the player to explore and get loot from. As of yet, I'm having a bit of trouble getting that to work. The Ruins mod would work...except I'd need a dozen or so structures custom build or it would get silly seeing the same thing over, and over again. Goto updated CARuins to 1.6.x which generates lovely alien structures...except it is hard coded not to work in an ocean biome. I'm...I'm not sure what to do at this point.

I'm left in a bit of a quandary. I mean, I could just not do anything, but I just don't think the journey to the endgame buildings would be much fun at this point. Suggestions would be appreciated.

Anyway, 1.1.2 is coming tomorrow, regardless. At this point it is just the new shuttle and a few fixes to quests, and restoring ZA to enabled. sorry for the light update, but yeesh.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have a problem. It starts downloading from the launcher, it basically goes all the way to the end and then it says "Error downloading modpack". Can someone help me? This pack looks amazing and I really want to play it. Thank you!
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I suggest making water bottles stackable since it takes a lot of inventory space. I know there are bugs which will make the stacked water bottles disappear but it is really annoying late game when you dont want to go to your base to get water.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm left in a bit of a quandary. I mean, I could just not do anything, but I just don't think the journey to the endgame buildings would be much fun at this point. Suggestions would be appreciated.

Firstly, really looking forward to 1.1.2! Secondly, I appreciate all your hard work on this pack. Thirdly, while my knowledge of modding is minimal, is there a way you'd be able to butcher the Apocalypse City World mod for your uses? It's a shame about CARuins, that does look fantastic.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just throwing ideas around...would it be possible to set the starting area and a large portion of the map around it to Ocean and then after so long change it to a different one?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have a problem. It starts downloading from the launcher, it basically goes all the way to the end and then it says "Error downloading modpack". Can someone help me? This pack looks amazing and I really want to play it. Thank you!

It happens from time to time with the ftb launcher (I get that error as well occasionally). Could be a hiccup somewhere in the pipe between your pc and the download server or the download server is experiencing higher than usual traffic. If this is a fresh install, try changing the location your client is downloading from (Options -> Advanced Options -> Download Location) or retry the download altogether. It may take a couple tries but it eventually goes through.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm left in a bit of a quandary. I mean, I could just not do anything, but I just don't think the journey to the endgame buildings would be much fun at this point. Suggestions would be appreciated.

Well if its 5k blocks away and people are gonna go running, then they've sign-up their death. But with people who'd use enderpearls, it might be just a few throws before they can get to the buildings. But maybe Archimedes ships or anything similar (mechs from flans mods but might be too OP) would be a good add on for far away ventures.


Popular Member
Feb 17, 2013
Where can I download this mod pack?
3rd party mod packs tab.[DOUBLEPOST=1406114674][/DOUBLEPOST]
So why is the whole world an ocean biome, and can you make it a desert instead and adjust settings elsewhere to re-balance?

It must be an ocean biome to make all water sources salt water. Otherwise you could just right click a water source to drink, or fill infinite water bottles. One of the many, many compromises I had to make to get the pack off the ground.

MaxJordan Daniel

New Member
Jul 29, 2019

IF you get the message"The server doesnt have HQM Mode Enabled" on map start up, please ignore it. This is on purpose, as HQM's hardcore mode does not work with Sync's life system. The quests will still work.

If you use a Sync shell and your temp and hydration bars become "No Environment Data" you must log out and back in.

If you die and lose the map, simply start a new world.

You've managed to crash land on a dry, dusty planet. No water, no food, no real supplies. The first challenge, to survive the blazing heat where every drop of water is precious.

So many modpacks and maps try making gameplay harder by altering hunger. Very few, in fact none I know of, look at Minecraft's other normally abundant resource, water. Well, now here it is the limited resource. Try not to dehydrate.

Map is set to vanilla hardcore. This is deliberate. Sync is installed. You need more lives, you build more shells, you won't get hearts like in Agrarian Skies.

Also, while the map is fully playable, I am still making balance changes and implementing quests. Please feel free to offer suggestions and criticisms. If you think anything needs improving or changing I'll be glad to hear it.




Applied Energistics - AlgorithmX2
Bibliocraft - Nuchaz
Big Reactors - Erogenous Beef
Chisel - Automatic Maiden updated by asie
CoFH Core - Team CoFH
Enviromine - TimbukTato
Ex Aliquo - Zerokyuuni
Ex Nihilo - Erasmus Crowley
Extra Utilities - RWTema
Harvestcraft Waila fixes - squeek502
Hardcore Questing Mode - Vswe, LordDusk, NewcastleGeek
Hunger Overhaul - iguana man
Inventory Tweaks - Kobata
Iron Chests - cpw
Minefactory Reloaded - powercrystals, skyboy
Minetweaker - StanH
NEI - chicken bones
NEI Addons - bdew
NEI Plugins - mistaqur
Open Blocks - Mikeemoo
Pam's Harvestcraft - MatrexsVigil
Redstone Arsenal Team - CoFH
Simply Jetpacks - tonius11
Sort Fix - Lex Manos
Sync - iChun
Tinker's Construct - mDiyo
Tinker's Mechworks - mDiyo
Tinker's Steelworks - Toops
Thermal Expansion Team - CoFH
TiC Tooltips - squeek502
WAILA - ProfMobius
Zan's Minimap - MamiyaOtaru

Updated Big Reactors to 0.3.4A2
Updated Sync to 2.2.3
Removed oreDict entries for Ex Nihilo and Ex Aliquo ore gravel and ore sand to prevent an exploit
Added High Oven recipes for ore gravel and sand
More Pneumaticcraft quests
Changed pulverizer recipes for ore gravel and sand. They now give the appropriate ore sand and ore dust plus fragments, just like, but slightly less efficient than, a hammer.
Several new quests, including repeatable quests for all passive animals. Removed the temporary spawn egg recipes as a result.

Updated Harvestcraft Waila Fixes to 1.0.4
Added Steve's Drought (coded specifically for this modpack. Thanks Vswe!)
Increased the amount of water leaves give in the crucible, 10 leaves to 1000 mB of water
Decreased the amount of water saplings give in the liquid transposer slightly, 10 saplings to 1000 mb of water
In both cases, composting to dirt and making water is slightly more efficient, but requires more time/extra steps
Spice of Life should be slightly more forgiving. The more complex a food recipe, the more it counts for your food history.
Wooden Barrel are craftable again
Stone Barrel recipe reverted to normal
Crafting recipes for rotten flesh and saplings to dirt have been removed, and the quest associated with that has also been removed
Nerfed Liquid Transfer Nodes
Added a repeatable quest for the PCB pattern
Added a recipe for the Kinetic Compressor so you can now generate greater than 5 bars of pressure via RF
Added a machine frame to the Autonomous Activator recipe, added a guaranteed Activator as a quest reward
Buffed iron drops from dust and gravel sieving slightly

Updated Extra Cells to 1.6.9d
Updated HQM to 4.0.4
Updated Pneumaticcraft to 1.1.4f
Updated Sync to 2.2.2
Updated TICTweaks to 1.0.3
Added Special Mobs, default off
Added Spice of Life, default off
Added Zombie Awareness
Added heat to a lot more blocks, thanks to Pip69
Reworked and Added Reward Bags (work in progress)
Reworked Quests for HQM 4.0.4 See if you can find the hidden quest!
Pneumaticcraft quests started. They will now walk you through setting up a pressure chamber and how to make PCBs manually. More advanced quests will come later
Removed vanilla seeds from the sieve and the quest book.
Added Harvestcraft seeds to sieve and quest book.
Gently nerfed food and water rewards.
Tech tree unified. Pneumaticcraft is now necessary for almost all tech progression
If enabled, mobs will break light sources and smash tech. also, if they can see through something, they will destroy it to get to you. This includes half slabs, fence gates, and glass.
Mobs in general are smarter.
Changed the maps a little. Bone meal added to the starting supplies

Updated TSteelworks
Updated Modtweaker
Added Iguana Tweaks
Added Extra Cells
Nerfed pulverized metals from dust
Can now get stones from sieving dust, at a reduced chance
Can, rarely, get eggs from sieving dust
End and Nether are now void
Removed wooden compost barrels
Added dirt recipes to compensate
Altered Stone barrel recipe
Altered Jetpack recipes
Added neutral mobs
Fixed a quest bug
all vanilla tools have 1 durability. Useful only for crafting recipes
No TiCo wood or stone tools: Bone and flint only in the beginning!
Sleep Hunger is now on
Water can now be drawn from saplings in a Liquid Transposer. 1/8 bucket each.
Leaves can be thrown into a crucible for 20 mB water each
Cauldrons are disabled
Accumulators have been removed from the starting map
Accumulator recipes have been heavily altered
Quests have been altered to match the new map
Second Map has been created. Maps now labeled Hard and Easy
Drinking juices and smoothies will hydrate you slightly and cool you off
Sulfur can now be sieved from gravel

Thanks to those out there spreading the word about my pack on YouTube and Twitch.





And from Twitch

And a big thank you to all my beta map testers. Without your help, this modpack would not be possible.

How are you running Logistics Pipes without Buildcraft?
Hi I recently downloaded Crash Landing and I watched videos on it and everyone who did the second mission when they have to break the Fluid Transposer it breaks on contact with their Crescent Hammer, but whenever I try and hit it it doesnt seem to ever break....if you have any suggestions I would very much appreciate it.


Popular Member
Feb 17, 2013
Hey as far as exploration have you looked at AtomicStrykers Ruins mod it is a fully customizable random structures mod, you can build your own ruins and have them biome specific as well as weighted to how often they spawn
I'm aware of it...and it isn't suitable. I would need a dozen, at least, different structures otherwise the repetition would just get silly.

The CaRuins mod is perfect, it just doesn't work in an ocean biome. And I can't move the biome the map is in without breaking things horribly.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi I recently downloaded Crash Landing and I watched videos on it and everyone who did the second mission when they have to break the Fluid Transposer it breaks on contact with their Crescent Hammer, but whenever I try and hit it it doesnt seem to ever break....if you have any suggestions I would very much appreciate it.
sneak-right-click it using the crescent hammer


Popular Member
Feb 17, 2013
Hi I recently downloaded Crash Landing and I watched videos on it and everyone who did the second mission when they have to break the Fluid Transposer it breaks on contact with their Crescent Hammer, but whenever I try and hit it it doesnt seem to ever break....if you have any suggestions I would very much appreciate it.
Shift right click. That said, unless you have decent experience with modded Minecraft, this modpack may be more frustrating than fun, as a FYI.