[1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I actually started that out today. I quickly found out that between giant skeletons and mobs that jump, a 2 deep pit around my area won't keep me safe on its own. So I still wall up the ship at night, and I actually use the needlegun now since whacking the 10 leftover mobs that have helmets leaves me rather hungry. ZA makes the early game easier, but mid-game is going to be tough with all of those mobs actively hunting me. I'll probably end up making a scythe with as much lifesteal as I can to deal with that.
Regarding dealing with helmets, have you tried simply luring them into a deeper pit, and using a sign to mask the fall. Simply dropping dust on their heads in the AM will preserve your hunger levels. I admit I'm playing the mod as published so ZA and special mobs are not active on crash landing though I am familiar with them from Blood and bones. Note though that I could not use such a trap on BnB as mob griefing is DEFINITELY on in that pack.[DOUBLEPOST=1406074258][/DOUBLEPOST]
Ok, I was on enviromines minecraft forum, I'm told that golden apples and death are the cures for frostbite I, I'm glad I don't have frostbite II......
FYI, I just logged back in and the frostbite is gone...... not sure what made a difference, but it was neither death nor a golden apple that cured me. perhaps it was the wooden armor I put on most of my body slots or I suppose it could have been time.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
FYI, I just logged back in and the frostbite is gone...... not sure what made a difference, but it was neither death nor a golden apple that cured me. perhaps it was the wooden armor I put on most of my body slots or I suppose it could have been time.

You regrew your lost feet !!!! you freak :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Also, has anyone else tried ZA, Special AI, and Special Mobs all together?

First try with that setting...

Several tries before I got a good base but the chaos afterwards was too extreme.




New Member
Jul 29, 2019
@Iskandar you need to change the chisel.cfg in the server pack to Chisel.cfg with a Capital C or linux servers will complain about it since Chisel will create a default config since it can't see the config


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How exactly do i get ink sacks

I think that if you move your pool down a few blocks (dont quote me) and make it bigger you can get ink. Also if you have a squid seed from PC you can bonemeal it till it starts to "fuse" then a squid will launch up


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I second the props given for adding a bit of story line.... While I feel a bit silly admitting to it I find myself fleshing out the story as I progress, both taking actions more in line with real life strandings, as well as trying to develop story explaining minecraft "logic". IE: emergency signal beacons are constructed and continuously improved and I've "invented" dehydrated sea monkey like creatures to explain how I'm fishing in my 1X1 water source.

That's awesome. Minecraft is all about creating your own story, so I appreciate you shared that even if you felt a little silly. :) I love hearing about other people's stories. Designing beacons is a good idea. I think I'll do that.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Busi said:
Does any have an idea how to fix the mismatch or any got a working server yet?

Server working on windows at least, don't have a linux machine on hand right now could you post the mismatch you get ?

@Iskandar you need to change the chisel.cfg in the server pack to Chisel.cfg with a Capital C or linux servers will complain about it since Chisel will create a default config since it can't see the config

Noted for next server pack release, thanks for the bug report.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That's awesome. Minecraft is all about creating your own story, so I appreciate you shared that even if you felt a little silly. :) I love hearing about other people's stories. Designing beacons is a good idea. I think I'll do that.
Yeah, assuming you couldn't get a radio beacon working you'd quickly want to get visual signals setup. I mean theoretically it could be years.... or it could be days, allot would depend on if the original vessel got a distress signal sent.[DOUBLEPOST=1406085695][/DOUBLEPOST]
How exactly do i get ink sacks
They should spawn below 60 Have yet to try in crash landing but on various skyblocks they've spawned in falling water. My trick has always been to create a slab platform over a void then break away the slabs. if you leave gaps around the water column the squid should fall free and you can collect just by walking around the circumference occasionally.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey @Iskandar you *probably* didnt know about this so i will tell you right now. The portal to the deep dark can be made. A person will need a lot of resouces to do it though... You would need to load the seed into a new world (not template) find where a stronghold is in the nether. Go there in the Crash Landings world and build a spawning area soon stuff will spawn. wait until you see a wither skelly kill enough to get 3 heads. When the heads are obtained you get soul sand(witch water) and spawn a wither. Kill the wither and get a division sigil. You activate the sigil. Then you only need to divide iron by diamonds and collect a ton of cobble and bam! A place to get ores and (I think) water.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey @Iskandar you *probably* didnt know about this so i will tell you right now. The portal to the deep dark can be made. A person will need a lot of resouces to do it though... You would need to load the seed into a new world (not template) find where a stronghold is in the nether. Go there in the Crash Landings world and build a spawning area soon stuff will spawn. wait until you see a wither skelly kill enough to get 3 heads. When the heads are obtained you get soul sand(witch water) and spawn a wither. Kill the wither and get a division sigil. You activate the sigil. Then you only need to divide iron by diamonds and collect a ton of cobble and bam! A place to get ores and (I think) water.
I haven't tried making the portal, but to get wither skeletons you don't have to go to the nether :) dunk a regular skeleton into witch water and it becomes a wither skeleton with the appropriate drops. I did that to get some get some necrotic bones for heart canisters specifically but they did drop wither skeleton heads as well.

Makes me want to try making the portal now though....


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I haven't tried making the portal, but to get wither skeletons you don't have to go to the nether :) dunk a regular skeleton into witch water and it becomes a wither skeleton with the appropriate drops. I did that to get some get some necrotic bones for heart canisters specifically but they did drop wither skeleton heads as well.

Makes me want to try making the portal now though....

Completely forgot about witch water changing mobs. Thanks that will actually help for other things!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How exactly do i get ink sacks
Squid spawn in water between y=46-62. A 5x5, 3 deep, with water sources in the corners will work. Place water in the pool when it is 1 deep, then dig down two more. Slabs at the bottom will cause the squid to suffocate. More ink than you'll know what to do with after a while


Popular Member
Feb 17, 2013
Heh. Ok, 1.1.2 will be the great content update, the precursor to the exploration phase. If I can get this to work, and that is a big IF, there will be randomly generated ruins out in the world for you to explore. I'm testing now, and will be pushing this out for my betas for a while to make sure things don't go to hell.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Heh. Ok, 1.1.2 will be the great content update, the precursor to the exploration phase. If I can get this to work, and that is a big IF, there will be randomly generated ruins out in the world for you to explore. I'm testing now, and will be pushing this out for my betas for a while to make sure things don't go to hell.
That really sounds awesome!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Heh. Ok, 1.1.2 will be the great content update, the precursor to the exploration phase. If I can get this to work, and that is a big IF, there will be randomly generated ruins out in the world for you to explore. I'm testing now, and will be pushing this out for my betas for a while to make sure things don't go to hell.
It would be beyond awesome if the ruins were your previous attempts (mostly stripped of resources though)!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It would be beyond awesome if the ruins were your previous attempts (mostly stripped of resources though)!

That would be cool though I don't see how it would work..... *starts tests

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