[1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

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Echo the map is an Ocean Biome, which I'm pretty sure prevents animals from spawning, even if there is a grassy area. Idk about the flower. :/

Thanks for the advice guys...got to night 3 and was doing pretty decent til I got insta-kiled by a creeper behind a wall lol...Quick question: Why would you infect trees instead of just crooking them? is there any advantage?

Also I'm having a problem with spiders aggro-ing onto me...I've tried waiting 4 minutes after everything died (if I wait any longer the drops'll despawn), but they still keep attacking me in broad daylight. Is there a particular reason for that? (and I don't have ZA on if that makes a difference).

as far as spiders, I got advice back a couple weeks ago that still works well. 2 high wall, fence on top and slab in upper position above that. spiders cannot at all cross that. you can run around and kill them whenever and watch out for skels, with ZA + other mob mod, you have to be more careful cause of mobs throwing each other and such. With that tho, you dig a 3 deep by 3 wide pit in front of fence and they can't grief your stuff either.
That is exactly. The sub theme of this pack is making players think and be creative. No more doing things the same old way that has been done to death. Infinite lava power has been a thing in every pack wayyyyy too long. There are several other better methods of generating power, but instead everyone just gets lava from the nether/lava from crucibles and spams dozens of magma dynamos.

Things are set up like throughout the pack, to drag the player out of his or her comfort zone and, hopefully, learn something at the same time. As an example, how many of you knew that MFR had a needlegun before playing my pack? I sure didn't until I started digging into the mods.

Are you Eyamaz's evil brother from the evil universe or the other way around? Do you have a goatee? a white cat? Inquiring minds wanna know.
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Found your map and it is awesome! :D
But I am having horrible trouble with heat stroke. Is it because I am staying inside the ship for too long and my temperature is going up? Or is there something else to help?
Again great map, hope to see more updates soon :)
I've been continuing to poke at survival without ZA, and I've come to the conclusion that the requirement for wooden armour is absolutely unnecessary and should be removed. It is a frivolous waste of time, wood, and bone meal to get 24 logs and create armour that, frankly, isn't going to do anything to help against the hordes of monsters on a flat map. I should also mention that wearing it has negative effects on body temperature. If this part of the quest were removed, there would be no real loss and the quest progression would move on to the slab furnace and crucible at a much more reasonable pace. Players who want to gear up after that could make either wood or leather armour at their leisure once a furnace is acquired.
Found your map and it is awesome! :D
But I am having horrible trouble with heat stroke. Is it because I am staying inside the ship for too long and my temperature is going up? Or is there something else to help?
Again great map, hope to see more updates soon :)
Wearing the camel pack will help keep your temperature down. Also, try not to catch on fire. This has killed me soooo many times while trying to plug up the fuel leak lol.
For water, I simply used one of the Liquid Transposers you started with, with some Survival Generators to power them, Leadstone Conduits to feed the power, and a Portable Tank to fill bottles from. Feed the Transposer saplings or leaves and you'll have plenty of water. All pretty easy to get early on.

One of the quests shows you how to do this, yet everyone seems to prefer cooking dirty water or feeding stacks of leaves to Crucibles.
Dirt only need 8 saplings or leaves, while the Transposer needs 10

Another thing: I'm trying to get lettuce. pam's config shows it drops on grass but I've dumped 5 stacks of bonemeal on grass and all I get are the actual products (i.e. rasberrys, etc...) which of course I can convert to seeds, saplings and that's it. I haven't gotten a single seed and since the only products that drop are berries/plants, I won't find a loose lettuce ever. I'm seeing no seed drops whatsoever. Is this a nerf by the supreme buzzkill? :rolleyes:

Also, when you die during sync is it SUPPOSED to shoot you into the stratosphere or did I bug out? Never died using sync before but I stupidly jumped fence and tried to handle 10-20 zombies on my own w/o armor cause I spent last hour killing them at drop of mob room and think I got cocky. that was bizzarre. I thought I had galacticraft installed at first and jumped into my rocket.

Yes sync is supposed to do that.

To get seeds you need to right click a hoe on a grass block to get a good chance for a random seed. Just remember not to hoe your last grass block so it can spread.
Ah, I've been enjoying this map when I've not been inspired enough to work on my own, I am proud to say that I no longer die due to hunger or thirst, but instead when I go on a bezerker rage trying to clear out my pit-moat.

I am still unsure how the diminishing returns system works, but man is it annoying, just when I get rice crackers as well!
I am still unsure how the diminishing returns system works, but man is it annoying, just when I get rice crackers as well!
Change food types for every 5 that you consume. For example, broth, spider eye soup, seed soup, fruit salad, rice cakes, repeat.

Take a look through NEI for each food ingredient that you create and you'll see that you have a lot of options.
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Dirt only need 8 saplings or leaves, while the Transposer needs 10

Yes sync is supposed to do that.

To get seeds you need to right click a hoe on a grass block to get a good chance for a random seed. Just remember not to hoe your last grass block so it can spread.

Edit. Misunderstood. yeah, hoe on grass block, no bonemeal required. gotcha. Just got some onion seeds. had to make an invar one since it's the only one with >1 durability.
I used an invar sickle. same difference or do I need a hoe? I've used same invar sickle umpteen times before and I get seeds. I will go get a hoe and try that.

found out you can put punji sticks in a drawbridge. gets rid of endermen/spiders when I afk there now. undo drawbridge, put other drawbridge on and they can now be killed by my legendary sword of run away (the one that right click moves you backwards). btw, that sword? If you're low on hunger trying to get back to your food, you can back up and repeatedly right click that thing and it doesn't use up hunger and can save ur life :}

also redid the mob drop part with SFM cause the creepers would ever so often blow up the itemduct connected below the vacuum hopper. Since you can run both fluid/items out of the back of the VH, SFM pulls out everything in one shot. awesome. I am so looking forward to automating my smeltery with SFM as well as when I have PC up and running to automate it and then some farms. awesome awesome awesome....
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Just to be clear, its the block, not the grass that grows on top you need to use the hoe on. TiC's Mattock counts as a hoe.
Just to be clear, its the block, not the grass that grows on top you need to use the hoe on. TiC's Mattock counts as a hoe.
jeez. RNG's acting like I slept with it's wife or something. this is SOOO grindy. why was this changed? Makes no sense. *sigh* Will have to go back to my grass spot and hoe and go every so often I guess since I just used 2 stacks of grass seeds that I've collected.
jeez. RNG's acting like I slept with it's wife or something. this is SOOO grindy. why was this changed? Makes no sense. *sigh* Will have to go back to my grass spot and hoe and go every so often I guess since I just used 2 stacks of grass seeds that I've collected.

What are you attempting to do? This was designed to be less grindy than bonemealing grass. Just come up, right click a few grass blocks, get a few seeds, and then let the grass re-grow.
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Ok i can under stand what your wanting to do but with this being a flat world we will have a problem with over crowding using the Generator mod and Ruins thats why iv been copping structures from the Generator mod to the Ruins mod that way we will have more control over the spawn and with the walled city's being so large we dont want more than one or two big city per world any ways. What i can do is find another city and make one a sand stone city and one a lime stone city they will have different layouts but they will only be one of each per world, then i can take some random vanilla villages change them up, that way between my custom village the vanilla villages and the Big cities we will have a world with about 15 different villages and two Super cities as well as some dungeons and a lot of dunes it may take an extra day but it would be worth it. As far as my building goes i havent built anything iv taken structures from both modes and just changed the code to generate with different blocks

Actually, I can set WalledCities to a minimum distance apart. At that point, I don't mind if there is more than 1 or 2 cities per world...if the player explores enough to make that relevant. Yeah, the cities would be closer together than real life would suggest, but occasionally you have to go for the fun instead of being realistic.

I can set WalledCities to no more than 1 per, say, 1000 meters. I can then set CARuins low, like .01% and those will generate no more than 1 per 600 to 800 meters, though you might get clumps of 2 or 3 now and again. Then come back through and use Ruins to do set dressing. Rocky outcroppings, dunes, maybe a few lone buildings. That is my plan, and that is what I need help with.
What are you attempting to do? This was designed to be less grindy than bonemealing grass. Just come up, right click a few grass blocks, get a few seeds, and then let the grass re-grow.

It's fine for food. If you only want a few specific seeds, then you'll have to grind away, but nothing wrong with that if you're being picky. The only thing I think that is too grindy is trying to get red/yellow flowers for those first dyes. I wish there was just a quest to hand in some bonemeal, 1 diamond & 1 emerald to get the dyes if we wanted to avoid the grinding.
I also wish there was something other then grass seeds to make the pneumatic seeds with. Maybe the dye and any 8 pneumatic seeds around it to make that pneumatic seed?
What are you attempting to do? This was designed to be less grindy than bonemealing grass. Just come up, right click a few grass blocks, get a few seeds, and then let the grass re-grow.

I have a 7x7 area of grass near my mob dropper and when I did my bonemealing for first shot, I ended up with about 2 double chests (1.5 really) of stuff. I'd say ALL the saplings and raw stuff. took about 5 stacks I think of bonemeal and about 10 minutes.

Same area. have done about 4-5 passes, first 2-3 were replanted with my 2 stacks of grass seeds so I did all the grass. got 6 seeds with a couple dups for half of them. All in all, I've gotten about 12-15 different types of seeds (no lettuce) but each time I have to wait about 10-15 mins real time in between to let it grow back. This is grindy. Bonemealing is grindish. But, it's something you do like once. go through, get your starter seeds, don't cheat and just setup AA/bonemeal to get lots of juicable stuff, etc. like I did in AGskies once, and then never return. I am now fighting RNG just to get some lettuce seeds. Only one I'm really caring for so I can work up to my mcdonalds happy meals.

On a side note, I almost died and I don't know how. I built under the shuttle about 4 levels, the only one I'm using right now is the one right below tho. I've walled off enough so that I'm pretty much smack center of the base and no spots for creatures to come in. I'm using elevators (important) to get to each level. Thus, no mob spawns below ground level cause of lights, etc... Mob spawner is a little far away (close enough that I can hear it in distance). I was in a chest depositing food stuff and boom, explosion. character was thrown upwards from explosion and took 3/4 of my hearts away. wtf? are creepers mating with endermen and getting endercreepers? Default setup from 1.1.1 with no extra mods and no extra enabled, so wierd....

Lastly, I am having a blast. My hat off to you sir. I've been playing since 1.03 and this keeps on getting better and better. please don't die or anything. I don't know what I'd do ....[DOUBLEPOST=1406294563][/DOUBLEPOST]
It's fine for food. If you only want a few specific seeds, then you'll have to grind away, but nothing wrong with that if you're being picky. The only thing I think that is too grindy is trying to get red/yellow flowers for those first dyes. I wish there was just a quest to hand in some bonemeal, 1 diamond & 1 emerald to get the dyes if we wanted to avoid the grinding.
I also wish there was something other then grass seeds to make the pneumatic seeds with. Maybe the dye and any 8 pneumatic seeds around it to make that pneumatic seed?
1st. I got 3 flowers 4 roses from my first batch of bonemealing (ha!).

2nd. oh god grass seeds. I used up 2 stacks of them to try getting lettuce. oh noes. oh noes....
Good afternoon, etc.

2 stacks of grass seeds?!? Wow man, bet when I mention the Watering Can you'll be face-palming a little bit there...

Anywho, mostly just popped on to say I absolutely love this modpack, I've essentially beaten it (built the stuff, just haven't followed the book progression), and I have to say, Jadedcat may have some reputation about building brutal modpacks, but even Agrarian Skies has nothing on this. Keep up the good work ^^ .
I must be really behind.... I have no idea what RNG is :oops:

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Please tell me you aren't spamming survival generators, please, please, please. If you are, it is your own darn fault for having lag. Grinder makes reactant dynamos self sustainable, plus you get ender pearls which can run ender generators. With a tree farm you can generate enough water to make running steam dynamos a thing. And there are other options. There is exactly 0 reasons to have survival generators once you can easily make PCBs.

I left survival generators alone because I wanted to have a early game trickle charge. They should not be spammed. Sigh.

Should probably just remove the recipe for survivalist generators, and just give out a few as guaranteed free rewards.