[1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hmm, would one of you people having lag issues with an activator try something for me? Go into your configs, under zombie awareness. The general.cfg? Change the tickRatePlayerLoop to 10 instead of 1. See if that helps. It might be having an issue with the fact that the Activator is a fake player. If this works I will make it a permanent change.

No luck, even after changing that line in the config on 1.1.1, entity count is spiking to just over 8k in the immediate vicinity of 4 activators after 5 minutes give or take while I derp about in other areas of my "base" shoveling dust. The remaining 800 entities are a mix of two other activators behind me sieving material, a few passive mobs from the quest tree (5 chickens, a couple cows, a pig and a sheep), and possibly the squid farm (though unlikely). All of which are out of the forward line of sight.

Note, yes this is not in hardcore as I run a second instance in MultiMC for testing... That and with this entity count spike, I've had a couple "lag deaths" from glitchy hostile mobs getting to where they shouldn't be.

For giggles, installed Opis to get a better idea of the entity breakdown. Entity count dropped on a relog, but still a bit up there. The scent from Zombie Awareness is to blame as those count as entities.
The red chunk is where the activators in the above screenshot are located.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hmm, would one of you people having lag issues with an activator try something for me? Go into your configs, under zombie awareness. The general.cfg? Change the tickRatePlayerLoop to 10 instead of 1. See if that helps. It might be having an issue with the fact that the Activator is a fake player. If this works I will make it a permanent change.

Still the same, entity count rising. Will use AA for another purpose since Terrain Smasher seems easy to make


Popular Member
Feb 17, 2013
I am pulling Zombie Awareness, then. It was a good idea, but the negatives are outweighing the positives. Oh well.


Popular Member
Feb 17, 2013
Oh, and for anyone who cares, I now have a Patreon page. Not a requirement to pledge, certainly, but every little bit helps.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I came here to say, I hate PneumaticCraft. Absolutely frickin hate it. I watch plenty of DireWolf, but I'm desperately trying to avoid having to watch 2+ hours of tutorials to get into the swing of things. Sure the quests guide you but they're not a manual by any stretch. Trying not to rage quit, honestly.

ratchet freak

Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2012


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The first run through this map, it took me an hour to get things to pipe into and out of the compression chamber. And I still have no idea why it didn't work the way I first set it up. Hopefully I'll get it right first go this time. I hope to start on that set of quests this evening.

I'm kinda thinking I will be able to grind through production of a couple dozen PCBs and then never need to touch Pneumaticraft again.

But who knows, maybe I'll learn to love it!

It would be a shame if this pack became:
"Crash Landing… you know… that PneumatiCraft Pack".



Popular Member
Feb 17, 2013
The first run through this map, it took me an hour to get things to pipe into and out of the compression chamber. And I still have no idea why it didn't work the way I first set it up. Hopefully I'll get it right first go this time. I hope to start on that set of quests this evening.

I'm kinda thinking I will be able to grind through production of a couple dozen PCBs and then never need to touch Pneumaticraft again.

But who knows, maybe I'll learn to love it!

It would be a shame if this pack became:
"Crash Landing… you know… that PneumatiCraft Pack".

I'm actually fine with it becoming "That Pneumaticcraft pack" IMHO Pneumaticcraft needs to be more well known. It is a great mod with a lot of wonderful things.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I came here to say, I hate PneumaticCraft. Absolutely frickin hate it. I watch plenty of DireWolf, but I'm desperately trying to avoid having to watch 2+ hours of tutorials to get into the swing of things. Sure the quests guide you but they're not a manual by any stretch. Trying not to rage quit, honestly.

Really? I love almost every part of it. My only issue is the fact that you cannot plant the seeds normally.

I'm kinda thinking I will be able to grind through production of a couple dozen PCBs and then never need to touch Pneumaticraft again.

Hehe. Couple dozen. Maybe half a dozen stacks if you want to get AE up and running and get a Liquid Transfer Node/Aqueous Accumulator

Also, I'm probably going to add ComputerCraft for my own playthroughs to help automate things. Going to be writing my own programs, since I know you said the reason why they aren't is in because you were worried people would just pastebin everything from someone else.
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Popular Member
Feb 17, 2013
Really? I love almost every part of it. My only issue is the fact that you cannot plant the seeds normally.

Hehe. Couple dozen. Maybe half a dozen stacks if you want to get AE up and running and get a Liquid Transfer Node/Aqueous Accumulator

Also, I'm probably going to add ComputerCraft for my own playthroughs to help automate things. Going to be writing my own programs, since I know you said the reason why they aren't is in because you were worried people would just pastebin everything from someone else.
Steves Factory Manager will be in the next version. While not as powerful as turtles, it can still do amazing things. And it uses digitial logic instead of programming, which I'm a big fan of.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think taking out Zombie Awareness will make it harder over all. The only thing dangerous about is if you make a mistake an leave a hole in the wall, you'll get swarmed. But it also made it easier to attract them to get the drops.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've been having a strange issue and can't find any relevant posts anywhere.

I can't get salt. None ever drops from sifting, ever. I even tried starting a brand new world and collected ~4 stacks of dust and sifted it all. Zero salt. In total, I've sifted probably 20 stacks of dust in various updates since the release, and I've never had salt at all. NEI shows salt as a sieve recipe, everyone gets salt from sifting dust in LPs. All other minetweaker changes work, I even tried adding a new recipe for salt from 2 dust, shapeless, and it works fine. Not even reinstalling or force updating CL does anything.

Either I'm literally one of the unluckiest people to have ever existed, I'm ridiculously stupid and missing something obvious, or something weird is going on.

Edit: Of course, as soon as I post something I find a post that might be relevant. Give me a minute, I'll test it.

Edit2: Nope, still broken.

No salt or pebble when sieving dust, humm remind me something :p
Are you playing on a server ? If yes, this is actually a config bug.
I already submitted fixes for server to Iskandar.
He will probably include them in next version

Autumns day

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just downloaded it, seems interesting :)

Edit: ok, I survived for about 4 minutes xD
You should put the "dirt water bottle" quest after the sapplings one (the one where you make the barrel, the crook and one other thing i cant remember), so new people (or people with bad memory) don't waste their only dirt in that one first :p
hey man I did the same thing should have watched a lets play I should have....on both maps easy and hard...no I cant play ....how do I reset it so I can start over when I died on both maps?do I delete the mod pack or just not play again????it was real cool[DOUBLEPOST=1405517901][/DOUBLEPOST]


IF you get the message"The server doesnt have HQM Mode Enabled" on map start up, please ignore it. This is on purpose, as HQM's hardcore mode does not work with Sync's life system. The quests will still work.

If you use a Sync shell you must log out and back in to reset your environment data.

If you die and lose the map, there two replacements, Easy and Hard.

You've managed to crash land on a dry, dusty planet. No water, no food, no real supplies. The first challenge, to survive the blazing heat where every drop of water is precious.

So many modpacks and maps try making gameplay harder by altering hunger. Very few, in fact none I know of, look at Minecraft's other normally abundant resource, water. Well, now here it is the limited resource. Try not to dehydrate.

Map is set to vanilla hardcore. This is deliberate. Sync is installed. You need more lives, you build more shells, you won't get hearts like in Agrarian Skies.

Also, while the map is fully playable, I am still making balance changes and implementing quests. Please feel free to offer suggestions and criticisms. If you think anything needs improving or changing I'll be glad to hear it.

Also, if you can think of any mods that fit my theme that I have not included, let me know.




Applied Energistics - AlgorithmX2
Bibliocraft - Nuchaz
Big Reactors - Erogenous Beef
Chisel - Automatic Maiden updated by asie
CoFH Core - Team CoFH
Enviromine - TimbukTato
Ex Aliquo - Zerokyuuni
Ex Nihilo - Erasmus Crowley
Extra Utilities - RWTema
Harvestcraft Waila fixes - squeek502
Hardcore Questing Mode - Vswe, LordDusk, NewcastleGeek
Hunger Overhaul - iguana man
Inventory Tweaks - Kobata
Iron Chests - cpw
Minefactory Reloaded - powercrystals, skyboy
Minetweaker - StanH
NEI - chicken bones
NEI Addons - bdew
NEI Plugins - mistaqur
Open Blocks - Mikeemoo
Pam's Harvestcraft - MatrexsVigil
Redstone Arsenal Team - CoFH
Simply Jetpacks - tonius11
Sort Fix - Lex Manos
Sync - iChun
Tinker's Construct - mDiyo
Tinker's Mechworks - mDiyo
Tinker's Steelworks - Toops
Thermal Expansion Team - CoFH
TiC Tooltips - squeek502
WAILA - ProfMobius
Zan's Minimap - MamiyaOtaru

Updated Big Reactors to 0.3.4A2
Updated Sync to 2.2.3
Removed oreDict entries for Ex Nihilo and Ex Aliquo ore gravel and ore sand to prevent an exploit
Added High Oven recipes for ore gravel and sand
More Pneumaticcraft quests
Changed pulverizer recipes for ore gravel and sand. They now give the appropriate ore sand and ore dust plus fragments, just like, but slightly less efficient than, a hammer.
Several new quests, including repeatable quests for all passive animals. Removed the temporary spawn egg recipes as a result.

Updated Harvestcraft Waila Fixes to 1.0.4
Added Steve's Drought (coded specifically for this modpack. Thanks Vswe!)
Increased the amount of water leaves give in the crucible, 10 leaves to 1000 mB of water
Decreased the amount of water saplings give in the liquid transposer slightly, 10 saplings to 1000 mb of water
In both cases, composting to dirt and making water is slightly more efficient, but requires more time/extra steps
Spice of Life should be slightly more forgiving. The more complex a food recipe, the more it counts for your food history.
Wooden Barrel are craftable again
Stone Barrel recipe reverted to normal
Crafting recipes for rotten flesh and saplings to dirt have been removed, and the quest associated with that has also been removed
Nerfed Liquid Transfer Nodes
Added a repeatable quest for the PCB pattern
Added a recipe for the Kinetic Compressor so you can now generate greater than 5 bars of pressure via RF
Added a machine frame to the Autonomous Activator recipe, added a guaranteed Activator as a quest reward
Buffed iron drops from dust and gravel sieving slightly

Updated Extra Cells to 1.6.9d
Updated HQM to 4.0.4
Updated Pneumaticcraft to 1.1.4f
Updated Sync to 2.2.2
Updated TICTweaks to 1.0.3
Added Special Mobs, default off
Added Spice of Life, default off
Added Zombie Awareness
Added heat to a lot more blocks, thanks to Pip69
Reworked and Added Reward Bags (work in progress)
Reworked Quests for HQM 4.0.4 See if you can find the hidden quest!
Pneumaticcraft quests started. They will now walk you through setting up a pressure chamber and how to make PCBs manually. More advanced quests will come later
Removed vanilla seeds from the sieve and the quest book.
Added Harvestcraft seeds to sieve and quest book.
Gently nerfed food and water rewards.
Tech tree unified. Pneumaticcraft is now necessary for almost all tech progression
If enabled, mobs will break light sources and smash tech. also, if they can see through something, they will destroy it to get to you. This includes half slabs, fence gates, and glass.
Mobs in general are smarter.
Changed the maps a little. Bone meal added to the starting supplies

Updated TSteelworks
Updated Modtweaker
Added Iguana Tweaks
Added Extra Cells
Nerfed pulverized metals from dust
Can now get stones from sieving dust, at a reduced chance
Can, rarely, get eggs from sieving dust
End and Nether are now void
Removed wooden compost barrels
Added dirt recipes to compensate
Altered Stone barrel recipe
Altered Jetpack recipes
Added neutral mobs
Fixed a quest bug
all vanilla tools have 1 durability. Useful only for crafting recipes
No TiCo wood or stone tools: Bone and flint only in the beginning!
Sleep Hunger is now on
Water can now be drawn from saplings in a Liquid Transposer. 1/8 bucket each.
Leaves can be thrown into a crucible for 20 mB water each
Cauldrons are disabled
Accumulators have been removed from the starting map
Accumulator recipes have been heavily altered
Quests have been altered to match the new map
Second Map has been created. Maps now labeled Hard and Easy
Drinking juices and smoothies will hydrate you slightly and cool you off
Sulfur can now be sieved from gravel

Thanks to those out there spreading the word about my pack on YouTube and Twitch.





And from Twitch

And a big thank you to all my beta map testers. Without your help, this modpack would not be possible.
I died on all maps how do I reset pls help.awsome map though keep it up....


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
hey man I did the same thing should have watched a lets play I should have....on both maps easy and hard...no I cant play ....how do I reset it so I can start over when I died on both maps?do I delete the mod pack or just not play again????it was real cool[DOUBLEPOST=1405517901][/DOUBLEPOST]
I died on all maps how do I reset pls help.awsome map though keep it up....

Check first post, it has link to download map


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Also, I'm probably going to add ComputerCraft for my own playthroughs to help automate things. Going to be writing my own programs, since I know you said the reason why they aren't is in because you were worried people would just pastebin everything from someone else.

@Iskandar does this mean that you wouldn't consider adding computercraft and writing my own programs as cheating? Please let me know. Cause i don't enjoy playing with it with the thought of it being cheaty.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Not sure if anyone else has had this happen to them, but if you mine the block underneath a Sync Shell Constructor it will disappear without a trace.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
@Iskandar you should add galacticraft and make leaving the planet a endgame goal, it fits the futuristic theme and you could pre-build a area on the moon as a space base of some sort.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
there is a very annoying bug where when ever you craft a smelter thing you get another mighty smelting book


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Steves Factory Manager will be in the next version. While not as powerful as turtles, it can still do amazing things. And it uses digitial logic instead of programming, which I'm a big fan of.
Cool. Guess I need to learn about it, I've never used it before. What's the eta for the next version? :)