it's what allows the started screen that explained what was changed in the update. that's all it is.
Thank you much
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it's what allows the started screen that explained what was changed in the update. that's all it is.
are these all going to be buried? Would sorta suck since you'll end up not really seeing the design of the building cause of being covered in sand, etc...Ok well since Iskandar has been sick iv had time to recover some of my creativity and desine 2 new City Buildings
View attachment 12827 View attachment 12828
Aha, there's the post. Are you still playing around with this? Got a config I can poke at?Crash Landing got crabs View attachment 12793 what not big enuf View attachment 12794 there better. No! you want giant worms well here you go View attachment 12795
OOOOO man Iskandar could have so much fun with this mod it alows you to chouse what mobs you want, how often they spawn, there HP, there drops, how much damage they do and much more. O and did i mention theres Giant Crabs and Worms
are these all going to be buried? Would sorta suck since you'll end up not really seeing the design of the building cause of being covered in sand, etc...
heh Make a mcdonalds with a giant M outside or W to avoid copyright infringement.have it spawn cows and I'd love you forever.
wait, it's mcdonalds. Ok, have it spawn horses and add fineous's filly's (sp). not so much love there then tho.
they will be buried but i agree with you about wanting them to be seen thats whi iv made 2 diff sets of the buildings 1 buried 10 deep for Idkandar and 1 buried 4 deep for me
really need to reconsider this burying thing. i can understand the reasoning, but there's much better ways to handle this. for example, just don't place the chests along the edge where they're easy to snipe. could even put the chests on the upper floors, or put fences/walls around the perimeter of the building to inhibit easy escape.
Eh, cities will come in two types, buried 4 deep and buried 10 deep. Not only does it look a bit better, it makes buildings quite a bit more dangerous overall.really need to reconsider this burying thing. i can understand the reasoning, but there's much better ways to handle this. for example, just don't place the chests along the edge where they're easy to snipe. could even put the chests on the upper floors, or put fences/walls around the perimeter of the building to inhibit easy escape.
Eh, cities will come in two types, buried 4 deep and buried 10 deep. Not only does it look a bit better, it makes buildings quite a bit more dangerous overall.
Maybe it's that reduced tick thing some mentioned in the update stuff yesterday?i just notice the same problem that had twisto51, mobs dont come to my house at night... mobs are just standing there... i need to get closer so they come to me... that is intended or something to be fixed... (my conveyor trap don't get even one before i get close to the wall)
Maybe it's that reduced tick thing some mentioned in the update stuff yesterday?
How far should I be from smeltery or other heat source to avoid water wasting? Do walls block heat? Is there a way to cool oneself besides drinking?
yea, just drop a dust block on top of it, wouldn't even be out of place.Another good method would be to make sure all chests spawn with a solid block above them (bookshelf, debris, etc). This would mean that the player couldn't just drive-by snipe. Yeah, it's easier than a buried building, but still requires some effort and allows mobs time to spawn/drop/catch up to the player. Not sure how feasible it is though.
4 deep is fine so long as the dust isn't covering the inside of the building too, just around the exterior. 10 deep i can't see working, the buildings that actually matter would be completely buried, requiring blind digging to find... unless you plan to add easily noticeable protrusions from the top so that we can spot their locations from outside the city limits / otherwise safe location?Eh, cities will come in two types, buried 4 deep and buried 10 deep. Not only does it look a bit better, it makes buildings quite a bit more dangerous overall.
that's extremely lame. i know vanilla furnace is actually two blocks, one being off state other being on, so you can just specify the on state block. TiCon doesn't do this?in other side... notice that the slab furnace produce heat now... even without been use...
this change literally does nothing except cause tedium, which is terrible design. i would expect iskandar to look into this issue and fix it accordingly.I actually like that trenches are less effective now. Trenches were too stronk before.
you cannot block the heat in any way, the radius ignores all blocks and just 'is'. the most powerful method of cooling yourself off is to put a 1x1x1 pit with a water source block in it somewhere far away (at least 10 blocks) from heat sources, and then just stand in it during the nighttime hours. it will supercool you down to hypothermia temperature in only a minute or so, so be careful.How far should I be from smeltery or other heat source to avoid water wasting? Do walls block heat? Is there a way to cool oneself besides drinking?