[1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
man your PC really hates you so ether use the power hog MFR loader or add your own loader for now and ill make sure this gets fixed in 113. As to the void if you quit the world as soon as it happens then then start it back up you will spawn under ground be ready to dig for your life, but if you dont quit it will crash MC and corrupt your world
believe me, I was testing...... I was putting the poor girl through far more than I generally expect to find in a "normal" playthrough. The fact that I'm having such a hard time re-creating the issue has alleviated most of my concerns related to the suffocation bug......


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Whats the best way to get sugarcane, nether warts and sweet potatoes??
Also does anyone know how i can disable pigmen???. I have swarms of them at my cites, i can't win at all I've die up to 20 times just from pigmen.(By way this is when I'm running away)

Shin Sekai

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Whats the best way to get sugarcane, nether warts and sweet potatoes??
Also does anyone know how i can disable pigmen???. I have swarms of them at my cites, i can't win at all I've die up to 20 times just from pigmen.(By way this is when I'm running away)
It's Hardcore for a reason. You can get those from sifting dirt, soulsand, and using a mattock on grass blocks respectively.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I saw how pointless the aqueous accumulator is, basically useless compared all water sources.
Buuuuuut, I have one goal............to make one for the sake of having one. (makes me wonder if there is side quest for crafting such useless thing)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Whats the best way to get sugarcane, nether warts and sweet potatoes??
Also does anyone know how i can disable pigmen???. I have swarms of them at my cites, i can't win at all I've die up to 20 times just from pigmen.(By way this is when I'm running away)
i did manage to get a vanilla potato today, on probably my 9000th zombie kill so he didnt remove them, he just drastically reduced the drop rates.
Nether Wart comes from soulsand, its about a 5% drop rate ... so its not as bad as trying to get cobalt :p
if it helps, tinkers construct weapons when trained up nicely will make quick work of them, even just a plain old iron longsword is helpful because you can use the "lunge" ability while youre running away.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Iskandar has been tring to get rid of those for a while now but now he has a new way to fix those nasty vanilla potato and carrots do to complants about needing them for special recipies he is going to let them be available but will be removing most of the food recipes that use them so for instance you can only use potatos for baked potatos, breakfast and maybe fries.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
@DoomSquirter you want replication well iv got it did like i said set up 6 sync constructors when to the city an killed myself spawned in a void and started taking damage TPed to a dif location and world still wouldnt load game crashed and save was corrupted started a new world and tried again same thing spawned in a void this time i close out of the world and reloaded spawned under the ship. Next i added the MFR chunk loader and went back to the citie and died i did this 4 time and every time it was a perfict landing. @PODonnell @twisto51 @Shin Sekai what im going on about is the sync bug and because you guys are some big name on here i figured id invite you all in on this as well. I believe the prob is with the shell being unloaded so if you all could help conferm or just pass the info along i would appreciate it
that's great, but it isn't. How could you die consecutively over and over with almost nothing but distance to govern your actions, and reproduce this when I've reproduced it multiple times myself but not died. I sync'd to that shell about 5 times in total, 1 being the suffocation. ALL were in the city. I have not died near my base once before I put my sync shell up in the air. I have NOT setup any chunk loaders, no chicken chunks yet, nothing. I haven't added any mods to my setup whatsoever. I've made zero changes to configs. nothing. As usual, I did a fresh install for 112.

explain that. seriously. I have a 5 year old box, cheapo HP desktop. all amd stf, $500 bucks from costco when my firebird died 5 years ago. hey, I was broke. I upgraded the mem to 32gb and that's it. win7. java7 usomething (upgraded to latest month ago). I am running with BNB java params since ftb sucks and doesn't allow individual java params per instance like multimc.

I agree. Lag spikes are probably causing this issue with the TP back. Agreed 100%. It's a very solid theory. problem is how do you reproduce that across the board for people with differing configs, java params, memory settings, etc... right?

Tooting own horn here. back during 111, I begged multiple times for Iskandar to add a chunkloader (immbis, chicken, anything) to the stock setup so people wouldn't have to do it themselves. that mfr one is a hog. If all it takes is that chunkloader to do this, the memory requirements for the MFR one are too enormous TO WORK AROUND A BUG. right? That was my point then, my point now. It doesn't do a thing to help the player, it works around a bug. (bug at the time being AE system reloading and TE ducts conniption fits).

What would be interesting is to jump into zans when you get tossed into void, make a map marker. it'll survive a map reset and you can see where that marker is. If it is truly void, it won't show up in world. If it's somewhere else, it should show that as well (the file is txt file in the config dir iirc).

Since I can't replicate the dying/sync issue myself (happened only once sorta) I don't want to add chunkloader and say yes, it works great. What I will do tho is what you did. I'll load up CL now, create a new world, setup some sync shells and some walls and torches to keep monsters out of area and test theory like you did. I'll report back and see if I can replicate.[DOUBLEPOST=1409470818][/DOUBLEPOST]
Little creepy
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or simply containing the pyrotherm...... the map is quit playable with mob griefing turned on
All that delicious meat!

no wait, I can do better than that.

OH MY GOD! I'VE NEVER SEEN SO MANY BIG BOY PANTS IN ONE PLACE ! new meaning to sausage fest......



Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
did anyone else notice the update msg at startup of CL about enviromine stating it fixed a bug allowing you to add bottle to camelpack instead of water? wtf?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
that's great, but it isn't. How could you die consecutively over and over with almost nothing but distance to govern your actions.:)

ok well after posting that PODonnell got involved an tried what i did but didnt get the same results i did after askin about his PC specs he told they were horrabile and that he use the min render distance and that he would try wait for heavy lag to see if he could recreate and it worked he had the same prob, and after seeing that he used a low render distance i desided to test again with mine set to tiny and small both time i had no prob with the sync however the moment i set my distance to normal it glitch then to take this one step farther i set the shells up at the world spawn once again no prob with sync.

So what i came away with was PC, video setings, and activity when you die (were there just a hand full of mobs or a whole hord of them, were you loading new chunks ect....) do affect this and that is why this has been so hard to track down there are so many variables involved that its near imposible for two ppl to get the same results thats why i wanted a cpl ppl to test in a controled setting to see what the commen thread was. So if you want to conferm then try with diff render settings and maybe lower your MC mem


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Edit: i set a way point at a city that way i could tp away from the shuttle and get killed by the pigs this way i was using death as my methed of syncing insted of using the sync storage for it


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
Yeah, I found out a couple things.

One: you can take a camel pack, put a empty bottle in crafting grid with it, and.... get a water bottle with your camel pack emptied a bit. :)

Two: I can't die. I think I will go out and walk on the freeway right now and test that theory.

I setup 6 sync shells, enclosed my area in glowstone glass to let me test in peace. (and yes, those monsters, being able to see them like that, is creepy as hell. even in when I was in creative, I was looking over my shoulder. that's bad.

6 shells. 6 tries. zero fails. I did:
1) walk right outside base, let mob of zombies rip my flesh off. a baby zombie bit my lungs out as I screamed in agony (wait, how did I do that)...
2) flew to city, fell in middle of city splat.
3) flew to city, landed on middle of city building. looked at all the mobs swarming and jumped, hopefully taking a pig out but yeah, didn't.
4) flew to EDGE of city, same as above.
5) /tp to 5000, 100, 5000 - splat
6) /tp to 10000, 100, 10000 - splat

both those last 2, when I returned, my chunk was still loading and I even got a screenshot of me standing in front of ship and half of it isn't formed yet.

now, did I invalidate all my tests by putting the syncs up in air on top of one dirt? If so, I can redo w/o that and place them side by side by side inside ship or something.

My vid settings: Fancy graphics, far distance, no vsync, opengl on.
Specs: AMD Phenom(tm) II X6 1065T Processor, 16 gb ram (woops, yeah, I see the other 16 on my desk that I never put in, woops), ATI Radeon HD 5570.

so yeah. I guess I will redo tests with sync shells cramped up the wazoo. I'd love to figure this out with you man. Again, it ONLY has to happen once to you. This is not something that needs to happen all the time or anything. Once kills your game and you lose all care about playing more if you hadn't backed up. Let me know what you want me to do, but I will continue looking into this. For the HORDE![DOUBLEPOST=1409473577][/DOUBLEPOST]
Edit: i set a way point at a city that way i could tp away from the shuttle and get killed by the pigs this way i was using death as my methed of syncing insted of using the sync storage for it
I don't understand the english you speak.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
waiting for syncs to spin up. btw, don't go around in survival mode enabling all your syncs. I came THIS close to killing myself on the last sync shell before I realized I was at 1 heart. woops.

Ok, night time, lots of mobs, I went and killed self same method as you, created minimap in city and jumped to death, died twice, have more syncs and will try but lots of mobs in city and base. nada.

one thing not specific to test. I swear I didn't do this. I swear this was mob griefing, but right in front, I had one block of the glowstone glass removed. suddenly, I had 4 mini creepers (they are so cuddly) jumping up into that hole and swarming at me. I felt like I was in aliens. They're IN THE WALLS MAN, THEY'RE IN THE WALLS! I couldn't get into creative fast enough since my sync shell constructors were all around 70%. hehe. scary buggers. can't they see I'm testing here? jeez. they are so cute.

before I do 6 more tests to end same way, maybe I'll stop here and we figure out what to do. I'll try some long teleports to see if I can trigger something, but I'm not hoping for death anytime soon. Right now, I've got my syncs tucked into one another inside the ship alongside the walls of main hallway. sigh. suicidal but immortal. it is my curse.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone

So, I tp'd to 5000, 150, 5000. teleported directly into a city forming on top of me. which took quite a while. died, sync'd.
tp'd to 10000, 100,10000 but this time when I hit ground, city was forming again but all the monsters were stopped. I was whacking on a enderman for ever and he was just shaking and... ok, that could be construed the wrong way so I'll stop there.

Anyways, tried doing things (set to midnite, heal, etc...) nothing registered. after about 2-3 minutes, everything started up again, monsters ganged me, died and voila. void. grabbed a map marker for location (x:194, z:-214, y: 52). yup, underground, under my sync shell most likely.

If what you say is true, this world is corrupted now. so wondering if there's anything we need to test before it does just that.

will post this so you can see it, if you're still awake, u can reply. more to post tho.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
So, got to void world but before died, /tp'd to same location again. I'm at Y level 64, but if I look down, it's as if I'm at Y 150 or so. all the mobs are tiny but not moving around. I look around and I'm seeing things as if I'm playing galacticraft and you're in orbit or something. everything is skewed and off, like your perspective is screwed up or something. I think I'm stuck in that animation where you die and get shot up into space but now I'm on the ground but it looks like I'm in the air.

I see a light. maybe I should go towards that light, noo, thats not right. :)

I think this is important. I think this is where the bug is. It doesn't get a chance to move you from that one state to a normal state and transfer you into the actual sync and thus you're stuck with this bugged perspective. That might even be what corrupts world. dunno. I have SPC installed as well as nbtedit (added those in hopes that it would help out debug this).

and more info. if I do an /nbtedit me, I get: Error - Unknown Entity #1048849. Thus, that's how you are corrupted. you don't exist anymore.

will play around more and see what I can see.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If it's caused by lag, I think I can probably replicate it. I'm on a 2.1 GHz dual-core CPU with 2 GB of DDR2-800. What do I need to pop into Creative and do?


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
Ok, mobs aren't tiny. they are static. I can hear mobs spawning at nighttime (in creative), the monsters I see below me? They aren't moving and they don't correspond to what I'm hearing. I hear lots of zombies but all I see are 4-5 spiders and an enderman, again not moving wayyyyy down there.

I tried placing some blocks, nothing. grabbed some angel blocks. can place (hear noise) but nothing happens. I can't focus on anything so yeah, I think the player itself is disconnected from any entity at this point in time, thus, minecraft won't know wtf to do with it.

switching to survival mode.

after a long long wait, I died somehow. and teleported right next to my last zans map location where I landed after first death, suffocated, took me got normal rising animation, then back to void world again, let it suffocate me, did it again, suffocate, again. this time, I teleported to city location, then saved/exited. loaded world. I'm back. /nbtedit me works. I'm on top of a building, things look normal again.

VERY freaking wierd. You're not in a void dimension. it's like an unloaded dimension or something. I agree with your lag theory. I think teleporting to a location I hadn't been, and it also creating cities in both of those locations caused a lot of lag causing the issue to arise.

YAY, I died, I saw what heaven looked like (it sucked), and rose like lazarus. woot. now to go haunt all my enemies. that's next on my list.
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