it was turned off in 1.1.1. I was living off of fish sandwiches before then. Iskandar loves watching us starve.

He's referring to one entry point for all connections (item ducts, power if need be, AE system, fluids, enderio is pretty awesome.)
But, in 1.1.1 I setup my mob farm using SFM and had to only hook up a single cable, so same benefit. Plus I was able to do some interesting things with the drops, etc... more than just sorting out. Checking for bows/armor if enchanted, moving to trash if not, move to extra storage if. SFM is awesomeness wrapped around a pork sandwich which is imbued in SFM grease. god, I don't even like pork that much (wife is allergic, so I don't eat it anymore either) but those pigs po'd me bigtime so I am virtually eating pork only from now on.