[1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

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In 1.1.1, I just filled an XU drum with water, used fluid ducts to pipe the water from the drum into a wooden barrel, then had a hopper feeding the barrel with sand and a hopper below the barrel to suck out soulsand. You only get 4 stacks of soulsand per drum of water, but it's fairly automated without setting up more infrastructure.

SFM makes this really easy to set up. Have the barrel sit on an Inventory Cable and the chest with sand plus a drum also connected to the cables somewhere. Then water, sand and the soul sand all go through the same side. The programming is also straightforward, you don't have to add any conditions. Just the target sides have to be set up correctly.
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You need a furnace to cook the grout and whatever bucket to put lava in it.
It may not be mid game but it's not early game, somewhere in between since you don't even need the smeltery to start making tools.

Maybe I'd iskandar decides to add grout back, he could remove the clay ball version and only have the clay block version with a nerfed result. Something like 2-4 grout instead of 8.
Again, that's just adding complexity for the sake of complexity, not real difficulty. I can actually compare this to Starbound's nightly builds even which have ore drops that kill all ores and ingots you have on death(it's supposed to drop them but the way it's done makes the ores die for good).
Again, that's just adding complexity for the sake of complexity, not real difficulty. I can actually compare this to Starbound's nightly builds even which have ore drops that kill all ores and ingots you have on death(it's supposed to drop them but the way it's done makes the ores die for good).
There's no such thing as difficulty that isn't a factor of complexity, except for "twitch" scenarios.

I think gaining the smeltery should be a tiny bit easier here (see ideas above), but the fact that people always get this thing on the first day in most games shows how over-the-top OP it is, and why its shunned or tweaked (iguana) in virtually every "difficult" mod pack.
Again, that's just adding complexity for the sake of complexity, not real difficulty. I can actually compare this to Starbound's nightly builds even which have ore drops that kill all ores and ingots you have on death(it's supposed to drop them but the way it's done makes the ores die for good).

Look at it this way. There are no real end game mods in this pack (yet?). So what you would normally do very early in another pack, is done mid game here. If everything would be readily available, how long would it take to "finish" this pack?
Is there in v 1.1.2 any kind of trick to scavange cities? With barely any armor and so many spawners it is impossible to get smeltery blocks. Any information will be appreciated
Is there in v 1.1.2 any kind of trick to scavange cities? With barely any armor and so many spawners it is impossible to get smeltery blocks. Any information will be appreciated
Stay at your crash site until you get the infrastructure up to make some armor and more needlegun ammo. That's what I did. I made a mob farm and got over a stack of iron before heading off for the cities. Also made several extra camel packs and tons of mid tier food.
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Is there in v 1.1.2 any kind of trick to scavange cities? With barely any armor and so many spawners it is impossible to get smeltery blocks. Any information will be appreciated
Having done this one time, I think I recommend the following:
1) Set up one building as a base. Be prepared to run back to it at night and keep it stocked with everything you'll need
2) Make some nice armor. Seriously. And then only wear it when you're exploring
3) Bring tons of water (lots of camel packs) and food.
Try rushing the spawners before they can spawn (i don't know if special mobs breaks this cause I removed it do to my game getting 0-1 fps at night). Also stay as far away from blazes as possible

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Thnx for suggestions. Normal spawners arent such big problem. Zombie pigman spawners are real pita (one time i even encountered vampire pig man in suit and was oneshoted)
The problem i get is that the spawn rate is just too high, it's bad enough without spawners at home(my roof sounds like a zombie and skeleton dance party), but I at least expected the daytime to cut the spawnrate severly in the city, it did not really help much.
Thnx for suggestions. Normal spawners arent such big problem. Zombie pigman spawners are real pita (one time i even encountered vampire pig man in suit and was oneshoted)
you can fill in the bottom of the building with pigmen spawners with dust.[DOUBLEPOST=1408132767][/DOUBLEPOST]
The problem i get is that the spawn rate is just too high, it's bad enough without spawners at home(my roof sounds like a zombie and skeleton dance party), but I at least expected the daytime to cut the spawnrate severly in the city, it did not really help much.
the spawers are under cover so daylight will not stop them.[DOUBLEPOST=1408132899][/DOUBLEPOST]You could make some glowstone nodes and place them on the spawners as you go through. 1 glowstone will give you 32 node Just need a saw. that is assuming he didn't switch them to always spawn no matter the light level.
the spawers are under cover so daylight will not stop them. You could make some glowstone nodes and place them on the spawners as you go through. 1 glowstone will give you 32 node Just need a saw. that is assuming he didn't switch them to always spawn no matter the light level.

Unless I'm completely mistaken, then it checks the condition at the spawning location. The spawner itself can be hidden in a wall in complete darkness. It will still not spawn anything, as long as all possible spawning locations are above the required light level.
Problem with Pigmen is, that they are able to spawn at any light level.

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Heh. I just remembered an adventure map by .toggle called The Return. There were tons of zombie pigmen spawners in the later stages, plus an actual trip through actual Nether terrain. I had Corosus' old Nightmare Mode (the progenitor to Zombie Awareness) on and it made zombie pigmen auto-Aggro. Seems like my status as a Pig War vet is gonna pay off here. :]
yay! new account! lulz

anyway, hope no one takes this the wrong way, i know everyone has their preferences on play style and progressions etc. but, you've all downloaded someone else's work, a pack that is designed to be a challenge, that takes a level of mod understanding to really "get" the pack. The beauty of minecraft mods is finding a way around the problems, why not stop crying about not being able to make grout/silky jewels and just go explore the city as the pack intends? too hard to dominate the whole city in one run through early game? that seems to be the point! why would you want to make the pack so easy that you can beat the whole quest tree in one sitting? (i know im not the only one lame enough to sit down at my PC for 18 hours worth of minecraft). it seems like many are missing out on the fun of trial and error, they want everything to work the way they want it to work. like i said, the beauty of mods is finding a work around for a problem, so find a work around! go grab some early smeltry stuff from the city and then dupe out your seared bricks with cobble and seared stone. no biggie. you get the challenge (operative word, this pack is supposed to be hard for f***'s sake) of exploring the city to find the beginnings of a smeltry in the late-early game stage, and can move on from there with no issue. if you die exploring the city, you must need to re-evaluate the plan. if all you want is tech progression, whats the point of playing a pack that's equally about survival as it is advancement. why not play monster or some ATlauncher tech pack?

to summarize, if the plan you had doesn't work out, get a new plan, (in my best red foreman voice) "dumb*ss".

not trying to be a grouch or be insulting, but man, if you dont like the pack, dont play it, or go make your own! then you'll have total creative control and you can stop hassling this guy for trying to make a unique and challenging minecraft experience, when all you really want is for all the things you did to make the game easy in Beta builds to still work. If this was the first release, you wouldn't even know any better. SO WHAT if progression takes longer than you wanted, you're a minecraft geek just like me with nothing better to do than spend endless hours playing the game. If you really enjoy it, the length and difficulty should be something that adds enjoyment. (insert back in my day you couldn't save your game and dying meant starting over reference here, yay nostalgia, boo cheating)

I for one hope even more changes are made in 1.1.3 so i HAVE to reevaluate my early, mid, and end game strategies. Not like i didn't have to do it a dozen times already. Learning what works and what doesn't is part of the fun for me.

Anyway great work with the pack dev(s). I hope for everyone on here that is crying over the difficulty there is at least one person who is actually enjoying being challenged in minecraft for once.

If i get blackballed from this forum for this, so be it. toodle-oo!
I enjoy challenge, but in moderation, not "kick you @%$ so you can't progress" difficulty. I even went in the configs to disable the special creepers, and yet somehow a ender creeper spawned in the city.

Basically I'm trying to say, there's challenge, then there's overkill
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I enjoy challenge, but in moderation, not "kick you @%$ so you can't progress" difficulty. I even went in the configs to disable the special creepers, and yet somehow a ender creeper spawned in the city.

Basically I'm trying to say, there's challenge, then there's overkill

I can dig it, i guess my point is that most everyone has been able to progress despite these changes, so I have a hard time classifying it as overkill. to me overkill is game-breaking, as in, no way to move forward. i wont lie, going to the city to get going on ore doubling is harsh, but that's the point of the pack, and it's still doable if you're careful and patient. Plus you can make it without ore doubling for a long time, probably forever if necessary, but no one wants to grind that much because everyone operates under the delusion that the early game phase should end after you get your first tool. This ain't vanilla baby!