[1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2014
Unless I'm completely mistaken, then it checks the condition at the spawning location. The spawner itself can be hidden in a wall in complete darkness. It will still not spawn anything, as long as all possible spawning locations are above the required light level.
Problem with Pigmen is, that they are able to spawn at any light level.

so the best way is still to cpa off building with pigmen spawns in them and light the rest. then you can go building by build after.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2014
yay! new account! lulz

anyway, hope no one takes this the wrong way, i know everyone has their preferences on play style and progressions etc. but, you've all downloaded someone else's work, a pack that is designed to be a challenge, that takes a level of mod understanding to really "get" the pack. The beauty of minecraft mods is finding a way around the problems, why not stop crying about not being able to make grout/silky jewels and just go explore the city as the pack intends? too hard to dominate the whole city in one run through early game? that seems to be the point! why would you want to make the pack so easy that you can beat the whole quest tree in one sitting? (i know im not the only one lame enough to sit down at my PC for 18 hours worth of minecraft). it seems like many are missing out on the fun of trial and error, they want everything to work the way they want it to work. like i said, the beauty of mods is finding a work around for a problem, so find a work around! go grab some early smeltry stuff from the city and then dupe out your seared bricks with cobble and seared stone. no biggie. you get the challenge (operative word, this pack is supposed to be hard for f***'s sake) of exploring the city to find the beginnings of a smeltry in the late-early game stage, and can move on from there with no issue. if you die exploring the city, you must need to re-evaluate the plan. if all you want is tech progression, whats the point of playing a pack that's equally about survival as it is advancement. why not play monster or some ATlauncher tech pack?

to summarize, if the plan you had doesn't work out, get a new plan, (in my best red foreman voice) "dumb*ss".

not trying to be a grouch or be insulting, but man, if you dont like the pack, dont play it, or go make your own! then you'll have total creative control and you can stop hassling this guy for trying to make a unique and challenging minecraft experience, when all you really want is for all the things you did to make the game easy in Beta builds to still work. If this was the first release, you wouldn't even know any better. SO WHAT if progression takes longer than you wanted, you're a minecraft geek just like me with nothing better to do than spend endless hours playing the game. If you really enjoy it, the length and difficulty should be something that adds enjoyment. (insert back in my day you couldn't save your game and dying meant starting over reference here, yay nostalgia, boo cheating)

I for one hope even more changes are made in 1.1.3 so i HAVE to reevaluate my early, mid, and end game strategies. Not like i didn't have to do it a dozen times already. Learning what works and what doesn't is part of the fun for me.

Anyway great work with the pack dev(s). I hope for everyone on here that is crying over the difficulty there is at least one person who is actually enjoying being challenged in minecraft for once.

If i get blackballed from this forum for this, so be it. toodle-oo!
Funny that you assume that they are not doing that just because they are on here post comments. I supposed they are supposed to stay in game all day long and not socialize? rofl it is called planning ahead. and some of the ones asking these question are from youtube channels and are asking because they are getting the same questions on their channels and would like to know what answer to give. As to the silky gem cooment part. the gem used to cost 1 gem in this pack. It was changed by a mod added to take out add in the XP and limit tools. The side effect of that mod is it changed the recipe for that gem. I just want to be able to answer people when they see my video say " I hated that too, why he change it".


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I just installed the 1.1.2 and, without touching or doing anything, Creeper Grief is on. Is that normal? I thought it was disabled by default...

If not how can I turn that off?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OK everyone i just got approval from Iskandar to recruit some help. What i need is someone that is good at terraforming and using MCedit.

My main plan is to have a cpl ruins that have toppled over in to the dust and I need the dust around the fallen parts fixed which is something I cant do. I can explain the rest to whoever helps with this.

I have a feeling i may get a few volunteers so i will be going with the first one and Tnks to all in advance.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2014
I get your point man, and believe it or not i've read most of the comments in this forum over the last 2 or 3 days (i get downtime at work in like 14.3 minute spurts at complete random so this has been great for filling that) and i certainly don't have a problem with wanting to be heard. feedback allows for progress. i've even read most of YOUR comments and agree with a number of them, and also love a nice porkwich ;). it just looks like a lot of bickering without much point. that's the internet for you i guess, maybe its naive of me to think that people know the difference between constructive criticism and belligerent cry-babying. Some comments are good honest feedback, others are just crying about a failed world (did you expect to beat this without dying? i've started over more times than i can count) or some kink in their "plan" that forces them to deviate from the exact progression they are most comfortable with (let's be honest, being uncomfortable is THE POINT). I feel like an evangelist now so I'm done. I prefer lurking anyway :)
"You can not learn without failing." I must have died like 12 times before doing my videos. rofl I would say that if you are having problems with the pack and would still like to play there are allot of tips in the let's plays people do. you can watch them fail and learn from them also.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I just installed the 1.1.2 and, without touching or doing anything, Creeper Grief is on. Is that normal? I thought it was disabled by default...

If not how can I turn that off?
this is a bug and you can turn it off by using the case sensitive comand /gamerule mobGriefing false


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2014
So I just installed the 1.1.2 and, without touching or doing anything, Creeper Grief is on. Is that normal? I thought it was disabled by default...

If not how can I turn that off?
type /gamerule mobgrieving false and then hit enter[DOUBLEPOST=1408153991][/DOUBLEPOST]
OK everyone i just got approval from Iskandar to recruit some help. What i need is someone that is good at terraforming and using MCedit.

My main plan is to have a cpl ruins that have toppled over in to the dust and I need the dust around the fallen parts fixed which is something I cant do. I can explain the rest to whoever helps with this.

I have a feeling i may get a few volunteers so i will be going with the first one and Tnks to all in advance.
you could ask Vechs to help, hehehe


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
this is a bug and you can turn it off by using the case sensitive comand /gamerule mobGriefing false

See i did that and saw something like "there is no rule" or "there is no exception" or something. :/

I suppose I'll try again. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
So, no rantable serious topic. What do you all use to light up your bases? I have endured to sift enough glowstone in the past to make either glowstone bricks or make glowstone glass and use them appropriately in one place or another. The glass not being able to have things placed on, tho u can see through. I use torches in the beginning, obviously, but a problem has become more apparent in the last version and I'm assuming here as well. Vanilla MC doesn't recognize these as real light sources, thus, if you load a world up, and F7, you'll see huge chunks of area swathed in yellow even tho they're lit. You walk into them tho and for the most part, all the yellow lines disappear gradually. I've not had mass amounts of mobs assemble or spawn in these areas, so I always thought it was just a visual glitch.

In 1.1.1 tho, I've had enough instances where mobs (mostly zombies) would just appear out of nowhere with no spawners nearby whatsoever. They would always walk off or start from an off area, like a (lit) compression chamber, or (lit) smeltery. I'm trying to avoid that here since I want as invasion free of a home base as possible. Anyone use illuminators or is there something else I've never used, like maybe the chisel varieties, or ???


Popular Member
Feb 17, 2013
So, uh, Direwolf20 might be doing a series on my pack. Which is both a real honor...and potentially hilarious. I mean, I based a lot of my "break the way you usually think" SPECIFICALLY off some of his videos. And he doesn't handle combat real well.

Oh dear.

On the plus side, that does mean Crash Landing would get exposed to roughly the ENTIRE internet. Um. Again, oh dear. Looks like I need to get back to work.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What do you all use to light up your bases?
In my 1.1.2 (beta) world I copied a technique mentioned elsewhere (and used by Landstryder in his LP) of sawing down glowstone into nooks (1 becomes 32) and applying liberally throughout my base. I didn't craft a single torch, in fact, and despite having a very large perimeter I never once had an issue with strange spawning, no yellow spawn markers, etc. I do think that mobs can glitch through walls, though I have no testable proof, just my own anecdotes. I try not to use anything other than straight rectangles in my base defenses, or I end up with some glitchy behavior.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2014
So, no rantable serious topic. What do you all use to light up your bases? I have endured to sift enough glowstone in the past to make either glowstone bricks or make glowstone glass and use them appropriately in one place or another. The glass not being able to have things placed on, tho u can see through. I use torches in the beginning, obviously, but a problem has become more apparent in the last version and I'm assuming here as well. Vanilla MC doesn't recognize these as real light sources, thus, if you load a world up, and F7, you'll see huge chunks of area swathed in yellow even tho they're lit. You walk into them tho and for the most part, all the yellow lines disappear gradually. I've not had mass amounts of mobs assemble or spawn in these areas, so I always thought it was just a visual glitch.

In 1.1.1 tho, I've had enough instances where mobs (mostly zombies) would just appear out of nowhere with no spawners nearby whatsoever. They would always walk off or start from an off area, like a (lit) compression chamber, or (lit) smeltery. I'm trying to avoid that here since I want as invasion free of a home base as possible. Anyone use illuminators or is there something else I've never used, like maybe the chisel varieties, or ???
you can cut glowstone into little nodes using a saw. i glowstone =32 nodes. You place them and they act like glowstone blocks


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
Several, several versions ago, yeah.

Oh, btw, as someone just pointed out, once you get a High Oven...you can smelt cobblestone into seared bricks. I forgot to remove that...and I think I'll leave it that way. That way you have to salvage the first bits of your smneltery and such, but once you do that you can then expand them as you need to.

Swear I used one in 1.1.1 but maybe it's my imagination. Was a good example of knee jerking tho, wouldn't you say?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Huh... And here I was thinking glowstone covers were a fine choice. But quadruple the yield?

I shall investigate this matter post-haste![DOUBLEPOST=1408156900][/DOUBLEPOST]
Several, several versions ago, yeah.

Oh, btw, as someone just pointed out, once you get a High Oven...you can smelt cobblestone into seared bricks. I forgot to remove that...and I think I'll leave it that way. That way you have to salvage the first bits of your smneltery and such, but once you do that you can then expand them as you need to.
Please leave this. Toops is Sexy and makes ALL the seared things. :]


Popular Member
Feb 17, 2013
Yeah. That should very neatly solve the scavenge versus build problem. You'll need to scavenge to get a bare bones going. But from there you can then build more. I really like that. So it stays. And I'll add it to the quest book.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
Well, I was real curious, so I did the following:
1) added SPC (to facilitate quickly making things) to pack.
2) created new world.
3) lit up area like I normally would (with spawned in torches)
4) made a normal lit wall around area like I would normally, lit torches, wall around it.
5) made an outer perimeter. Using SPC, quickly made wall and also lined floor sparingly with glowstone glass, but blocking all F7 yellow lines (thus, no yellow lines from F7 at all) in large outer perimeter.
6) NEI'd it to midnight constantly.
7) survival mode, walked around inside perimeter, realized spiders would come over wall, spawned in armor/weapons, killed said spiders, repeat. Did this for about 15 minutes. IN that time, I had 2 incursions that couldn't be explained. 1 zombie and 1 giant skel. ok. I need a better test.
8) made a large elevator spiral on top of middle of base, zoomed up, survival mode, rotated around looking at area and mob radar.

I saw 2 - 3 instances of mobs just poofing into existance right in the middle of areas lit by the glowstone glass. skels, zombies. creepers walking the walls from who knows were. They were always in the area outside the inside perimeter but inside the outer perimeter (???) the area I used glowstone glass.

If I saw mass migration and a horde of monsters appearing inside the walls, that would make me feel alot better, since it would mean that it's working or not working 100% but this? It seems so random. don't understand it. One of the poofing areas, I looked at it with a fine tooth comb but since I used SPC, I know it was done uniformly and completely, no human error.

I guess I can try using other blocks, but this seems pretty disconcerting to me. If I understood the why, even if there's a thing in father toasts code that says (after x # of attempts to spawn in, if you can't get near player, cheat), then yeah, at least I'd know that much.

I guess this means you all should be a bit concerned about incursions, even if you think you have it lit up. Or, stick to torches unless those are also subject to this issue. I would have to place all those torches by hand and not use spc, so I don't think I'll be testing that out, but yeah. ppl, consider yourself warned.[DOUBLEPOST=1408157505][/DOUBLEPOST]
So, uh, Direwolf20 might be doing a series on my pack. Which is both a real honor...and potentially hilarious. I mean, I based a lot of my "break the way you usually think" SPECIFICALLY off some of his videos. And he doesn't handle combat real well.

Oh dear.

On the plus side, that does mean Crash Landing would get exposed to roughly the ENTIRE internet. Um. Again, oh dear. Looks like I need to get back to work.

1) no void to fall into
2) probably won't play with pahimar
3) ummmmm no void to fall into?

he'll do fine.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
20 bucks says his first death is dehydration due to pyrotheum fire heatstroke. Wait, maybe he's reading this £_£


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
20 bucks says his first death is dehydration due to pyrotheum fire heatstroke. Wait, maybe he's reading this £_£

If he follows mdiyo's cue, yeah.... I want there to be t-shirts that say "DAMN YOU SKUN!" ..... totally. I don't get into RP vids but his had me in stitches. He missed his calling in acting.

Seriously? I wouldn't be suprised if he hasn't already, or will do alot of pre-play off camera if he knows what's good for him. If not, we should get the death reel of all the highlights of his dying and starting over. Mine would be numerous.

Side note: did anyone from FTB ever stream playthroughs on twitch? That would be a good example I think of what it'll look like.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
@DoomSquirter That is crazy odd. Makes you feel nice and cozy, doesn't it? Nice and warm and cozy behind your fancy walls with your fancy trenches. They got our number, baby, and they be callin'.