yes this is the last reset everythings in place@Iskandar , as far as it stands, 1.1.2 was the last map reset barring any other things unforseen atm? I want to know cause that would give me the push to actually go forward on the map. SFM programming is so damn powerful but also so mind numbing repetitive that I think I might forgo the 3 paged ore doubling / combining / quadrupling whatever I have now setup at least 3 times. I think doing that all over again is causing me to not want to through it if there's another map reset on the horizon.
I can see podonnell twisting in his chair over this
Lol, how could you ever have guessed..... I have yet to explore the city, but it sounds like the rewards are on the rich side. It doesn't sound like there is much of a challenge after making much of a dent in a city. That said it sounds crazy enough to call it the end game sequence/boss after which it switches to a "buildier" game.
Long term I'd love to see more of a tiered system where the first settlements we approach are small, risks and rewards are far lighter, think the bedroom communities and farm towns that surround metro regions. By the time you get to the rewards you describe I'd have had you hack/fly through the equivalent of a good portion of a major metro region.....
That said, that's a lot to ask for, I have no reason to believe the mods being used could in anyway replicate that.
All i seem to find are flux pickaxes, cobwebs, and some redstone for the most part. So far nothing special at all after going through about 6 buildings. Even scouring every nook and cranny for the hidden stuff.[DOUBLEPOST=1408078614][/DOUBLEPOST]I have a bit of a dilemma. I'm not so much a hardcore player. So every now and then I copy and pastes the world to go back incase I die to go back to. This worked perfectly fine in the previous versions For some reason in 1.1.2 all my world data in copied backups dissappear upon death and just show a coroutil folder with my username.dat is this intentional with the update? I suppose in the future I can move them to a different folder entirely.
Long term I'd love to see more of a tiered system where the first settlements we approach are small, risks and rewards are far lighter, think the bedroom communities and farm towns that surround metro regions. By the time you get to the rewards you describe I'd have had you hack/fly through the equivalent of a good portion of a major metro region.....
That said, that's a lot to ask for, I have no reason to believe the mods being used could in anyway replicate that.
I'm not sure how they are doing it, but there are other players reverting to copies (cheaters) I know that aroma backup has been mentioned.
I just can't stand it, for me it's all about the tension..... once I start being able cheat death I get bored quickly.
I meant to disable those dollies, and forgot. I will do so in 1.1.3. Loot is still a work in progress, as is the quest book and crafting recipes. As with any big update, balance gets out of whack. Expect it to be adjusted as time goes on.
I didn't even know about the chisel mod making it easy to get. I got it the "non cheaty" way.Iskandar may want to look at doing something with the ball of moss recipe. Ex nihilo makes it pretty dang easy, but chisel makes it mind numbingly easy. Auto repair is of course not exactly game breaking....... but still.
I was planning to as well, till I went looking for interesting blocks to build a pillbox and realized that chisel will turn stone into mossy stone brick free of charge.I didn't even know about the chisel mod making it easy to get. I got it the "non cheaty" way.