[1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

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A good point, I realized that a while ago watching Landstryders LP, the only cost is the time and effort it takes to gather those resources, and a smeltery or high oven only serve to maximize the efficiency of those resources, along with easily creating alloys and repairable tools via the smeltery. While it's more cost efficient to use TiCon, there's no reason not to cook up ingots earlier for things such as buckets, shears, fluiducts, etc.
and people need to remeber that you can craft a big percentage of TiCons items with a simple crucible and the table you get from quest rewards.
I must be terrible at minecraft.

City too much for me. Wandering around trying to find smeltery stuff; failing hard. Found 3 pneumaticcraft places (and 2 redstone energy cells)

Dying a ton. Cheating a ton restoring myself. Maybe 30 times now?

Worst minecrafter ever.
Sorry to hear that
The ramp uses too much of one block, looks icky. Mix it up a bit, only have the yellow tape blocks 2 deep on the end of the ramp and 1 along the sides, and use armor blocks for the center with some cross-spars to give it definition. The ship itself is okay, though I can understand why a real ship would be a bulk of armor, you can give it character by making the walls 2-3 deep and running groves in tasteful areas that show some of those black circuit blocks or faux gun ports and sensor arrays, and I suppose you could bulk up the ramp too so it would have armor on the outside and thick runway strips of yellow factory blocks on the inside(as again a solid wall of the same block is kinda ugly).
this is still WIP im just trying to get the shape right and also it was mDiyo that desined the shuttle so im trying to make it look like they belong together but what i think is funny is that this thing is huge and Iskandar wants it to be double in size
Ah true, though I don't recall getting any metal doubling or if you can make alloys in there.

No ore doubling or alloys, but some of the alloys like Invar have recipes that use dust from the AE grindstone using a standard crafting grid that can be smelted in a furnace.
Ah true, though I don't recall getting any metal doubling or if you can make alloys in there.
yeah, you are definetly missing some of the functionality, but you get an awful lot of funtionality from well leveled Ticon items. I don't generally feel under armed carrying a well leveled copper longsword.... I'd take one over a vanilla diamond sword any day. The smeltery is an important thing but you can get yourself some decent gear without it.
this is still WIP im just trying to get the shape right and also it was mDiyo that desined the shuttle so im trying to make it look like they belong together but what i think is funny is that this thing is huge and Iskandar wants it to be double in size
Neat. Well while the dinky little survey ship doesn't have much room for detail, the larger mothership definitely will. The same basic pattern, turned up to 11.
I'm this far in and still use a bone frying pan as my weapon of choice. It's a great weapon on day 2 or 3 when you have to go out and clear creepers in the morning. It has a big knockback on it by default and puts a slowness debuff on mobs.
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I'm this far in and still use a bone frying pan as my weapon of choice. It's a great weapon on day 2 or 3 when you have to go out and clear creepers in the morning. It has a big knockback on it by default and puts a slowness debuff on mobs.
I admit, I've never used a frying pan as a weapon.... I should make one just to play around with it a bit. Does it level like a weapon? I could imagine it being like the chisel and not leveling.
I admit, I've never used a frying pan as a weapon.... I should make one just to play around with it a bit. Does it level like a weapon? I could imagine it being like the chisel and not leveling.
It does level like any other offensive weapon. And the chisel (ticon one obviously) does level up if you craft stuff with it in your crafting grid.
Hello guys I got the new Intro and and map showcase up. I will update the info on the old one to show the link to the new guide. enjoy.

It's doable. And even if you first trip is cut short and you run through the desert with pigs on your back like I did, the loot you will probably get from that first trip will see you back a couple times. After all the excitement tho? I did not feel like base building. I've been playing other packs cause I just sorta got into the survival/combat aspects so much it made it not so fun to go back home. I dunno. It's a grand idea, but in this pack, I was so used to doing one of two things: surviving and encircling myself with walls of dust to ensure I could do the second thing, which was expand my industry level to no end but I didn't care. Now that there are cities out there, I waited till I decided to goto city versus jury rigging some crucibles and my 3 or 4 shopping trips netted me a stack of invar ingots, a bunch of blocks to create smeltery + part of oven if not whole one, some PC stuff, 8 or 9 flux infused axes (???), and a ton of dyes. More water than I can count. I have like 1.5 double chests full of cold water bottles alone.

In short, it spoiled me rotten. I died once to bug, and the other time the sync shell actually worked (zombie pig man vampire of course). Getting my stuff back was incredibly hard but I got them all to chase me, then cheated teleport to last death to scoop up everything. :) then ran like hell.

but again, it's different. I will start again at some point. I just played the first 1.7.10 pack that I could actually run (bevo's mini pack on atlauncher). not so sad anymore about 1.7.10 since obviously, it was the mods that were making the game completely unplayable. I am so confused over TE4 since there's like no docs anywhere and so much doesn't work. Hopefully iskandar isn't in any rush to move to 1.7.10 anytime soon. *hopes*

On an even more side note, what I'd like to see? Tameable creepers. Take those creepers to city with you and force them to battle the pigs. that would be epic. *munch munch*
I really wish that the city loot was cut down a bit. I made it 4 quests into the pneumatic craft line with out making a single compressed iron :(

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It does level like any other offensive weapon. And the chisel (ticon one obviously) does level up if you craft stuff with it in your crafting grid.
Thanks for the tip, I've only used the chisel as a hand tool and was frustrated in another pack that I could never earn a modification in order to add self repair.
When I go into NEI to turn it on it says it is listed, but I am not given the option to the left to toggle it on and off when I hit "E"
I again discourage you from using it, but I was able to turn it on simply by setting my NEI into utility mode. at that point it becomes and option in the uper left hand corner of the screen anytime the NEI GUI is open.
this is still WIP im just trying to get the shape right and also it was mDiyo that desined the shuttle so im trying to make it look like they belong together but what i think is funny is that this thing is huge and Iskandar wants it to be double in size
The ship kinda reminds me of the prometheus from stargate, should be interesting where it leads.
ok 112 has been out for a few days now and id like to get some input from those of you that have been to the cities on what you think of the buildings i know that they are simple in design but with the way the mods works im limited on how much i can do. One of the big things is that i cant use a lot of rotatable blocks like doors, stairs, signs, and other stuff like that and another thing is that i ended up making 10 different buildings from nothing so time was a big issue. Now iv got more time and Iskandar and i already have a template to work off of so i can get the new buildings done faster allowing me to fine tune them. So any input good or bad would be nice[DOUBLEPOST=1408068916][/DOUBLEPOST]
The ship kinda reminds me of the prometheus from stargate, should be interesting where it leads.
funny thing iv been rewatching stargate reacently
ok 112 has been out for a few days now and id like to get some input from those of you that have been to the cities on what you think of the buildings i know that they are simple in design but with the way the mods works im limited on how much i can do. One of the big things is that i cant use a lot of rotatable blocks like doors, stairs, signs, and other stuff like that and another thing is that i ended up making 10 different buildings from nothing so time was a big issue. Now iv got more time and Iskandar and i already have a template to work off of so i can get the new buildings done faster allowing me to fine tune them. So any input good or bad would be nice[DOUBLEPOST=1408068916][/DOUBLEPOST]
funny thing iv been rewatching stargate reacently

Aesthetics: very cool. Remind me strongly of Fallout 3. I'd wager money it was an inspiration.

Balance issues: players are encouraged to go there before they're ready. I was 1-hit a million times by zombie-pigmen falling from upper floors. Conversely, a lot of the loot is also flow breaking (redstone energy cells before I've ever made leadstone ones, so forth)

Flow issues: I feel roaming around the city is happening too early, and by the time I accomplish it, it feels weird going back to the old base grind.

Recommendation: make smeltery components a reward for bringing back something simple from the city that can be found in any building. Such as a type of wall piece or desk. Its a reward for finding evidence of ancient civilization. Players at this point, with sucky defenses, can experience a reasonable amount of danger ducking into one building and getting that evidence.

Edit: In retrospect I believe you're only interested in structural feedback. So: I like.
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when was the last time you built a lime kiln? on this dust planet are there ready sources of limestone or seashells? I'm sorry, but it is perfectly reasonable that someone in a survival circumstance would have a very difficult time crafting such things. Yes MC in general overly simplifies things but if a pack author wants to explain taking things away it doesn't take much to explain away most tech.

I'm sorry but IMO "unharding" the pack to the point that you can ignore the cities until late game breaks the pack.
I just want to be able to craft the smeltery with the readily available gravel, sand, and clay. I don't care if the other stuff is available for me to craft normally, but grout should be! the modpack was already hard enough when it was still craftable! Also, not being able to craft a smeltery is NOT incentive for me to visit the city, it's incentive to get the materials anyway and then trade them through creative mode for the crafted blocks! I'm not a fan of "make it more complicated for the sake of complication"