While I like the idea of escape from the planet for endgame, I don't think getting home should be so "easy." We are engineers, not pilots meaning we can build things and use them, but flying a ship is far more complex requiring certain skills that we already know we don't posses. Using a jetpack or glider is a far cry from flying a ship.
We crashed here proving we are lousy pilots. We lived to fly another day proving we have a bit of luck. We then survive on a an unforgiving planet showing determination and intelligence. We then thrive showing our ingenuity and motivation. So what's next? Where do we go from here?
How about recovering data logs from the previous planets scanned and devising a plan to teleport back home? It's going to require a lot of power, hence we'll need a reactor...but then again oops we're not scientists or navigators either so we must have messed up something somewhere and end up back at square one on yet another lonely desolate world. Perhaps this one is cold or all liquid...the possibilities are endless and the groundwork is already there.

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