[1.6.4] Cataclysm ModPack [HardCore, Post-Apocalyptic Survival]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That's a good idea! Also sorry about earlier when I hopped onto the server. I was talking to you guys then there was a power outage for several hours :/


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
We figured you got scared of the zombies :)

Suckers certainly scare me. I made the mistake of starting out in a building made of wool. They kept catching parts of it on fire and getting in. My new home is on top of the tallest construction site i could find, just under the crane. It's nice and quiet and the zombies look like little ants moving around.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hahaha that's what I do as well :) always live on a roof of something very tall. Then what I do is I slowly move down the floors, clearing it out and lighting it up. Eventually I have secured the entire building. Also Razer wire or barbed wire around the edge of your house where they pile up helps Cuz they kill themselves off and reduce lag.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hmm, will have to look at razor wire. Sounds fun, and better looking/feeling than a cactus forest. I lit up about half the tower on the way up, those bottom floors will take some time. I picked a spot in the 'dry and wrecked' area as i find that the most fun. Get it cleared in the next couple of days and then a mine entrance in the basement. Although I've been getting a huge amount of ore from meteors, when I can stop and mine a bit. I get nervous after not moving for more than 1/2 a minute. The dead love to drop out of upper stories and mob up all around you. Just one with webbing can doom you :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hahaha exactly. The key to surviving in this pack is playing smart. Running around at night, or staying one spot outside for too long are surefire ways to get yourself killed xD


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So for next map, you've mentioned going to more wasteland. I've played with MT before, and it seems to have 3 worldgens:
-Green, with water, normal trees, gardens of veggies and plants.
-Dry, mostly sandstone/sand, water is in patches underground. No plants for food, other than potatoes/carrots that can drop off of zombies, and of course, eating zombie. Sewers have water in them. Dirt should be pretty rare. Although i recall a few areas it lurks....
-Ruined. Like Dry. But buildings are much more chaotic and jumbled. Loads of craters. Sewers have lava in them.

Dry/Ruined is much more challenging and adds the feel of a wasteland. Ruined adds the huge problem of thirst, since water is going to be damn hard to get. So it depends on how hard you want to make it.

MiningDead started off with a server that used the green setup, then added outlands which used the dry setting. Turned out to be vastly more popular. Eventually Skuli got rid of the world border, but made areas past about 2k be the ruined version. (We also had radiation from sun/rain/zombies and some other fun stuff to deal with. But it was also tekkit, so we had jetpacks at some point. None of the ee, matter fab or other op stuff though, about the same tech level as we have in cataclysm). Outlands started out with nearly no plants. I think seeds were found in a chest in a bunker, and an oak sapling. One town, Sanctuary figured out IC2 crop genetics and crossbred many other plants, and had a monopoly on rubber and food for a couple of months. I joined the server, crossbred and made farms...then joined Sanctuary. I love a good monopoly. The server had a real hard edge to it with much death.

If you started with most of the area dry, people could still get water/potatoes/carrots eventually, but would mean some zombie killing to do so, and new people would have to eat zombies. Spawn could sell water and food for iron ingots, so people could make a living mining. And spawn could sell/trade 1 wheat seed, 1 carrot, 1 potatoe etc for something extravagant, like a stack of iron. Dirt could also be sold. A faction with a garden would truly be rich :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hmmmm really good ideas but I dont have mortuus Terra. Theworldgen is done by a plugin called CityWorld. However mortuus Terra is a supplemental plugin that Adda the radiation and stuff.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
ah, interesting. MT was gone before i knew about it and the server shutdown, only knew how it worked from working with Skuli on mining dead. From theire page I assumed the mod (MT) was what gave the city generation on the MT server. So my terminology is off. So ignore where i said MT, insert CityWorld :) So far it looks pretty much exact to what skuli used for miningdead when it was up, although i haven't been brave enough to go looking through the mineshafts for a bunker yet, but assume those are there.

Played some more tonite. Realized i value lead more than i do Manyullyn now, and I'm ignoring the dozen or so meteors with cobalt/ardite in the area. I'd say take them out entirely, but then today i found out we don't have a nether, so i guess meteors are the only way to get it. Maybe make those very rare, if possible. Or make the chance of ore not netherrack very rare? I haven't messed with meteorcraft configs, but read that you could adjust ores in meteors. If the distance from a player was set higher, if possible, that would spread them out more, rather than having them cluster around each players base.

Made a set of the Obsidian armor, felt brave, and of course ran into a zombie with the lovely combo of lightning bolts and wither. He hit me from the street as i was laughing at him from a higher vantage point, and he made like Thor, smited me, and the lightning gave me wither. Obsidian armor doesn't do you any good when rotting inside of it :)

The spawn rate is adding more and more mobs to the world. The edges of where a player at seem to do odd things. Mobs spawn there, but don't wander. I hit some bad spots tonite where as the chunk loaded and a few hundred zombies came at me, the world slowed drastically. Had to type /home, one letter and wait 10 seconds, next letter, etc. until i had the entire command up. Took a minute to do the 10 second delay. Back at my base a few chunks away, no lag.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yea! I'm not sure what's up with that weird zombie bunching up bug. I got a report of lag so I went to this base once and there was about 5,000 zombies trying to get in. And that's no exaggeration. It was so laggy that It would DC me after a few seconds so I had to run the mob clear from console Lol. I think it might be due to the mob spawning plugin I use. I could try using just zombie awareness which is what single player uses, but I think monster apocalypse plugin let's you tune it better.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Needs to be turned down in some way for sure. A periodic mob cleaner to take away the big masses every hour, like there is clear lag mod taking out blocks? 1-2 zombies seem to be more than most people can handle anyway :) So much death!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yea clearlagg is set to cleanse the mobs periodically. I forget how often tho. I think its like every hour. But Yea. Mob spawn rate will be lowered next patch


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Been trying to do some research to see if a wasteland map with just the destroyed buildings is possible. Water/fresh water is available with some work. Carrots and potatoes drop off of zombies. Wood is obviously available, even without live trees. Some things might be found in chests, not sure on that:

-Melon Seeds
-Pumpkin seeds
-Wheat seeds (found a way to get them)
-Sugar Cane
-Saplings (although i see a small amount of green trees in all wasteland) Only reason for saplings is arrows made from TC since there are no chickens.

Dirt is the big one I'm not sure on still. In tekkit, you could make it from vegetable matter in a macerator, but i don't think possible with these mods.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I logged on to the forums for the first time to let you know that the server has chunks that are flooded with zombies... Clearing mobs isn't working, and I'm currently unable to play due to the high density of entities (zombies) hovering around the area outside my base. I also don't think ClearLag clears entities like zombies, at least not from experience. You really need to fix the server, because it's pretty near to unplayable, because the zombies attack your internet connection before trying to attack you. Every time I log on I get kicked because I'm STUCK right by a horde. You should have a specific number of zombies in loaded chunks per person (e.g. 1 person online means that 25 zombies will spawn). I don't know how this would work, but it would really help this situation with hordes of zombies leaving the server barren because someone can't connect due to entity lag. As a second note, having a few admins performing mob wipes wouldn't be a bad idea, if you have people you would trust to perform these. Also, I've lost my equipment numerous times because of this entity lag, and I'm getting ticked off. This entity lag really ruins any chance of fair fighting when you stroll along and suddenly freeze and die. Just saying, entity density is something you should consider next time creating a pack like this.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
0 is the new ip. zombies spawns have been toned down as well and clearlagg may be fixed! we just moved to a new server that is much more powerfull! The big overhaul is in the works but im on vacation for ten days so i wont be able to make much progress unfortunately :(


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Cool, i'll check it out tonite. I haven't been on for a week or so because of mobs/lag. I ended up installing pits and lava flowing out of the bottom of my building to take out the hoard as they came to get me, but while mining, exploring etc. I'd build up a huge amount of mobs and eventually with 5-6 of us on, the server sort of stopped :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yea sorry. I went on vacation and the script to start the server after rebooting the entire dedicated server didn't work so the server never came online after I left. I had one of my techs fix it. Just checked its up now. Let me know how the changes are.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, the first change is obviously protections are broken. Someone raped my skyscraper I'd built, all machines, chests, food, crops destroyed, lots of damage to walls all the way down. Not a 'steal good stuff', but complete destruction to be an asshole. I thought faction areas were protected? I have max power and only one chunk claimed. Was a nice build, I worked to totally reclaim a 20 story tower and was hoping to show it to you.

If faction protections are working still, then you have people griefing with some weapon or explosives. I know it's a survival server, but didn't think it was complete anarchy and grief.

Makes the decision of playminecraft vs. cleanhousemakewifehappy an easy one. Might as well do some work in the real world where at least the grief comes from my 8 year olds.

Let me know what the deal is, whether protections work/don't work and whether that was bypassing protections, or part of the pack and I should have expected it.I'd assumed that the faction plugin protections worked, so I built in the heart of the city. If you're always at risk, i'll go dig a hole at bedrock in the desert. Just rather do huge builds :)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
:(. Factions only allows explosives to bypass. The rules is pretty much. Only grief when needed. For instance if I needed to get into ur base I could launch TNT at the front door to get in. Griefing just to grief is against the rules but unfortunately its pretty much untraceable even with block loggers :/ I would say living in a tower is more risky than living in the dirt like most ppl do but its not impossible. For one, the zombies are a natural defense because they are crawling all over ur building so any raider has to deal with them too. U could also install ICBM turrets to shoot any nearby attackers. Next update I plan on adding in a forcefield mod to truly allow you to protect your stuff. Tbh tho with the next big update I will probably wipe the map so you may just want to wait until then before restarting if you do.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That would explain it. They just started at the top and blew stuff up. I let a couple people tour my tower. I expect they were the ones to them come back and grief it.

I expect that they used a gun from one of the mods that fires explosives then. They hit every chest, bookcase, trophy, all the farms, all machinery, wire, tube, etc. A little too complete a griefing with a bit too much wall left if they had to place tnt outside the tower or shoot it from a tnt cannon.

Sad in many ways. When I played with cityworld before there were Madmax style cities built by people all over, and very cool to look at. But with these rules, like you siad, it will be people hiding in the dirt.

After a bit, this modpack isn't tough to survive, once you have obsidian armor and/or jetpack. Generally after that point I like to do some big extravagant build in the ruins. But not worth it if it just makes a nice target for 12 year olds with explosive guns.