Mod Feedback [1.12][1.11.2][1.10.2][1.8.9][1.7.10] Dynamic Surroundings Info/Support

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Apparently this mod is included with Material Energy Natural Capital, and while the rest of the mod is rather interesting, the hunger growling is exceedingly annoying. How do I disable it entirely?

Edit: I figured out the sound I was hearing was actually the bison thing; for unknown reasons the modpack author had re-enabled it.
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It seems like there would be a better way to determine if the underground background ambient sound should be played than simply "under y70". This creates issues when, for instance, I am standing on a custom map with an island surface below y70 and i'm hearing the cave ambient noise and rocks falling spot sound. I also hear it when I'm inside my partly underground base in a totally finished out room that shouldn't sound like that. I don't want to totally disable these sounds because i love them when they are in the appropriate setting. Any idea how I could configure this better?
Hey guys! Back from my extended vacation. It will take me a little bit to get caught up on posts and what not so please be patient. For those that are wondering:
  • I plan on continuing to develop the mod.
  • I have to review the current state of Forge support for the latest Minecraft versions. I have no concrete plans as of yet for versions post 1.8.9 but once I figure out something I will let you know.
  • There are aspects to the mod I am still tweaking, such as "indoor" detection as well as "underground" level detection.
Anyways, off to get my dogs from the pokey (I boarded them).
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How do I disable these goddamn dust mots from stones? There's no obvious config option in a config file.
You will have to add a new JSON config so that the rule processor disables the dust motes. Download nodust.json from this location and put it into your dsurround configuration directory. Edit the dsurround.cfg file to add the file reference:

block {
# Configuration files for configuring Block Registry [default: ]
S:"Config Files" <
Hey orecruncher, good to see your're still going at it :). Got a bug to report, when I use this mod in conjunction with Infinity Evolved, everything works fine except that the sky is still visible when it rains or snows, weapon sounds don't play, I haven't seen a single aurora despite living in an extreme hills biome, and no sounds play in the extreme hills whatsoever.
As much as I love this mod, I have ran across a conflict- one of my other mods is Aliens vs Predator, which adds a few new dimensions. When I have Dynamic Surroundings installed, neither dimension shows their skies, and one dimension (Varda), has it's own weather, Silica Storms. When used together, the silica storm does not show, but still has effects.
Essentially what i'm asking is there a way to disable DynamicSurroundings' weather, sky, and fog overwrites per dimension?
OreCruncher, this mod is amazing. Just a heads up, though: I think you've left out brackets in your biome entries "More Examples" section on your github wiki (I can't post links yet, sorry).

Also, would you consider having the mod's internal config files copied out to the config/dsurround/ folder? I thought Biomes O'Plenty was mucking up my fog stuff again. Didn't realize there were hidden defaults already set. Also, being able to see your config file settings (as a new user) would make changing and editing a lot easier.
Weather 2? Yes, but if you want the Dynamic Surroundings rain textures, sounds, and auroras you need to set Weather 2's advanced setting Particle_RainSnow to false.

is this still a requirement in the newest dynamic surroundings for 1.7.10?
Surprise! An official update to Dynamic Surroundings in support of Minecraft 1.10.2

What's New!
  • Minecraft 1.10.2 support! Yay! Works in SP as well as SMP.
  • Speech Bubbles will display player chat messages above their heads.
  • Firefly block effect that generate fireflies at night in biomes that are temperate or warm.
I am looking for feedback on the firefly and speech bubble features. Feel free to send me a message direct with comments. If you have an issue make an entry in the the issue tracker so it won't get lost.

I want to thank Abastro for stepping up and providing unofficial builds for those of you that moved on to Minecraft 1.9.x+. I had no intention of dropping the mod but sometimes real life things work against you. No fear, though, things are back to normal - or what passes for normal in the US now a days.

  • Block effects (effects and footsteps) are now sensitive to block metadata values. This means that dust motes will no longer drop from the polished versions of stone.
  • Updated support for the 1.10.2 release of Biomes O'Plenty. Checkout the firefly effects in a BoP world.
  • Updated Dynamic Surroundings particle sheet. Particles for the End Rod and Minecraft's hit splat hearts will now render correctly.
  • The mod is built and tested against Forge 1.10.2-12.18.2185.
  • Added options to quickly disable various block effects without having to resort to configuration files. Don't like the new fireflies? Turn them off.
  • Removed fancy cloud handling. It was causing more compatibility issues with mods than what was gained. Dynamic Surroundings needs to work out of the box.
  • Since Minecraft now has a weapon swoosh sound that plays when whacking a mob, the Dynamic Surroundings feature was changed to produce a noise when a tool or weapon is swung but not hitting a mob. This allows you to impress villagers with your technique by swinging the tool all around! Well, not really...
  • Since Minecraft now has a potion HUD Dynamic Surroundings has been changed to replace it out out of the box. The potion indicators now line up in the upper right corner. If you like the Minecraft HUD better you can turn off the Dynamic Surroundings potion HUD and behavior will revert.
  • Thunder storms in Minecraft became rare because of how the weather mechanics in Minecraft work and Dynamic Surroundings interacted. Additional configuration options are now available that allow a player to customize when thunder occurs. By default the rain intensity has to be greater than 50 for there to be a chance of a storm (thunder).
  • The default range for Dynamic Surroundings particle effects has been changed from 16 to 32. A configuration option can be tweaked so that you can reduce it back to 16, or increase it all the way up to 64. Note that longer ranges will require more CPU so pay attention to client side tick lag.
  • Tweaked popoff particles to always render on top. Sometimes the particle was buried in a mob and you wouldn't see it. Oh, added more catch phrases to the critical hit particle.
  • Biome background sounds will fade in rather than starting abruptly. Makes biome transitions more natural.
  • Increased the default volume scale factor for footstep sounds so that they play louder.
  • The /rain command is now /ds. The options and functions have changed. Detailed information can be found here.
Any chance of pushing through some of the fixes as a final update to 1.7.10? Mainly the below:

  • Block effects (effects and footsteps) are now sensitive to block metadata values. This means that dust motes will no longer drop from the polished versions of stone.
  • Removed fancy cloud handling. It was causing more compatibility issues with mods than what was gained. Dynamic Surroundings needs to work out of the box.
  • Biome background sounds will fade in rather than starting abruptly. Makes biome transitions more natural.
Update to 1.10.2-!

What's New!
  • The configuration system received a major overhaul. Biome and dimension tweak files have been combined into a single file. Additionally, Footstep and Forge mapping can be done in the same file. See the wiki for details.
  • Biomes O'Plenty, Tinkers Construct, Forestry, and Pam's HarvestCraft support built in. There were changes in these mods for 1.10.2 that required some maintenance.
  • German translations - thanks Hendrik!
  • Fixed up Minecraft sound names that changed since the prior versions. Ladder climbing and swimming should now work.
  • There were some issues with the meta data sensitive block registry.
  • Some of the longer playing sounds have been tagged as "stream". This should reduce/eliminate perceived lag spikes when crossing biome boundaries.
Update 1.10.2-!

What's New!
  • Beetroots have 4 growth stages, not 7 like other crops.
  • Fixes for concurrency issues related to network packet handling.
  • Fixed Speech Bubbles rendering for incorrect entity.
  • Fixed reference to Minecraft ambient fire sound.
  • Updated Footstep primitive map based on new Minecraft sound names. Should improve footstep sounds for modded blocks that do not have direct support within Dynamic Surroundings. Example, if a modded block has a step sound of SoundType.WOOD Footsteps will apply the "wood" acoustic to the block.
  • Additional information in Waila HUD when debug is enabled. Helps out when trying to figure out what a block is called and what Footsteps acoustics are associated.
  • Removed moonlight alpha scaling when rendering Auroras. I may introduce back when I come up with a better scheme to dim the aurora when the moon is bright.
  • Added more Aurora color pairs, and disabled fog when rendering. Auroras should stand out pretty well now.
  • Converted sounds from stero to mono. Works better with point sounds and reduces overall size of JAR.
Another beta: 1.10.2-!

What's New!
  • Want to know what mobs are thinking? Look at the emojis! This is WIP and subject to change. Entities will have emoji particles orbiting their head indicating what they are thinking. Works in SP and SMP where the server has Dynamic Surroundings installed.
  • Enhanced condition strings for configuration files.
  • Should no longer "buzz" when player health gets low.
  • Speech bubbles are rendered as particles. Address some rendering quirks and improves performance a little bit.
Sweet. I'm really looking forward to the move to 1.10. But I'd like to make the same ask as @Golrith if possible. I'm also having an issue where my custom fog disappears abruptly at 128y. Obviously, I understand if you can't, though! Thanks for updating!
Right now it would be difficult to backport. A lot of major changes internally. Heck, even the Forge devs are looking down on 1.10.2 modders and trying to get them to move to 1.11.x. :D
Cool; I hear that. I wouldn't rush on the 1.11 business, though. With Etho, Dire, et al. settling into 1.10, I'm guessing that's going to be the standard for quite awhile. But that just my guess.
Updates for Minecraft 1.10.2 and 1.11.2!

Getting into the final stretch! I missed the past couple iterations of the mod so here is a summary of what was missed:
  • Better support for Tough as Nails. Dynamic Surroundings will use the temperature information from TAN to determine weather rendering effects as well as player temperature settings.
  • Tap into Forge's version check capability to check for Dynamic Surrounding updates. Disabling version checking in the Dynamic Surroundings config will cause the chat notice to be suppressed but will not block Forge online checking.
  • Waterfall splash and sound effect. Will occur when water is flowing down and hits a solid or liquid surface. Can be sound and particle intensive depending on the size of the waterfall. I recommend blocking the sound "minecraft:block.water.ambient" if you have the waterfall splash enabled.
  • Witches and skeletons have speech text.
  • Background thunder during storms!
  • Refreshed sounds; Minecraft thunder replacement sounds.
  • For those wanting to develop their own sound/block configuration files there is a new configuration option "Enable Debug Dialog". Setting to "true" will cause a Java dialog window to appear displaying the state of all the script variables and their current values. Dialog will only be active when a world is loaded. The dialog will dynamically update as you move through the world.
  • Config options for disabling ASM transformations. Dynamic Surroundings weather effects can be turned off completely using these options. Useful if using shader packs and the weather just doesn't work right.
  • Rain/snow/dust will be auto-disabled if Localized Weather and Stormfronts (Weather2) is installed. Weather2 does a lot with weather and rendering, and Dynamic Surroundings would interfere with all that.
  • Config GUI can now be translated! Russian translations provided by Xottab-DUTY! Thanks!
  • Added weapon/tool sound support for TConstruct things. Now you can swoosh! with style with that cleaver. (Thanks lukiono!)
  • Added some debris enhancements to explosions. Just light some TNT and watch. Or use flint and steel on a creeper. Let me know what you think.