Mod Feedback [1.12][1.11.2][1.10.2][1.8.9][1.7.10] Dynamic Surroundings Info/Support

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It will have to wait until tomorrow, but will do.

Also, no extra .json files were added. I removed the config and let a new one generate

Sent from my igloo using Canadian Goose Mesenger

So I removed the mod and the config file for the release version again.
Put the latest beta in and loaded up. Logged in and withing 1 minute heard the growl again.

Logged out, shut down and opened the new config file made. Only change made was to show the debug info.
There are no other Dynamic Surroundings .json files or configs (did a delete, not a rename). Logged back in.

Ran a bit to get "hungry". Heard noise at 8 haunches. Ate and filled up, heard noise again shorty after.


*note* Turned player sounds down to 0 in the sound config panel. Still heard it.
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You sure its the stomach growl you are hearing? When debug is enabled in the latest BETA you should see something like the following in the client log file when the sound triggers:

[14:37:28] [Client thread/INFO] [dsurround]: PLAYING: [dsurround:tummy((?i).*#hungry#.*), v:1.0, p:1.0, t:PERIODIC, d:300+0]
don't remember happend when I was mad at the mod before hand and trying to kill it, but now i just want to disable rain and sounds from it and keep damage pop offs and the aura. Oh still want the darn thing to not be a needed to connect to a server with it installed.....

If it happens again in my instance i will let you know.

not sure if i did reset the client i was screwing around in the cfg alot. You know what until i repeat this in the new version of my pack just forget about it.
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Dynamic Surroundings 1.7.10- and 1.8.9- has been released!
  • NEW: Sound Volume configuration. There are config options where a player can adjust the volume scale for a specific sound up (2x max) or down (x0). This scale factor is applied in addition to other volume scale factors, such as sound category and "global" sound scaling factors in dsurround.cfg. Note that *all* sounds registered with Minecraft can be manipulated. This means you can adjust those pesky Zombie noised to be lower, or louder if you want to abuse the family. In terms of use it is better to use the Mod Config options present within Minecraft rather than editiing the dsurround.cfg file directly.
  • NEW: There is a new sound type for PERIODIC. This is in addition to BACKGROUND, SPOT, and STEP. PERIODIC sounds will emit the specified sound at a defined interval. This differs from a repeating sound in that a PERIODIC sound does not wait for the prior sound instance to complete before starting a new one thus it is possible to overlap. This could be used to create sound sequences similar to that found in Matmos.
  • NEW: Blocked Sound configuration menu will list all registered sounds and a player can selectively block each sound. A player doesn't have to edit the config file directly or try and figure out what sounds are available. Mods -> Dynamic Surroundings -> Config -> Blocked Sounds.
  • NEW: Footstep sound support for Tinkers Construct, Twilight Forest and Erebus mods.
  • NEW: Player can change dsurround.cfg file using the in-game GUI. Go to the mod list, select Dynamic Surroundings, and click Config. Note that changing some of the settings will require a restart of the client.
  • NEW: OuterSpace biome. Biome for when the player's Y is > build height + 32.
  • NEW: Cloud biome. Biome for when the player's Y >= cloud height.
  • NEW: Forge OreDictionary support. Assign footstep sounds to similar blocks based on OreDictionary names.
  • NEW: Can use dimension name rather than dimension ID when configuring dimension data.
  • NEW: Biome aliasing. There is a config entry for creating aliases for biomes to support biomes that Dynamic Surroundings does not have a rule for. For example, if a mod adds a biome called "Fancy Biome" it can be aliased with the "Plains" biome so that any rule that applies to "Plains" will apply to "Fancy Biome". Format of the entry is "<new biome>=<known biome>". (I think of it as "<new biome> is like <known biome>".) This feature could also be used to combine known biomes. For example "Plains=Swampland" will cause "Plains" to get the effects of "Swampland" in addition to the default settings for "Plains".
  • CHANGED: Sounds at biome transition are blended rather than being cut off and a new one started. The blended sounds have their volumes scaled based on the predominance of a given biome. It is possible to stand at the juncture of 3 different biome areas and hear sounds from all three though at reduced volume.
  • CHANGED: Biome fog/dust storm fog is blended at biome transitions rather than being "abrupt". For example, the view starts getting foggy when close to a desert biome when it is raining. The amount of fog is adjusted by how close/predominant the biome is around the player.
  • CHANGED: Modified the ASM used for hooking Minecraft routines to be a bit more compatible. Future proofing as it were.
  • CHANGED: You can now edit a bunch of options while the game is running (ESC -> Mod Options). Some options will be read only because they can only be changed when a world is not up and running. But the "important" ones, like sound volume, can be manipulated.
  • CHANGED: A player has two choices of Elevation Haze. By default Dynamic Surroundings uses the Band method where fog exists around cloud height. The other option is to have to behave in the original implementation where fog would steadily increase the higher the player went above ground level.
  • CHANGED: Disabled Aurora in The End. The star field didn't make it worth it.
  • CHANGED: Default Footstep sound scale factor is reduced. If you have an existing install you can change "Footsteps Sound Factor" to 0.05.
  • CHANGED: Reduced the volume of the "jump" sound.
  • CHANGED: Footstep and player based sounds are now tied to the "Players" sound slider instead of "Ambient".
  • CHANGED: Delay initialization of Footstep sound maps until Minetweaker scripts had a chance to run. Goal is to allow tweaker scripts to alter OreDictionary mappings which Dynamic Surroundings can use to assign footstep sounds.
  • CHANGED: Added more OreDictionary support for sounds. (Thanks Sunconure11!)
  • CHANGED: Fog color mixing algorithm has changed. Attempting to make it a bit more natural.
Make sure you back up your saves prior to installing this or any other mod update.
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Thank you for your excellent mod! Reminds me of Matmos, for the sounds part. (that one kept crashing. though)
Can you explain how to add sounds to a new biome/dimension? I'm playing tropicraft and the absence of sounds is deafening. It has several biomes eg tropical ocean, tropical beach,etc.. all lack sound. I tried the config gui, and although i noticed the '+' signs where i can type some stuff, it seems I fail to grasp the mechanics for adding biomes and linking sounds to them.
I admit I just skimmed through the previous posts, so I might have missed it if you already replied. If so, I'll be glad if you could point me the the correct post. If not, please advise.
Thank you for your excellent mod! Reminds me of Matmos, for the sounds part. (that one kept crashing. though)
Can you explain how to add sounds to a new biome/dimension? I'm playing tropicraft and the absence of sounds is deafening. It has several biomes eg tropical ocean, tropical beach,etc.. all lack sound. I tried the config gui, and although i noticed the '+' signs where i can type some stuff, it seems I fail to grasp the mechanics for adding biomes and linking sounds to them.
I admit I just skimmed through the previous posts, so I might have missed it if you already replied. If so, I'll be glad if you could point me the the correct post. If not, please advise.

You can create external Json config files to add new biomes. That information can be found here. As for the beaches it would depend on the biome name. The name contains "beach", as in "Tropical Beach", it should get beach sounds out the box. If it has some other name, like "Tropical Fred" you can use the biome aliasing feature. To alias modify the "Biome Alias" string list in dsurround.cfg and add something like:

S:"Biome Alias" <
Tropical Fred=Beach

Note that this is a string list and follows the Forge string list requirements.
Thank you for your swift reply. The biomes have indeed basic names preceded by "tropical", but nothing comes out of the box. I'm afraid creaing json files is beyond my grasp so I tried the alias thing. In the mod config gui, I went to Biome Behaviour, there I left the config files box empty and pasted, inside the Biome Alias box, your S:"Biome Alias" ... string replacing Tropical Fred with Tropical Beach=Beach. Didn't help because obviously, I'm doing it wrong. Can you please elaborate a bit?
Using the latest released version of the mod (*.0.5.5) you would navigate to the Biome Alias from the main Minecraft menu by clicking Mods -> Dynamic Surroundings -> Biome Behaviors -> Biome Alias. You should then get a screen where you can hit "+" to add a new string, and then enter in "Tropical Beach=Beach" (without the quotes). Click Done until you get to the main menu. You will need to restart the Minecraft client for the change to take effect.
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Should be easy enough, but it didn't work. Followed your steps to the letter but still silent. Then it occured to me that I terraformed an island to make my base in the ocean, so the biome is actually Tropical Ocean. Added Tropical Ocean=Beach to be sure, but still nothing. Travelled to where the biome says 'tropical beach' and no sound there either :( I do get the underwatersound, wooden floor creacks etc, just not the ambient sound of the surf.
A heads up there OreCruncher: I received some content claims on my minecraft videos featuring your mod. I don't readily see any notice that your mod sounds were from other sources and should not be monetised. You may want to make note of it for those intending on using it so they don't get claims on their videos.

UPDATE EDIT: The Content claim was dropped. OreCruncher is a very nice and helpful person as well. So, no worries anymore folks. Sorry for any drama that may have been caused.
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A heads up there OreCruncher: I received some content claims on my minecraft videos featuring your mod. I don't readily see any notice that your mod sounds were from other sources and should not be monetised. You may want to make note of it for those intending on using it so they don't get claims on their videos.
They aren't, it's the Youtube Bot being a jerk again.There's some metal rock band out somewhere that for the first thirty seconds has blowing wind that causes false content claims all over the place, for example
Using 1.7.10-, the damage popoffs show the wrong damage amounts for enemies that have armor. They show the damage amounts before armor is taken into account.

Edit: uhhh okay I disabled popoffs in the conifg, but they still show up? Is there another mod that shows damage by hearts?
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Okay, there's this noise, and it is really getting annoying. It sounds kinda like a bear growl. It apparently happens in every biome, and is not hunger-dependent. I have NFC what is causing this noise, but it is extremely irritating.