Mod Feedback [1.12][1.11.2][1.10.2][1.8.9][1.7.10] Dynamic Surroundings Info/Support

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As a suggestion, whatever bear or moose call that occasionally happens? I'd really prefer if something sounds like it's going to eat me, that it's actually a mob about to eat me, not just a phantom noise.

No bear or moose sounds. What biome were you in?

Ya know, I was outside today and I heard the call of crying crows and ravens... And I thought in certain environments it might be nice to have them go off at dawn and dusk.

I do plan on adding sounds that are specific to times of day. It would depend on Calendar API. Just haven't go there yet.
No bear or moose sounds. What biome were you in?
I do plan on adding sounds that are specific to times of day. It would depend on Calendar API. Just haven't go there yet.

Oooo... Are you involved with that madness? I'm waiting for that so hard.
Just thought I'd share some pics of the desert storm effect. This mod is really great and really adds to the atmosphere. I have to keep looking around when there are new sounds, in case some critter is sneaking up on me!


One thing I've noticed, which may or may not be this mod, but I mention it as it's the only atmospheric style mod in the pack is that sometimes the cloud and sky flickers, even when standing still. It's almost like the fog is being enabled and disabled every few ticks.
Stomach growling is happening at full hunger for me... So damned confused.

Also, I'm looking in the Unstable pack's config folder. Do you have a config in there?
I haven't installed unstable so I am not sure how it is structured. The only external config file is ./minecraft/config/dsurround/dsurround.cfg.

As for the growl - what version of the mod are you using?
The latest one that comes with Unstable. Not at my comp atm...

I get growls and jumping sounds. Is that the mod, or is it added by something else?

Sent from my igloo using Canadian Goose Mesenger
Negative. Fresh world. Little accomplished apart from a small wheat farm and the beginnings of Botania

Sent from my igloo using Canadian Goose Mesenger
I do recall fixing a bug similar to what you describe somewhere in the current BETA stream of releases. At the time I thought it was a fat finger because of the current work rather than a latent bug. If possible can you try the latest BETA and see if it persists?

EDIT: I also added two changes related to the health and hunger bar. 1) instead of being percentage based (40% or less remaining of max health/food) it now has a specific threshold (4 hearts/4 hams); and 2) the threshold can be configured by the player by editing the config.
Current version for Unstable is the release version

Removed that version and put in the latest beta Within seconds of loading in, full hunger/health, I get the growl...

Checked the config file:

# Amount of food bar remaining to trigger player hunger sound [range: 0 ~ 10, default: 8]
I:"Hunger Threshold"=8

So, if I'm reading this right, it will make a hunger sound at 8 haunches, correct?

If so, somethings gone sideways...
Actually each heart/ham in the display counts as 2 - don't forget there are halves. As for sideways something strange is going on. I will download the pack and kick the tires. Until then you can disable by going into the Mod config GUI -> Blocked Sounds, and toggle dsurround:heartbeat and dsurround:hunger to true. Restart the client. This will basically turn off those sounds until I can get a handle on it.
Fired up a new world and I don't have the same experience. You wearing any sort of bling that alters stats?

EDIT: If you turn on debug logging in the dsurround.cfg it should add additional information RE: Dynamic Surroundings as a game overlay. The second line should start with "Player". If you could give me the info that is reported that it may shed some light.

EDIT: It may be better to take a screenshot with that debug info - save time and stuff. I'm having a day...

EDIT: *cries* the stomach sound is dsurround:tummy. *sigh*

EDIT: Thought of another question - do you have any extra json configs for Dynamic Surroundings? If so, can you provide a link to them so I can take a look?
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Reverted to the recommended/release version for FTB Unstable. Put back the config file (I always move old config files when testing upgrades/downgrades)

Turned debug info on in config and took this screenshot. no buffs, no special gear apart from my new goggles (been playing a bit). Hell, I don't even have an enchanting table up yet LOL

OK - that's from the version in Unstable. Can you drop in the latest BETA and screenshot? It has more info in the panel. Also, do you have any additional Json configs for dynamic surroundings installed?

EDIT: The condition string that is displayed tells me that Dynamic Surroundings sees that you are not hungry. That is leading me to believe that there is a config set somewhere that is allowing the sound to run. It's why I am asking about the external Jsons. Also, can you post your entire dsurround.cfg to pastebin and link it? I want to look at the settings to make sure I am not missing something.
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