[0.5.1] Technomancy Discussion-Ore processing like a boss

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've always been thinking.... how about making some phials of essentia be drinkable like potions, giving you certain effects?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've always been thinking.... how about making some phials of essentia be drinkable like potions, giving you certain effects?
I've considered that, but it doesn't really "fit" with all the stuff in Technomancy. Perhaps some kind of armour that's similar to the Thaumostatic Harness except it gives you different effects when different jars are present.

I've also considered making quantum jars have special effects (some detrimental, some positive) when they have tons of essentia in them. For example, jars of lux will increase the light emitted by the jar, ignis will have a small random chance to set the nearby vinicinity on fire, potentia will have a chance to be struck by lightning, stuff like that. Not quite sure if it should be a thing though, it kinda seems too randoml and punishing to be something I should add. Any thoughts on that?
Now where's JABBA's Fluid Barrels with a Void Core Upgrade...

Also, the Phase Saber should totally look like the Monado from Xenoblade Chronicles, just saiyan.
That actually looks really cool. I might have to do it.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've considered that, but it doesn't really "fit" with all the stuff in Technomancy. Perhaps some kind of armour that's similar to the Thaumostatic Harness except it gives you different effects when different jars are present.

I've also considered making quantum jars have special effects (some detrimental, some positive) when they have tons of essentia in them. For example, jars of lux will increase the light emitted by the jar, ignis will have a small random chance to set the nearby vinicinity on fire, potentia will have a chance to be struck by lightning, stuff like that. Not quite sure if it should be a thing though, it kinda seems too randoml and punishing to be something I should add. Any thoughts on that?

That actually looks really cool. I might have to do it.

The problem with a system like this that imparts properties to something based on essentia is that there is a TON of different kinds of essentia, which means that you'll probably have one or two useful things that people will actually use, and a couple dozen things that nobody ever touches. Even just having effects for the primal aspects is probably going to end up feeling a little bloated. Vanilla Thaumcraft actually succumbs to this pitfall, to some extent - how many of you actually bother making quartz wand cores or copper wand caps?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The problem with a system like this that imparts properties to something based on essentia is that there is a TON of different kinds of essentia, which means that you'll probably have one or two useful things that people will actually use, and a couple dozen things that nobody ever touches. Even just having effects for the primal aspects is probably going to end up feeling a little bloated. Vanilla Thaumcraft actually succumbs to this pitfall, to some extent - how many of you actually bother making quartz wand cores or copper wand caps?
I'll have to agree with you on that. 50 types is rather ridiculous. What if only certain types were implemented such as aspects that make sense and aren't useless? (I'm looking at you granum!)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Not to be a bother, but it appears that the "Pen Core" doesn't use the Ore Dictionary "Iron Nuggets" I attempted to make it with railcraft Iron Nuggets and it didn't create it, would it be possible to fix this in the next update?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Chould you add a thaumostatic thaumium chestplate or maybe quantum/nano thaumostatic chestplate? I really like the gravisuit mod but its broken and it would be cool with a thaumcraft eqivilant of the gravi chestplate and advanced nanosuit chestplate. Also a upgrade to the nano saber would be cool and also gogles of revealing quantum and nano armor. Dont overdo it though like the electric magic tools.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Chould you add a thaumostatic thaumium chestplate or maybe quantum/nano thaumostatic chestplate? I really like the gravisuit mod but its broken and it would be cool with a thaumcraft eqivilant of the gravi chestplate and advanced nanosuit chestplate. Also a upgrade to the nano saber would be cool and also gogles of revealing quantum and nano armor. Dont overdo it though like the electric magic tools.
Ever heard of KAMI?
Not to be a bother, but it appears that the "Pen Core" doesn't use the Ore Dictionary "Iron Nuggets" I attempted to make it with railcraft Iron Nuggets and it didn't create it, would it be possible to fix this in the next update?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What you asked for was an equivalent for Gravisuite. Gravisuite is not mid tier.
Not the gravi suit itself ment the advanced nano suit chestplate and not the gravitation suit. I got the advanced nanosuit chestplate pretty early in unleashed even tough i dident have much machines but i had "lots" of resources.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The awakened ichorcloth chestplate?
I want something more mid tier.
(Ever heard of mid tier?) REVANGE
It's hard to put a point at "mid tier". With so many mods and so many tech trees, saying you're at "mid tier" while inorporating so much is rather... challenging. Mid tier Thaumcraft-wise (addons included) is around the Thaumostatic Harness. Now, of course the harness provides verry little protection, but it does add flight. The only thing that I could do that would actually fit there would be the Thaumium Harness (thaumium armour + harness), but that's entirely unoriginal and not my style. And hell no to IC2 armour. 1. I don't feel like incorporating another dependency just for that 2. I'm no fan of IC2 anyways.

On the flip side, I am going to (eventually) add a set of Technomancers robes. No clue what they'll do as of right now, but if you want the "energy armour" you're just going to have to wait for that whenever it comes out.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's hard to put a point at "mid tier". With so many mods and so many tech trees, saying you're at "mid tier" while inorporating so much is rather... challenging. Mid tier Thaumcraft-wise (addons included) is around the Thaumostatic Harness. Now, of course the harness provides verry little protection, but it does add flight. The only thing that I could do that would actually fit there would be the Thaumium Harness (thaumium armour + harness), but that's entirely unoriginal and not my style. And hell no to IC2 armour. 1. I don't feel like incorporating another dependency just for that 2. I'm no fan of IC2 anyways.

On the flip side, I am going to (eventually) add a set of Technomancers robes. No clue what they'll do as of right now, but if you want the "energy armour" you're just going to have to wait for that whenever it comes out.

How about really cool-looking armor that you can put other armor into, so you get the aesthetics of the technomancy armor with the protection and other perks of the armor of your choice? Or vice versa - armor that copies the aesthetics of another kind of armor while having its own bonuses?

Or have a mannequin that's bound to you, and have the technomancer's robes emulate whatever armor is on the mannequin. All the durability damage could be done to the mannequin's armor instead of the robes you're wearing, so you could do neat things like sending it off to a automatic repair system when you give it a signal from wireless redstone, or something like that.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How about really cool-looking armor that you can put other armor into, so you get the aesthetics of the technomancy armor with the protection and other perks of the armor of your choice? Or vice versa - armor that copies the aesthetics of another kind of armor while having its own bonuses?
That would actually be pretty cool. As well as putting the armor in there that you want, maybe you can somehow put in essentia into the individual pieces? So vanilla armor which serves as the determinant factor for physical protection, then essentia put into the armor gives "special effects." And this would also support Democretes above in which quantum jars have special effects. (Infuse quantum jars into the amor?) So the armor itself has the effects of the essentia infused into it. For example, if the armor had vanilla diamond armor in them and a Lux quantum jar, it would both let off light around the player as well as giving the protection of the diamond armor. And Ignis would light hostile mobs around you, Volito or Aer giving flight / higher jumping. This would allow you to have some type of customization with your armor as well as giving vanilla armor some actual uses.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you're going to go the route of customizable armor that's infused with various kinds of essentia, I think it makes a bit more sense to make it using a family of infusion recipes, ala vanilla thaumcraft infusion enchanting and the runic armor. For example, have something like 2 greebles, 1 whatsit, 1 thingamajiggy, and 3 crystallized essentia infused into vanilla TC robes. The crystallized essentia comes from tossing a diamond into a crucible with 64 of a certain type of essentia. Depending on the essentia used in the armor crafting, it will have different effects.

Of course, again you run into the problem of box-checking. Sure, lux essentia makes light and motus makes you move faster, but what the heck does granum, vacuos, or corpus do? You can probably think up effects for them all, but you're going to end up spending a lot of time working on something that nobody is really going to need or want.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You people are beautiful and I love you.

Anyways, current though process of the armour:
Armour is player bound and is put on an essentia powered mannequin. The mannequin can be set to draw different essentia types (one for each piece of gear) and will then apply effects to the player depending on the essentia added. The mannequin will not constantly draw, it will just need an initial amount to apply the effect, the amount increasing depending on the level of the effect chose (such as choosing a large protection bonus over a small one). On top of this, you can have your physical armour that your wearing providing other buffs. Therefore, you can have a quantum chestpiece applying a large protection bonus while wearing a Thaumostatic Harness. Obviously, not all aspects will apply an effect *cough*granum*cough* but most will.

Anti-mannequins can also be an option and act as a debuff instead of a buff. Link a quantum cufflink to the unliked player and then attatch it to the mannequin to apply debuffs to said player.

In other news, pretties:

In case you don't know what's going on, I'll explain.
The jars here are providing the essentia for the lower block. The block is linked to both jars, but only the first two as you can see. The other two coils are filtered to draw only a certain type of essentia and are both linked to the same block to draw from. The top coils then output to their respective jars.
Personally, a massive system of this would look totally amazing. It'd be like a frickin rainbow in your Thaumcraft room.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Some aspect ideas:
Granum: Randomly grows tiny plants under you rage increases with essentia.
Vacous: Draws in items to you, at high essentia it draws in mobs to.
Potentia: Randomly zaps things that hit you with lightning (wand focus lightning), range increases with essentia.
Ignis: Can lit enemys on fire when they hit you, lower range then lightning. Duration increases with essentia and with high essentia blocks get set pn fire.
Agua automaticaly put out fire on you and makes you swim faster. Speed increase with essentia.
Aer: Makes you take less fall damage and you fall slower.
Volatus: Higher jumping.
Motus: Faster running.
Iter: Speed increases over distance.
Tutamen: increases armor, duh
Telum: like thorns
Sano: incresed regen.
Victus: increases max health.
Ordo: Unbreaking
Auram: Gogles of revealing, more essentia=Longer range.
Perdito: Makes enemy tools take extra durability.
Gelum: Makes enemys hit slower after they touched you with thier wepeons. At high levels it slows you down and enemys that touch you.
Gelum: Freeze water below you medium levels and lava to obsidian at high. At low it makes snow like a snowman. The more essentia the more slipery the ground gets below you. Also extra armir damage in fire.

I can do that all day so just ask if you want more and also i think the effects should get more poserful the more essentia you give it per tick/other small time unit and to much of it also gives you debuffs.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Looks great, but Auram, assuming it works like the goggles of revealing, isn't really going to have better range at all. It could maybe make 'em more obvious and better "at a glance" info and Maybe further range before showing aspects and node type(hopefully even scanning 'em so you get info/research points). But that last one sounds like a bit of a stretch.