Technomancy, as much as you can guess from the name, is based around combing magic and technology in a (hopefully) fun way. A lot of blocks will be added based around the RF power system and using it to perform advanced magical shenanigins. There will be Ars Magica support as well (as soon as I can devise what I'm going to add) but that will be at a later date. Witchery and Blood Magic support are also on the list. There is definitely going to be a plethora of dynamos to power your base in
Current version: 0.5.1
I'm just making up version numbers at this point.
Thermal Expansion
But if you want content you'll add:
Thaumcraft 4.1*
Blood Magic 0.7.3e
Botania beta-16

You'll see this list expand in the future.
- Essentia Dynamo: Powered by any type of essentia. Each type gives a different fuel value by "category" (Primals have the same fuel value, Human-like aspects have the same values, plants are the same, etc). Essentia can be pumped in to any side and will be drawn from any type of jar regardless of label.
- Node Dynamo: Pulls aura from a node (without breaking it). Nothing but bright nodes will be able to keep up with the aura draw rate.
- Ecologic Transmuter: Buy supplying a very large amount of power, the Transmuter will terraform a maximum area of 300 blocks to either Tainted Land, Magical Forest, or Eerie biomes. Right Click to toggle the output biome.
- Quantum Jar: Stores 640 essentia. It will suck any essentia out of jars nearby as long as it has some essentia in it.
- Node Fabricator: Creates aura nodes using massive amounts of power, Aurum, and taint.
- Orderly Lamp: Reduces instability in infusion altars by pumping all the flux to another location.
- Ender Jar: Like an ender chest but with essentia.
- Essentia Coil: Transmits essentia wirelessly.
- Thaumic Dynamo: Uses magical fuel! Inteded to give double fuel values on things like alumentum and different types of wood.
- Golem Dynamo: A hamster wheel powered by golems! Faster the golem, the more power is produced. May incorporate strength in there somewhere.
- Essentia Reconstructer: The reconstructor will be able to create blocks/items out of essentia based on the block/items aspects.
- Magic Tesseract: Works similarly to a tesseract, but transfers magic around instead of items, liquids, and RF.
- Eldritch Consumer: Requires massive amounts of power to absorb surround blocks and turn them into essentia.
That goes double for this one.
- Coil Coupler: Couples coils.
- Pen: Scribing tools that last a lot longer.
- Energized Wand: A wand with a small amount of vis storage that recharges itself through capacitors.
- Fusion Wand Cap: Absorbs the base vis from nodes until their is nothing left destroying the node. A node can be created from the vis in the wand based off of how many nodes were destroyed and how much vis is in the wand.
- Essentia Cannon: Picks up jars of Essentia and gains different effects based on the type of essentia.
- Phase Saber: A sword that can toggle through wand caps changing its effect/strength depending on the cap.
- Excavation: Increased block ability.
- Fire: Damage increase and fire aspect for an extended period.
- Lightning: Massive damage incease and large knockback.
- Equal trade: Health Aborbtion.
- Frost: Weakness and slowness.
- Destabilizer: Drains hunger.
- Anti-Matter Bucket: Able to pick up/place flux goo. No, I don't care how OP it is. It will probably end up taking up a massive amount of space. So calm your tits balance-nazis.

If you see a version here that can't be downloaded, it's because I write the changelog before release so I don't forget what's been changed.
- Fix: Processors being dumb.
- Fix: Server crash.
- Added: New ore processing system including the Ignis Incinerator, Sanguine Infuser, and Botanical Purifier.
- Added: Ore Dict support for the ore processing system.
- Added: Pure ores for the ore processing system.
- Change: Essentia Dynamos have changed drastically. They now adjust their output and how often essentia is used based on their surroundings.
- Change: Node dynamos now have a range equal to that of the Wand Pedestal.
- Change: Blood fabricators now have a much harder recipe.
- Change: Other minor recipe changes.
- Change: Thaumcraft research has moved around a bit.
- Fix: Dynamos emit RF properly.
- Fix: Crash on breaking a conduit connected to a dynamo.
- Fix: Node dynamos transferring the wrong way.
- Fix: Galvanized bellows not placing correctly.
- Fix: A typo with "SacrificialIngot".
- Fix: Orderly lamps causing an absurd amount of lag.
- WIP: Full documentation on everything in Technomancy.
- Fix: Compatiblity works properly along with configs.
- Fix: Certain Blocks being placed causing crashes.
- Change: Blood fabricator recipe has been changed. It now requires a full tesseract frame instead of a blood altar.
- Fix: Parent mods not present causing crashes.
- Fix: Flower dynamo causing crashes.
- Added: Inter-mod compatibilities.
- Added: Config option to enable/disable mod features.
- Added: Blood dynamo.
- Added: Flower[Botania Mana] Dynamo.
- Added: Blood Fabricator.
- Added: Energy Condenser.
- Added: Config option to blacklist certain items/blocks from reconstructor.
- Added: Mana[Botania] Fabricator
- Added: Creative Jar.
- Fix: Flux lamp fixes.
- Fix: Dynamos rotation.
- Fix: Particle effects on block breaking.
- Fix: Something or another with coils.
- Fix: Node Fabricators breaking improperly.
- Change: a multitude of recipe/research changes.
- Some general code cleanup.
- Fix: Coils misbehaving.
- Fix: Coils display their filter.
- Fix: Bellows not working on infernal furnaces. I"m done with the asshats.
- Fix: Qjars causing crashes.
- Fix: Qjars work with golems.
- Change: Major recipe changes across the board.
- Fix: Bellows facing properly. Fucking asshats.
- Fix: Quantum jars causing a crash when draw the last drop of essentia. Hoarding jerks.
- Fix: Essentia Coil renderer causing crashes.
- Fix: Bellows being goofy asshats.
- Added: Energized wand
- Added: Galvanized bellows.
- Fix: Right click with pen core causing crash.
- Fix: Essentia Coils no longer link to essentia mirrors. Some compatibility with them may be in store later.
- Fix: Some typos.
- Change: Several recipes have changed.
- Change: Flux lamp's are more expensive.
- Change: Tesla coil's internal buffer reduced.
- Fix: Quantum jars work properly with labels and phials.
- Fix: Tesla coils dont' crash when trying to remove the aspect filter.
- Fix: Pen cores use the ore dictionary (for reals this time).
- Change: Added config option to turn off essentia coil particle effects.
- Change: Nerfed the hell out of essentia dynamos. Blame @YX33A and @trajing.
- Fix: There is now a proper description on how to use the Node Fabricator.
- Fix: Blocks now have a proper hardness.
- Fix: Quantum jars now render essentia properly
- Change: Coils are cheaper. Like ur mum.
- Change: Coils store less in their buffer.
- Added: Essentia Coils.
- Added: Orderly Lamp.
- Fix: Pen Core recipe not being registered in the oredictionary.
- Change: Beefed up the recipe for the Node Fabricator.
- Change: Moved Pen research to a different location.
- Change: Dynamos can be turned off via redstone signal.
- Change: Ecological Transmuter only runs when a redstone signal is applied.
- Updated to Thaumcraft 4.1(letter of the alphabet)
- Added: Ecological Transmuter.
- Added: Node Fabricator.
- Added: Research for all the things.
- Fixed: Essentia Dynamos not facing the right way.
- Changed: Quantum Jars are now more intelligent than your average jar.
- Changed: I don't actually know if I changed anything else. I think I did, so I'm just going to fill up this space.
- Bonus additon: Satyrical pen.
- Still ToDo: Fix quantum jar rendering.
- Fix: All tile entities now render their icons properly
- Fix: Node dynamos now work.
- Add: Essentia dynamos (I know they don't render their rotations. They do actually work though.)
- ToDo: Fix the essentia jar/Essentia dynamo renderer. (At least they work)
- Release

Technomancy 0.5.1
Technomancy 0.5.0a4
Technomancy 0.5.0a
Technomancy 0.5.0
Technomancy 0.4.2a
Technomancy 0.4.2
Technomancy 0.4.1
Technomancy 0.4.0
Technomancy 0.3.2
Technomancy 0.3.1a
Technomancy 0.3.0a
Technomancy 0.3.0
Technomancy 0.2.2
Technomancy 0.2.1
Technomancy 0.2.0
Technomancy 0.1.0
Thaumcraft 4.0.5b
Technomancy 0.0.2b
Technomancy 0.0.1
Technomancy 0.5.0a4
Technomancy 0.5.0a
Technomancy 0.5.0
Technomancy 0.4.2a
Technomancy 0.4.2
Technomancy 0.4.1
Technomancy 0.4.0
Technomancy 0.3.2
Technomancy 0.3.1a
Technomancy 0.3.0a
Technomancy 0.3.0
Technomancy 0.2.2
Technomancy 0.2.1
Technomancy 0.2.0
Technomancy 0.1.0
Thaumcraft 4.0.5b
Technomancy 0.0.2b
Technomancy 0.0.1

I can't, nor will I try, to prevent you from using your mod in any modpack, however, I do no condone this behavior either. If you are going to use my mod in your modpack, at least recognize me as the mod author and provide a link of some sort to the original mod thread (on either the Minecraft or FTB forums).
Legal Whatnots:
Technomancy by Democretes in now under the Creative Commons Liscence.
I can't, nor will I try, to prevent you from using your mod in any modpack, however, I do no condone this behavior either. If you are going to use my mod in your modpack, at least recognize me as the mod author and provide a link of some sort to the original mod thread (on either the Minecraft or FTB forums).
Legal Whatnots:
Technomancy by Democretes in now under the Creative Commons Liscence.
TL;DR-I'm making magic crafting and research easier with the use of a power system while adding endgame items.
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