[0.12.0] 1.7.10: Technomancy Discussion Thread

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That is the latest update, but a new update is likely to be released Sunday.

As far as seeing no recipes... Did you research the items in the Thaumonomicon?
Ah no. I didn't know that, I sorta expected the recipes to be vanilla crafting. Thanks :)
If many people want me to use CurseForge then I will but I am fine with the way things are now.

To be honest, it is rather tedious to find your latest builds AND up to date changelogs. You have a github, but info on it is lacking. No Jenkins? No CurseForge? No repository where I can simply view your latest builds and changelogs? Eww. I found out about your 0.10.e version via a link you posted here in these forums to a ... mediafire host (not that using mediafire is bad, but it's the first time I've been directed to a direct download from it)? As someone said before, mirroring your builds on at least one of many commonly used repositories would help get your mod more visible, and thus used by the community.

There are tools out there that allow a mod developer to streamline their development process. There's a reason why most people use Jenkins and CurseForge. It's because that's where modpack developers go to first when looking for the latest versions of the mods they use. Even when a mod developer doesn't update their forum posts - if they have a Jenkins or CurseForge repository with the latest downloads and changelogs, then I don't care if they never update their official forum posts, because I expect bleeding edge updates to be on Jenkins and CurseForge anyways.

Again, to be clear, I'm not jumping on the bandwagon and asking you to start using CurseForge (although, do note that FTB is moving to the Curse client, as it will integrate better with curseforge). Instead, I'm simply requesting better transparency of your downloads and changelogs. I would at least look into using Jenkins or a similar repository, and providing a link to it on your GitHub and other places (like the OP of this thread).

Other than that, I really love this mod. Glad to see there is a fix to the coil. Just ran into that issue today. This mod is the glue that holds our modpack together (we have a lot of cross mod integration). It plays really nice with a pack that uses both tech and magic, and wants to let players integrate the two.
I don't have much of an opinion on the Curse Client yet. We'll have to see how well accepted it is as time goes on.

As far as a Curse project page, it's a bit of work. In general I'm not a fan of mod authors having to maintain multiple pages, forums, wikis, etc. Seems to me it is likely to take some time away from actually developing and maintaining the mod. But, if the client gains traction, it is a great way to get the mod more visibility.

I do like Jenkins, but again, it's another thing to maintain. Free Jenkins servers usually have limited compile time, visibility, or lifespans and setting up your own server for that stuff is yet more of a distraction.

I'm not saying they aren't great ideas... But there is always a tradeoff or learning curve involved.

On a totally unrelated note, I don't know if anyone else likes watching these things, but I do... So:
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As said above, the Node Fabricator can sort of act as a modifier. What exactly would you be trying to change?

Um, in my case mostly the removal of taint from formerly hungry supernodes, but a general-purpose node modifier that works on node-in-a-jars even if REALLY expensive would do wonders... or not in jars if you're willing to let a hungry node eat your stuff, heh. Adding tainted to a node, or bright, or pure, or hungry, sinister, changing aspect levels, breaking apart compound aspects... I dunno just having that capability is so useful even when (who am I kidding especially when) it's exorbitantly expensive in the power/item/aspect categories. I don't mind having to throw a stack of wispy essences into an alchemical furnace to get a single point of aspect on a node. It suits the balance of TC just fine, and means that if you're running a pack with stuff like RotaryCraft so you can get a barrel-full in a few seconds because that's the resource level you've teched-up to (seriously, it's not easy to get that far in the mod. No crying OP unless you've actually played it. Reika designs his mod around real difficulty and engineering your own solution, not resource cost. Keeps his mod impressively balanced even in massive 300 mod packs.)? Well, it still suits it honestly.

Yeah, TC can be a little hard to get rolling in, but here are a few tips:
- Scan everything of course, but don't be afraid to "cheat" a little. There are a few aspects that are not really found on many things, like Auram and Vitium, that you would be better off just combining to get on your research table.
- Bite the bullet and embrace the Warp for Research Mastery, it's worth it.
- A deconstruction table, a hopper, and some autoclicker program is your friend.
- Crafting tables deconstruct into ALL primal aspects. I find these to be the best things to put in a deconstruction table to get research points.
- The first filled warded jar you scan is worth research points equal to the essentia in it, but only the first one. Make it count by filling the jar with something you have a shortage of research points in before scanning it.

Yeah, I know all the tricks... I already Scan All The Things, Warp isn't that bad with the new frequency reduction mechanic, having to leave my PC online and with an auto-clicker is both annoying and IMO unambiguous cheating (not that I really have a personal issue with cheating. I'm a server admin, inveterate tester and tinkerer, and I've done it legit before), Crafting tables are indeed awesome. Though anything with humanus or anything else with humanus in the chain which are: instrumentum, fabrico, lucrum, messis, meto, perfodio, pannus, telum, or tutamen would work too. Didn't know about the warded jar thing... that is useful!

Oh and I just artificially manufacture a taint biome (or use RFTools/Mystcraft to make a single biome taint world) for vitium, and Auram is surprisingly easy to come by in some mods... plus nether = wisp (gods they're annoying in there though!)

My problem with research is that the first time it's cool and teaches you a lot about the mod. The second time it's still kinda neat, but hey you did this already. The third and subsequent times? I want to use the Cheat Sheet or wait for someone else to do it and use the research sharing individually or the TT book... basically anything to skip doing the mini game. Which is a sign that the novelty was what was fun about the system (at least to me) and not anything fundamental to the system. Hard mode doesn't help much because you either have to keep the deconstructor bot on longer, or have a larger mod pack, or scan nodes in a flat/void world for longer to exchange the ease of not having to do the chain-connection which is actually cheaper on aspects (at least from the perspective of primals spent if you combined everything).
Um, in my case mostly the removal of taint from formerly hungry supernodes, but a general-purpose node modifier that works on node-in-a-jars even if REALLY expensive would do wonders... or not in jars if you're willing to let a hungry node eat your stuff, heh. Adding tainted to a node, or bright, or pure, or hungry, sinister, changing aspect levels, breaking apart compound aspects... I dunno just having that capability is so useful even when (who am I kidding especially when) it's exorbitantly expensive in the power/item/aspect categories. I don't mind having to throw a stack of wispy essences into an alchemical furnace to get a single point of aspect on a node. It suits the balance of TC just fine, and means that if you're running a pack with stuff like RotaryCraft so you can get a barrel-full in a few seconds because that's the resource level you've teched-up to (seriously, it's not easy to get that far in the mod. No crying OP unless you've actually played it. Reika designs his mod around real difficulty and engineering your own solution, not resource cost. Keeps his mod impressively balanced even in massive 300 mod packs.)? Well, it still suits it honestly.

Then the Node Fabricator may or may not be what you want.

It eliminates the need to do the "find a hungry node, feed it, taint it" dance.

The node fabricator will create a node, with whatever modifiers you want (after some experimentation).
It can also turn any node into a supernode, with whatever aspects you want on it, in whatever quantities you want. It is very expensive to do this, both from a power and essentia point of view.

In my test world I have a node with 9000 of every aspect in it. You can't get within 100 blocks of it without being blinded.
Heh, yeah I know that. But the ability to do it more... legit-ish could be cool too. Like you find a really nice node with one flaw to fix, like it's sinister but has 100 fabrico on it and you've got a compound focus on your wand recharger at home, but don't want eerie biome in your base. Make it cheaper than the fabricator to encourage exploration to find nodes that aren't quite perfect, but have that as an option for the people that either find node creation to be cheaty, overly expensive, or just not in line with their playstyle; ya know? You've got the addon where that makes the most sense, but in the end it is just a suggestion.
Sorry guys for not posting a build yesterday but there's a new feature I want to include in the next build so maybe today you'll have a new version.
(Ugh double-post)

Here is a new Technomany build with an automatic deconstruction table! (theflogat)
Improve detection of wrenches (Mordenkainen)
Not dependent on BC API anymore (Mordenkainen)
Lexica Botania integration (Mordenkainen)
Corrected spelling mistakes (Mordenkainen)
Clarified some descriptions (Mordenkainen)
Energized wand core now unlocks when scanning a silverwood wand rod (Mordenkainen)
Fix for galvanized bellows (Mordenkainen)
I am using RR3 with Techomancy 0.9.0 and still have issues with the galvanized bellows attached to infernal furnaces. According to the description they should speed up the furnaces more than standard bellows. But the furnace just works with standard speed as if no bellows are attached at all. By the way, do the speed increase of ignis + galvanized bellows stack?

The issue with using Galvanized Bellows with the Infernal Furnace should be fixed in the version theflogat posted above.

And yes, Ignis + Bellows should stack.

Also, Galvanized bellows can now be put on vanilla furnaces, which will speed them up slightly, and make them fueled by RF!
As far as a Curse project page, it's a bit of work. In general I'm not a fan of mod authors having to maintain multiple pages, forums, wikis, etc. Seems to me it is likely to take some time away from actually developing and maintaining the mod. But, if the client gains traction, it is a great way to get the mod more visibility.

You don't need to utilize ever facet of Curse's project pages. You, if you wanted to, could use it just for hosting files and leave the rest barebone. More than a few mods are like this. The main benefits of this are threefold: that it provides free and safe hosting for the mod, that you can find out download stats for the mod, and that it allows people to utilize the mod in 'third-party' modpacks in the Curse Launcher.

And, if you look at certain mods there like Botania you'd see that you don't need to maintain multiple wikis and forums. You can have it link directly to GitHub or other pages.
You don't need to utilize ever facet of Curse's project pages. You, if you wanted to, could use it just for hosting files and leave the rest barebone. More than a few mods are like this. The main benefits of this are threefold: that it provides free and safe hosting for the mod, that you can find out download stats for the mod, and that it allows people to utilize the mod in 'third-party' modpacks in the Curse Launcher.

And, if you look at certain mods there like Botania you'd see that you don't need to maintain multiple wikis and forums. You can have it link directly to GitHub or other pages.

That is a fair statement.

I have never set up a curse forge site, so can you actually prevent users from making posts to the Curse project site?
That is a fair statement.

I have never set up a curse forge site, so can you actually prevent users from making posts to the Curse project site?

Being that the Curse and CurseForge pages for Botania don't have a comments section, I believe the answer to that query is yes.
(Ugh double-post)

Here is a new Technomany build with an automatic deconstruction table! (theflogat)
Improve detection of wrenches (Mordenkainen)
Not dependent on BC API anymore (Mordenkainen)
Lexica Botania integration (Mordenkainen)
Corrected spelling mistakes (Mordenkainen)
Clarified some descriptions (Mordenkainen)
Energized wand core now unlocks when scanning a silverwood wand rod (Mordenkainen)
Fix for galvanized bellows (Mordenkainen)
Could I request you add releases to the OP please? A lot of people will be using outdated versions of the mod, as you don't add the latest versions there.
I know it's a hassle, but I have been running 0.9.0, came to report a crash, but it has probably been fixed since... However, because I didn't think to check here, I didn't think there was a new "full" release
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Could I request you add releases to the OP please? A lot of people will be using outdated versions of the mod, as you don't add the latest versions there.
I know it's a hassle, but I have been running 0.9.0, came to report a crash, but it has probably been fixed since... However, because I didn't think to check here, I didn't think there was a new "full" release

Well, they are considered beta versions. The fully stable versions are posted in the OP. Although, I can understand where you are coming from. I guess I'll have to put the latest beta on display there...
Well, they are considered beta versions. The fully stable versions are posted in the OP. Although, I can understand where you are coming from. I guess I'll have to put the latest beta on display there...
I just don't want you getting a million and one crash reports about the hippie dynamo (which was fixed)
A swimming pool full of Mana? HELL YEAH!

