Whitelist Server ★ Unix Network ★ - RPG Immersion Pack - White-Listed -

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In-Game-Name: Hologuardian
Real name: Mark
Age: 17
Have you ever been banned before?: Yes, by a raging admin who abused powers, insta demotion from moderator and a perma ban (which was lifted a few days later by popular vote on the server)...
Why do you want to join?(5-6 sentences I am really interest to see what people are able to come up with when having to face this monster of a mod. The fact that people are able to work together gives me the inspiration to continue coding it for you all. ;)
What experience do you have with D-RPG?: I coded it.
What role do you want?: Just a generic player, I may build a character and role if other players are willing to play along.
Why do you want that role?(5-6 sentences): I'm honestly just really interested in what the sever has to offer, I am an experienced roleplayer and have played a ton of RPG games ranging from hack'n'slashes to deep immersive dungeons and dragons campaigns. I believe that DivineRPG is a great base for serious roleplayers who want to play a role for the fun of creating a good story, and not just for running around and being a wizard. I would normally take this time to rant a ton about how poorly the average player can roleplay but I'll hold off on that for time's sake and just cut it short here.
I vow to follow the rules (I ___ vow to follow the rules under any circumstances): I Hologuardian vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Real Name: Dakota
Have you ever been banned before:Once on an smp server (a friend hacked my account and griefed the server( I changed the password after that))
Why do you want to join (5-6 Sentences):I only recently discovered divine rpg. Ive been looking for a mod like it for a long time now. I much prefer playing online then on a single player world, and this server looks extremely interesting to me :). I think playing on this server will help me learn alot quicker then i would playing by myself. And rpg servers are awesome :p
What experience do you have with DivineRPG (5-6 Sentences): Ive been playing on a single player map for about a week now. Im starting to get bored doing things solo, so i thought a server would be much more fun. Ive been scouring youtube and the wiki for information on the mod. A friend of mine introduced it to me, so they have showed me quite a bit of their world.
What role do you want: Preferrably miner (Or player if all else fails)
Why do you want that role (5-6 Sentences): When i play minecraft im usually very lazy, and 75% of my time is spent mining for materials. Im not the most creative person and my houses usually look terrible. Its probably my strongest skill in minecraft :p. I get the feeling it wont be an overly prefferable job, so if anyone should have too why not me? And my minecraft tends to be laggy kinda, so mining wont be so crazily intensive as something like scavenger.
Vow to follow the rules (I ___ vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.): I, Dakota, vow that i will follow the rules under any circumstances :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Real Name: Kyle
Have you ever been banned before: Never I have always been a legit player.
Why do you want to join (5-6 Sentences): I was getting extremely bored of mindcrack and have always wanted to play a fun rpg based server. I was looking around online for a new game, and realized it was in front of me all along! Then i found your server, so now im hoping to join! :D
What experience do you have with DivineRPG (5-6 Sentences): I actually don't have a whole lot of exp with it currently, i just found it litteraly half an hour ago and now i want to get online ASAP with players to play the game legitamatly! :D
What role do you want: I can do any sort of role, im not sure of the question exactly, as in, like what would i do when i log in ? I would collect the stuff needed to get awesome gear and perhaps do somefriendly duels with players :D
Why do you want that role (5-6 Sentences): It makes the most of a great game in my opinion! and make good friends that way too!
Vow to follow the rules (I ___vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.):I Kyle - Kudaaj, vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
still accepting applications? here i go then.
In-Game-Name: sabreTutut
Real Name: Mario (trust me on this one)
Age: 17, 18 this year
Have you ever been banned before: Nope, and I want to keep it that way :)
Why do you want to join (5-6 Sentences): I like RP very much. I enjoyed RP-ing in Terraria, and I love RP-ing in minecraft, so I have a goal for myself. When I saw this modpack released, I want to experience this with people, because RP-ing isn't very that interesting without people in it :) I want to join also because I'm looking for a whitelisted server for a more dedicated gameplay.
What experience do you have with DivineRPG (5-6 Sentences): I just started today, been reading the wiki a bit and looking let's plays in youtube. I don't really know much about it yet, because I haven't experienced it. If this server accepts newbies like me, I'd be so glad. I will do some SP first, take a quick look in it, and learning some of the recipes I need for my role.
What role do you want: I want to be a regular player for a while, until i get the gist of everything, and I'm going to delve into being a crafter. (If i need to pick a specific, I'll pick crafter :) )
Why do you want that role (5-6 Sentences): I love minecraft because it has an in depth crafting recipes in the mods (and in itself). I assume it will be the same with this too. The items list that I'm seeing in the wiki atm is... massive. There's a lot of everything, so I want to make it all, if possible memorize it all, and I don't like to be in the wilderness (I'm not a good adventurer).
Vow to follow the rules (I ___ vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.):I, Mario (sabreTutut), vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.

Hope I get in, thanks guys. Have a nice day.​


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
wow thats gay you denie people cause they dont give enough info when someone times it because they havet played alot of the mod pack it realy idiotic and your server gonna be shit if you keep denieing.
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Reactions: EpicPwn


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In-Game-Name: CoolioCors
Real Name: Corey
Age: 13
Have you ever been banned before: Never. Or not that I can remember.
Why do you want to join (5-6 Sentences): I would love to join a server with little people. Most servers I've been on have at least 50 or more people on and I just hate busy servers. As this server is white-listed, I assume there will be little or no grief and most players will be kind and helpful. Also, I like your ranks idea. I think it gives you more goals and things to do, unlike most servers (You build a house, maybe a farm and then get bored). Also, I like how we all work together; Sharing items, building houses for each other. It makes the server seem much more friendly and cooperative too.
What experience do you have with DivineRPG (5-6 Sentences): I have some experience with the mod as I have played around with it on single player, but as this is multi player I think it might be more fun. I have seen a few of the creatures, but not all of them. I have seen most of the aggressive mobs in the mod, but not many passive mobs. I think I've seen a whale or a dolphin or something like that before, but that's all. I have also seen most of the aggressive mobs that are in the different dimensions, as well as the passive ones.
What role do you want: Banker, or my second choice would be Scavenger.
Why do you want that role (5-6 Sentences): I think I would be quite good at being the banker of the server because I am responsible. Also, I like the idea of having a bank because it adds a realistic feel to the game. I think I would also be good as a scavenger as I enjoy exploring the world. It would also give me a chance to see some of the passive mobs that are included in this modpack. I would be quite good at this job, too, as I am good at spotting things. :)
If it's OK, I would also like to have both jobs, then I would never get bored and I would also be helping the server more. :)
Vow to follow the rules (I ___ vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.): I, Corey, vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances. Even if breaking the rules meant saving the world, I wouldn't do it. :D

Hope this app is better than my last one. :)



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No chance to re-apply? I saw a few applications where people have griefed, and I did get in five to six sentences. I griefed once and am not allowed to re-apply. Well that's fair! :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In-Game-Name: CMillions
Real Name: Connor
Age: 15
Have you ever been banned before: I have been banned momentarily on a survival server for bypassing a filter, but was unbanned within seconds. It was a joke ban.
Why do you want to join (5-6 Sentences): I would like to join this server because I have always wanted to try out a DivineRPG server in a community. It would be quite the time when you can adventure with friends into other dimensions and kill mobs together. I have always thought small servers were the best because it reduces the amount of griefing, and the whitelist adds to that. I really like the DivineRPG mod, and single player gets boring because it lacks other people. I am a fairly active player on the servers I do play on.
What experience do you have with DivineRPG (5-6 Sentences): Like many people, I have watched CaptainSparklez play DivineRPG in his mod series, and that has given me quite a bit of insight to the mod. I have also experimented with the dimensions in single player, so I know the order they go in. I know how to get to most of the dimensions, and I have seen quite a few of the weapons/items. I know only a few of the bosses, but they're pretty hard to kill without end game gear. I would love to know more by playing on a multiplayer server.​
What role do you want: Miner / MultiDimensional Traveler
Why do you want that role (5-6 Sentences): I would like the role of miner because I like to go mining and collect resources to advance my armor and tools. Miner and MultiDimensional Traveler go along because as a player, you're able to make the dimension easier for other players as well as mine ores to help out the economy. It would be awesome to be either one of those roles. Miner does receive the shicaxe which is an amazing pickaxe. MultiDimensional Traveler would be fun just to go to all of the dimensions.
Vow to follow the rules (I ___ vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.): I, CMillions, vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Denied, not enough information. one chance to re-apply.

Denied, not enough information. You are also lying to me. No chance to re-apply.

Denied, not enough information. You also have been banned before regardless if someone hacked your account. We can't take any risks. No chance to re-apply.

Denied, not enough information. One chance to re-apply.

Accepted, Welcome to the Unix Network! You will be white-listed in one to two hours of getting this message. If you have any questions about the server, feel free to ask in-game or in a PM, thank you! Also, thank you for re-applying and not giving up hope for this server.

Denied, not enough information. One chance to re-apply.

Denied, expand your information. You have the correct requirements, just elaborate more on them. One chance to re-apply. I suggest you take the role of crafter and put that in your application.

Thank you all who applied.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
(Not really sure what information I am lacking so I will go through and just add what I can because this server really appeals to me.)
In-Game-Name: bloodring509
Real name: Nick
Age: 16
Have you ever been banned before?: No
Why do you want to join?(5-6 sentences): I have tried out a few other RPG Immersion servers. This server seems the best bar far, with the roles and the no raid/grief. I want an actual community to play in, not just a loose net of players that kill each other on sight. I want to actually be able to trust the people I play with so we can help each other out and everyone benefits. The roles also seem very nice, and I think they would be very nice once put into action. On all of the other servers I have played on PVP was always allowed and completely legal, no matter which way you killed the person. This really aggravated me because I wanted to play the server for its mods and have a friendly community. I have read through the posts of people you have already White-Listed and they seem like a nice bunch to play and experience the rest of D-RPG with. I am very interesting in seeing as to how the community will turn out once farther into this mod's darkest dimensions. All in all this seems like a very nice server that I could play on and not get too worked up over because no one would be trying to kill me for no reason, or griefing my builds because they are bored.
What experience do you have with D-RPG?: I am not a master of the mod but I do know it quite well, I have been playing it for multiple weeks and know what I'm doing for the most part. The farthest I have gotten on single-player was the Uvite Islands. While I have played on a couple of other D-RPG servers I was usually only in a group of three or four people, whereas I always got the furthest in the group because I was usually the most experienced so I would stay behind and help them catch up, that let me get a lot of experience in the nether and a lot of time to fight mobs in the over-world, nether, end, and Dravite Hills.
What role do you want?: Dimensional Explorer (Or anything you need)
Why do you want that role?(5-6 sentences): I love exploring and collecting resources, so why not add an extra couple of dimensions into that mix? I like scouting areas in the new dimensions and fighting mobs in them as well. Getting gears and minerals/ores for others is something I like doing as well because it is for the betterment of everyone and not just myself. I have a lot of patience so going to other worlds and collecting resources would also be right up my alley. On the other few RPG Immersion servers that I have played on I was always the inter dimensional resource collector and I usually made everyone the armors and weapons from those dimensions, while having a lot of fun while doing so. While the mobs progressively get stronger in the further dimensions, one hitting you most of the time, I have no problem with dying a few times to collect valuable resources for everyone else to share and use. While I would prefer the role of Dimensional Explorer I would be happy doing anything, say farming or miner. I am familiar with the ways to kill the creatures of the deep in the over-world so the job of miner would be a cinch as well.
I vow to follow the rules (I ___ vow to follow the rules under any circumstances): I Nick vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.

(Hope I added enough information, thanks for the chance to re-apply.)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
White-List Format
In-Game-Name: NastyKneight
Real Name: Nate Shelton
Age: 19
Have you ever been banned before: Nope!
Why do you want to join (5-6 Sentences): I have been playing minecraft for about a year now and I really enjoy the game.
I think I would have a lot to offer to other players on the realm. Im super nice and im willing to help anyone who needs it. Although I am new to the DivineRPG I am well rounded
in other RPG games. Wow, Guildwars 2, Eden Enternal.
What experience do you have with DivineRPG (5-6 Sentences):
What role do you want: I would'nt mind just helping people and making sure they have what they while still learning the game.
Why do you want that role (5-6 Sentences):
Vow to follow the rules (I Nate Shelton vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.):


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In-Game-Name: bloodring509
Real Name: Nick
Have you ever been banned before?: no
Why do you want to join?:I have tried out a few other RPG Immersion servers. This server seems the best bar far, with the roles and the no raid/grief. I want an actual community to play in, not just a loose net of players that kill each other on sight. I want to actually be able to trust the people I play with so we can help each other out and everyone benefits. The roles also seem very nice, and I think they would be very nice once put into action. On all of the other servers I have played on PVP was always allowed and completely legal, no matter which way you killed the person. This really aggravated me because I wanted to play the server for its mods and have a friendly community. I have read through the posts of people you have already White-Listed and they seem like a nice bunch to play and experience the rest of D-RPG with. I am very interesting in seeing as to how the community will turn out once farther into this mod's darkest dimensions. All in all this seems like a very nice server that I could play on and not get too worked up over because no one would be trying to kill me for no reason, or griefing my builds because they are bored.
What experience do you have with D-RPG?: I am not a master of the mod but I do know it quite well, I have been playing it for multiple weeks and know what I'm doing for the most part. The farthest I have gotten on single-player was the Uvite Islands. While I have played on a couple of other D-RPG servers I was usually only in a group of three or four people, whereas I always got the furthest in the group because I was usually the most experienced so I would stay behind and help them catch up, that let me get a lot of experience in the nether and a lot of time to fight mobs in the over-world, nether, end, and Dravite Hills.
What role do you want? (Time to switch careers!): Miner (or any role needed)
Why do you want this role?(5-6 sentences): I am very patient so mining suits me as well as anything else, I know how to handle the mobs that spawn in caves and strip mines as well. I am quite familiar with where and how to collect the resources needed in the the over-world. I can mine for quite a while without getting bored, and I can easily change between mining for two types of resources as well (Ex. arlemite to iron). As said in my previous posts I am very familiar with the mobs that spawn in the deepest corners of the over world, such as Dramacryxs and Cave-clops, which can both be killed for resources such as realmite and corrupted shards. As said in the previous posts as well I am very versatile in what I am doing so I would be happy to be a scavenger or a farmer instead of a miner. I am quite experienced with vanilla as well so you can just task me with anything instead of just a specific role. Back on track another reason I would like to be a miner is that they pool resources for the masses. The more resources everyone has the more leisurely everyone can play. So it not only lets people in the community relax a little more because they have plenty of resources but also helps because people can focus on other things while someone goes out resource collecting.
I vow to follow the rules (I ___ vow to follow the rules under any circumstances): I Nick vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.

(Whew, second job transfer!)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In-Game-Name: bloodring509
Real Name: Nick
Have you ever been banned before?: no
Why do you want to join?:I have tried out a few other RPG Immersion servers. This server seems the best bar far, with the roles and the no raid/grief. I want an actual community to play in, not just a loose net of players that kill each other on sight. I want to actually be able to trust the people I play with so we can help each other out and everyone benefits. The roles also seem very nice, and I think they would be very nice once put into action. On all of the other servers I have played on PVP was always allowed and completely legal, no matter which way you killed the person. This really aggravated me because I wanted to play the server for its mods and have a friendly community. I have read through the posts of people you have already White-Listed and they seem like a nice bunch to play and experience the rest of D-RPG with. I am very interesting in seeing as to how the community will turn out once farther into this mod's darkest dimensions. All in all this seems like a very nice server that I could play on and not get too worked up over because no one would be trying to kill me for no reason, or griefing my builds because they are bored.
What experience do you have with D-RPG?: I am not a master of the mod but I do know it quite well, I have been playing it for multiple weeks and know what I'm doing for the most part. The farthest I have gotten on single-player was the Uvite Islands. While I have played on a couple of other D-RPG servers I was usually only in a group of three or four people, whereas I always got the furthest in the group because I was usually the most experienced so I would stay behind and help them catch up, that let me get a lot of experience in the nether and a lot of time to fight mobs in the over-world, nether, end, and Dravite Hills.
What role do you want? (Time to switch careers!): Miner (or any role needed)
Why do you want this role?(5-6 sentences): I am very patient so mining suits me as well as anything else, I know how to handle the mobs that spawn in caves and strip mines as well. I am quite familiar with where and how to collect the resources needed in the the over-world. I can mine for quite a while without getting bored, and I can easily change between mining for two types of resources as well (Ex. arlemite to iron). As said in my previous posts I am very familiar with the mobs that spawn in the deepest corners of the over world, such as Dramacryxs and Cave-clops, which can both be killed for resources such as realmite and corrupted shards. As said in the previous posts as well I am very versatile in what I am doing so I would be happy to be a scavenger or a farmer instead of a miner. I am quite experienced with vanilla as well so you can just task me with anything instead of just a specific role. Back on track another reason I would like to be a miner is that they pool resources for the masses. The more resources everyone has the more leisurely everyone can play. So it not only lets people in the community relax a little more because they have plenty of resources but also helps because people can focus on other things while someone goes out resource collecting.
I vow to follow the rules (I ___ vow to follow the rules under any circumstances): I Nick vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.

(Whew, second job transfer!)

Accepted! Welcome to the Unix Network! You will be white-listed in one to two hours of getting this message. If you have any questions about the server, feel free to ask in-game or in a PM, thank you!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In-Game-Name: seigaku87
Real Name: Nghia
Age: 17
Have you ever been banned before:
I have never been banned before; then again I don't join many servers online because the servers online just don't pull me in. Most of the time I just play with fellow friends, since I know them personally and they are less likely to grief me or mess with my builds. More than just my word, here's some proof that I haven't been banned.
Why do you want to join (5-6 Sentences):
At first, I wished to join simply to have a server with the RPG Immersion modpack because it seemed very interesting. Now I want to join because the server is starting to become active and I want to be a part of this server's beginning. I have always joined open servers without whitelists, mainly because I thought that it was too difficult to be accepted, but now I realize that the application process sifts through the applicants and that it only leaves the able and willing to join the server. I also want to join a RPG Immersion server because I enjoy the challenge that it offers and I believe that playing with a group of people will be much more enjoyable than SSP. Furthermore, I've never actually had a role in a server; they were all either too big and didn't notice me, or it was a dog-eat-dog world.
What experience do you have with DivineRPG (5-6 Sentences):
I have played on a small server with friends for a little; we didn't get much done and all we did was try and survive. In the end, I was able to get Realmite armor and a few Arlemite and Rupee ores. Towards the end of the server, my friend made a portal to another realm and we entered the world although we didn't do much in it. We just wanted to see what it was like, but after that we stopped playing. Recently, I've been playing RPG Immersion a little by myself but I didn't get too far this time either; I've gotten some Rupee armor but that's about it.
What role do you want:
I do not want to limit myself to any one specific role, so I'd like to be a Player, but I do enjoy farming, mining, and scavenging if you guys need me to take on a specific role.
Why do you want that role (5-6 Sentences):I would like to be a Player because I don't want to be stuck doing one task every time I join the server. I'd like to be able to change up my activities day-to-day; whether it's mining, scavenging, hunting, or farming. This way, I can also help out in whatever way I can and it's also possible for me commit myself to various tasks and have a variety of skills, sort of like a Jack-of-all-trades. Furthermore, I also wanted to join this server mainly to 'play'. I didn't join so that I could become one career-related role. A player seems to have endless possibilities, and I don't want my path to be chosen quite yet.
Vow to follow the rules (I ___ vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.):I, Nghia, vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Re-Apply Chance

In-Game-Name: CMillions
Real Name: Connor
Age: 15
Have you ever been banned before: Yes, I have been banned for a few seconds on a survival server that I play on regularly for bypassing a filter on a swear word. I was unbanned momentarily. If you need more information on that, I can message you.
Why do you want to join (5-6 Sentences): I would like to join this server because I've always wanted to play in a small, friendly community and meet courteous players. The RPG Immersion pack is an awesome pack, and will be fun to adventure to the other realms with players on the server. In single player, it is only fun for a few days. I lose interest without being able to talk to other people and interact. You, SilentThief, appear to be a mature and understanding owner of the server. I'm aware that you don't let anybody in because of the many requests denied. Furthermore, I don't favor griefers. The server is whitelisted, and has other measures to protect the builds of the server. This server seems like a fun place to make new friends and play the game.
What experience do you have with DivineRPG (5-6 Sentences): I know how to get to almost all of the dimensions, and somewhat the order they progress in. The mobs can be troublesome and difficult for new players, especially if they are just starting off. I don't know much about the bosses of the different realms, but I do know about the Ancient Entity and The Watcher from watching CaptainSparklez' YouTube series focusing around this mod. I would love to explore this mod to the final realms and end game items. That's really all I know about DivineRPG.
What role do you want: Player
Why do you want that role (5-6 Sentences): I would like the role of player because I just want to be a normal player on the server. I don't want to start with any fancy equipment right off the bat, and it would be a great challenge. I like to mine, build my own stuff, and travel through the dimensions. it would be nice to explore the opportunities of all the roles, and help out other players. Once again, I do like try everything out that this server has to offer.
Vow to follow the rules (I ___ vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.) I, Connor, vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In-Game-Name: Curatho
Real Name:Tim
Age: 23
Have you ever been banned before: no i have not, i have been playing alot on singel player or on my own surver.
Why do you want to join (5-6 Sentences): i like to join a group thats hand pick and not just random people who will not lissen to ruls, i can see that u dont just pick some one, and whant to know a thing or two about some one and i like that.
its better to bestrong whit a group that stand alone. and then again playing alone is not the Fun i have when playing along whit other good players
What experience do you have with DivineRPG (5-6 Sentences): i have dont got mutch Experience, but im playing singel player so i know a few things i hoop to lurn more whit u and have anice time.
What role do you want: Mining or any other class u need me to be
Why do you want that role (5-6 Sentences): i like to have ajob that meen's something so to get minerals for others and make us stronger
Vow to follow the rules (I ___ vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances. I, Tim, vow that i will follow the rules under any circumstances.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019